


作者:翟光明 等 著





  This book is based on the practical data and systematic studies of geological exploration for oil and gas in China over nearly half a century,it begins with regional geological background,systematically discusses the tratigraphi-cal zonation,trapping,and correlation,sedimentary development,structural evolution of the oil/gas-bearing provinces. It focuses on further analysis of oil and gas eneration,migration,accumulation,reservoir geology,hy-drodynamics,geochemistry of oil/gas/water,types of traps,formation mechanism and distribution of oil/gas reservoirs of Meso-Cenozoic non-marine and Paleozoic marine sedimentation.It provides theoretical insight into oil and gas geology of China,and includes Illustrations and maps to facilitate reading and use.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Ancient Germination of Oil and Natural Gas Geology(Before 1878)
1.2 Modern Scientific Theories of Oil and Gas Geology:lntroduction and Development(1878~1949)
1.3 First Breakthrough in Contemporary Oil and Gas Exploration and Birth of Chinese Oil and Gas Geological Theory(1950~August,1959)
1.4 Discovery of Petroleum Provinces in Eastern China and Systematic Development of Chinese Petroleum Geological rlheory(1959-1978)
1.5 Steady Development in Oil and Gas Exploration and Further Improvement of Chinese
1.6 Chinese Petroleum Geological Theories Tc)wards Perfection References
Chapter 2 Stratigraphy of Petroleum Provinces
2.1 Archaeozoic and Proterozoic Eonothems(AR-PT)
2.2 Paleozoic Erathem(Pz)
2.3 Mesozoic Erathem(Mz)
2.4 Cenozoic Erathem(Kz)
Chapter 3 The Sedimentary Facies in Petroleum Provinces
3.1 Sedimentary History
3.2 Non-marine Sedimentary System
3.3 Marine Sedimentary System
3.4 Sedimentation Model and Sedimentary Type of Source and Reservor Rocks.
Chapter 4 Tectonics of Petroleum Provinces
4.1 0utline of China Geotectonics
4.2 The Macroscopical Controls of the Geotectonic Evolution of China on the Development of Petroleum Basins
4.3 0il and Gas Provinces in China
4.4 Types of Oil and Gas Basins in China
Chapter 5 Hydrocarbon Generation
5.1 Formation and Distribution of Non-marine Source Bed
5.2 Rock Types and Their Geochemical Characteristics of Non-marine Source Beds
5.3 Thermal Evolution of Organic Matter in Non-marine Hydrocarbon Source Rocks
5.4 Source Rock-Crude Oil Correlation
5.5 Evaluation of Hydrocarbon-Generating Potential of Source Rocks
5.6 Conclusions on Hydrocarbon Generation in Non-marine Deposits in China
5.7 Marine Petroleum Source Rocks in China
Chapter 6 Petroleum Reservoir Rocks
6.1 General Introduction
6.2 Types of Non-marine Clastic Reservoir Rocks
6.3 Diagenesis in Non-marine Clastic Reservoir Rocks
6.4 Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs
6.5 Marine Carbonate Reservoirs
6.6 Metamorphic and Volcanic-rock Reservoirs
Chapter 7 Hydrogeology of Oil and Gas Fields
7.1 Chemical Features of Formation Water in China Petroleum Provinces
7.2 Hydrochemical Markers of Oil and Gas Field Waters
7.3 Hydrogeological Conditions for Petroleum Accumulation
7.4 Hydrogeological Conditions for Oil-Gas Reservoir Preservation
7.5 Comprehensive Hydrogeologic Evaluation for Hydrocarbon Gontent
Chapter 8 The Characteristics of Natural Gas Geology
8.1 Geochemical Characteristics of Natural Gas
8.2 Characteristics of Gas Source,Reservoir and Cap Rocks
8.3 Forms of Occurrences and Generating Conditions of Natural Gas
8.4 Characteristics of Gas Reservoir Distribution in China
Chapter 9 Properties of Crude Oil
9.1 Properties of Chinese Crude Oils and Their Relationship with Reservoir Depth
9.2 Primary Oil and Its Property Controlling Factors
9.3 Alteration,Evolutional Model and Genetic Classification of Crude Oils
9.4 0ccurrences and Genesis of Special Crude Oils
Chapter 10 Petroleum Migration
10.1 Primary Migration
10.2 Secondary Migration
10.3 Result of Migration
Chapter 11 011 and Gas Pools
11.1 Formation of Oil and Gas Pools and Petroleum Systems
11.2 Types of Oil and Gas Pools
11.3 0il and Gas Pools Accumulation Zones
11.4 0il and Gas Distribution
Chapter 12 The Characteristics of Petroleum Geology of China and Hydrocarbon Prospect
