


作者:白新理 主编





  由白新理主编的《工程力学专业英语》按单元编排,涵盖了常用的数学词汇及基本力学词汇,主要内容有理论力学、材料力学、结构力学、弹性力学、塑性力学、有限元法、流体力学、土木工程、结构设计、高层建筑、水工结构、建筑材料、项目管理等。最后,在附录中列出了常用数学符号的读法及缩略语。《工程力学专业英语》可作为高等院校工程力学专业的“专业英语” 课程教材,也可作为土木工程相关专业学生的参考用书。
Unit One
1 Theoretical Mechanics
2 Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium
3 General P1ane Motion
Unit Two
1 Absolute and Relative Velocity in Plane Motion
2 Instantaneous Center of Rotation in Plane Motion
3 Kinetics(Classical Mechanics)
Unit Three
1 Overview of Engineering Mechanics
2 Stress and Strain
3 Tensile Stress-Strain Behavior
Unit Four
1 Torsion of a Circular Bar
2 Deflections of Beams
3 Stability of Structures
Unit Five
l Influence Lines for Bending Moment
2 Force and Deformation Method
3 Moment Distribution Method
Unit Six
1 Dynamics
2 Structural Analysis Methods for Seismic Actions
3 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
Unit Seven
1 Elastics
2 Stress C0ncentrations
3 Elastic Constitutive Relations
Unit Eight
1 Plastic Behavior of a Tensile Bar
2 Mechanisms of Plastic Deformation
3 Plastic Limit Analysis
Unit Nine
1 Finite Element Method
2 Finite Element Method Programming
3 Soil Mechanics in Foundation Engineering
Unit Ten
1 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
2 A Brief History of the Development of Fluid Mechanics
3 Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics
Unit Eleven
1 Civil Engineering
2 Careers in Civil Engineering
3 Building Types and Design
Unit Twelve
1 Philosophy of Structural Design
2 Strength and Stiffness of Buildings
3 Design of Simple Structures
Unit Thirteen
1 Reinforced Concrete Structures
2 Development of Reinforced Concrete
3 Steel Sructurt
Unit Fourteen
1 Structural Forms of Tall Buildings
2 Bridge Structures
3 Techniques of Bridge Construction
Unit Fifteen
1 Hydraulic Structures
2 The Choice of the Type of a Dam
3 Experimental Techniques
Unit Sixteen
1 Building Materials
2 Modern Buildings Design and Structural Materials
3 Future Trends in Construction
Unit Seventeen
1 What Is Project Management
2 The Project Life Cycle
3 Civil Engineering Contracts
Unit Eighteen
1 Scientific Paper
2 How to Write a Scientific Paper
3 Some of the Mechanics Scientists
Appendix I Pronunciations of Greek Letters
Appendix II Expressions of Mathematical Symbols
Appendix III Common Abbreviations
Appendix IV Known Abbreviations of International Civil
Engineering Organizations
