


作者:孙镇城 等 著





  The current oil product of China mostly comes from eastern China. Thus to follow the strategic policy of China National Petroleum Corporation“stalizing and developing the eastem while quickening the operation in westem part of China”and enforce the prospecting in eastem China to increase Oil & gas reserves successively is critical to the stalization of crude oil production of China. Currently, the oil production from the Eogene of eastern China accounts for nearly half of the gross oil production of China. And stratum is one of the targets of oil & gas exploration and the increasing of the reserves of China. As far as the facies of the stratum is concerned, it has been in dispute for more than 20 years in China. The discussions on the issue,wluch have promoted the development of related branch of learning, have not only theoretical significance, but also practical value. This is because a prospecting aiming at marine or transitional source rocks is different from that aiming at continental deep-lake or salfied-lake source rocks, at least to some degree. The kernel of the theory of continental petroleum geology is that oil and gas are generated within inland sedimentary basins;hydrocarbon distribution differs among different sedimentary basins; the distribution of oil and gas fields are controlled by source sags, that is, they are source-controlled. Thus prospecting should be concentrated on inland basins. The propecting drilling of deep-lake basins and salified-lake basins should be arranged around the sag centers of them, in terms of their sedimentary and tectonic features. This is totally different from the prospecting drilling of transgressive lake basins, which is arranged in terms of the directions and scales of each transgressions and the features of the transgressive deposits. Thus the current project deals with the application of the basic aspects of the oil and gas prospecting in China.
Chapter 1 Classification and Distribution of Salified Lake Basins in China
1.1 Classification of lakes
1.2 Distribution of Cenozoic salified lakes in China
1.3 Examples of salified lake basins in China
Chapter 2 Environments and Deposition Features of Salified Lake Basins
2.1 Climatic conditions
2.2 Tectonic setting
2,3 Geomorphic features
2.4 Types and compositions of the deposits
Chapter 3 Reconsideration of the “Transgressive Fossils” in the Continental Lake Deposits
3.1 Foraminifers of salified lakes
3.2 Nonmarine dinoflagellates
3.3 Calcareous nannofossils.
3.4 Reconsideration of the ostracods as transgressive indicators
3.5 0ther fossils
3.6 The marine ancestral microorganisms in the Yuncheng Salt Lake and Sanggan-Fenwei fault belt and their living environments.
3.7 0rigin of the marine ancestry in salified lakes
Chapter 4 Mineralogical and inorganc geochemical features of salified lakes
4.1 Minerals in continental salified lakes
4.2 Inorganic geochemical features of continental salified-lake deposits
4.3 Isotopes
Chapter 5 Discussions on the Eogene “Transgression” in Eastern China
5.1 Discussion on the Eogene “transgression” and its significance in oil & gas exploration
5.2 The paleogeographic and paleotectonic outlines
5.3 Relations between eustatic changes and the Tertiary transgressions in China
5.4 The sources of salt-deposit in continentallake basins
5.5 Main characteristics of the Eogene deep (salified) lake deposits in eastern China
Chapter 6 Eogene “Transgressions” in Jiyang Depression-the Upper Part of the 4th Member of the Shahejie Formation as an Example
6.1 Hydrobios and sedimentary environments
6.2 Geochemical features and the sedimentary environments
6.3 Comprehensive analysis of sedimentary environments and sedimentological features
6.4 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Hydrocarbon Generation of Salified-Iake Source Rocks
7.1 Aggregation of organic matter in salified lake
7.2 Content and type of the organic matters in Cenozoic salified-lake facies sedimentary rocks
7.3 Geochemical characteristics of salified-lake source rocks and crude oils
7.4 Hydrocarbon generation characteristics of the salified-lake source rocks
7.5 The theory of hydrocarbon generation in sedimentary rocks formed in salified-lake environments and its sigruficance
Explanation of Plates and Plates
