


作者:江涛,肖敏 主编





  江涛 原北外青年教师,曾任北京戴尔国际英语学校副校长(现被美国培生集团收购)主管留学培训业务。2001年后受多家培训机构之邀于全国范围内教授雅思,赴百多所知名高校演讲千余场。2003年推出《80天攻克雅思》丛书,名列国内各大销售榜榜首,远销台湾及东南亚地区,2004年和同乡兄长彭铁城(现新航道副总裁)创办华盛顿英语学校。2005年与成卓女士创办卓成教育,2007年受聘主持中央人民广播电台经济之声早间英语节目至今。2008年起制作并主持“英语大赢家”动画&真人电视栏目,在多家电视台播出。至今出版各类英语教辅畅销类书籍百余册,千万余字,为当当网、亚马逊卓越网畅销书作者。
Social Class
Passage One Promoting Energy Efficiency in the DevelopingWorld
Passage Two Next-Generation Water Policy for Businesses andGovernment
Passage Three India's High-Stakes Urban Challenge
Passage Four Unlocking the Elusive Potential of SocialNetworks
Passage Five US Energy Savings: Opportunities and Challenges
Passage Six Confronting South Africa's Water Challenge
Passage Seven Older, Smarter, More Value Conscious: the FrenchConsumer Transformation
Passage Eight Understanding Online Shoppers in Europe
Passage Nine Helping Africans to Jump-start Their Industries.
Passage Ten A Glimmer of Hope for Newspapers
Culture and Education
Passage One Educating Global Workers
Passage Two The Economic Cost of the US Education Gap
Passage Three Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in USTeaching.
Passage Four How Global Organizations Develop Local Talent
Passage Five Linking Jobs and Education in the Arab World
Passage Six Putting a Value on Training
Passage Seven Improving Education in the Gulf
Passage Eight Rethinking Knowledge Work: a Strategic Approach
Passage Nine Getting More from Your Training Programs
Passage Ten Upgrading Talent
Passage One Beyond Paid Media: Marketing's New Vocabulary
Passage Two A Wholesale Shift in European Groceries
Passage Three An Early Warning System for Asset Bubbles.
Passage Four The Commodity Crunch in Consumer Packaged Goods
Passage Five The Basics of Business-to-Business Sales Success
Passage Six The Right Way to Invest in Infrastructure
Passage Seven How Women Can Contribute More to the US Economy
Passage Eight Seven Priorities for the UK Economy
Passage Nine Global Forces: an Introduction
Passage Ten Inside the US Stimulus Program:Implications for ThreeIndustries
Science and Technology
Passage One The Fast Lane to the Adoption of Electric Cars
Passage Two A New Segmentation for Electric Vehicles
Passage Three Riding Asia's Digital Tiger
Passage Four How New Intemet Standards Will Finally Deliver aMobile Revolution
Passage Fife Consumer Electronics Gets Back to Basics
Passage Six Using IT to Enable a Lean Transformation
Passage Seven When Job Seekers Invade Facebook
Passage Eight The Cost of Going Global for China's High-techCompanies
Passage Nine Managing Beyond Web 2.0
Passage Ten China's Internet Obsession
Passage One How Health Care Costs Contribute to Income Disparity inthe United States
Passage Two A better Way to Speed the Adoption of Vaccines
Passage Three What Consumers Want in Health Care
Passage Four The Missed Opportunity for US Health Insurers
Passage Five How Private Health Care Can Help Africa
Passage Six What Employers Think About Consumer-Directed HealthPlans
Passage Seven A Healthier Health Care System for the UnitedKingdom
Passage Eight Getting Patients to Take Their Medicine
Passage Nine Maximizing Efficiency in Pharma Operations
Passage Ten How to Design a Successful Disease-ManagementProgram
