


作者:姚晶静 主编





  《美术英语》所选文章内容涉及:国画、书法、西画、版画、雕塑、摄影艺术、建筑艺术、陶瓷艺术、环艺设计、服装设计、工业设计、平面设计、动画设计、家具、玩具设计等,共14个单元。每个单元围绕一个主题展开,下设:Pre.reading Activities、Text A和Text B三部分,融语言教学的听、说、读、写、译为一体,旨在提高学生的英语综合应用能力。每篇课文包括生词、短语、专业术语、注释、难点讲解和课后练习等内容。课文中生词、短语、专业术语和注释分别用不同的排版形式加以区分,便于学生学习。练习设计形式多样,将语言的学习和专业知识的学习融为一体。
Unit 1 Chinese Painting
Pre-reading Activities
Section A. Listen and Write
Section B. Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Traditional Chinese Painting
Text B Wu Daozi, Sage in Chinese Painting
Unit 2 Calligraphy
Pre-reading Activities
Section A.. Listen and Write
Section B: Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Wang Xizhi
Text B Chinese Calligraphy
Unit 3 Western Painting
Pre-reading Activities
Section A. Listen and Write
Section B. Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Han van Meegeren
Text B Two Landscape Painters
Unit 4 Graphic Arts
Pre-reading Activities
Section A. Listen and Write
Section B. Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Graphic Arts
Text B Albrecht D/irer
Unit 5 Sculpture
Pre-reading Activities
Section A: Listen and Write
Section B: Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Development of Sculpture
Text B Sculpture: Techniques and Materials
Unit 6 Photography
Pre-reading Activities
Section A: Listen and Write
Section B: Listen, Look and Speak
Text A A Revolutionary Female Photographer —— Diane Arbus
Text B What is Photography?
Unit 7 Architecture
Pre-reading Activities
Section A: Listen and Write
Section B. Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Baroque Architecture
Text B Tom Kundig and His Delta Shelter
Unit 8 Fashion Design
Pre-reading Activities
Section A. Listen and Write
Section B: Listen, Look and Speak
Text A T-shirt, Jeans, and Leather Jacket
Text B Pop Art Fashion
Unit 9 Environmental Design
Pre-reading Activities
Section A: Listen and Write
Section B: Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Group Seeks Comment on Sustainable Landscape Report
Text B SoHo So High
Unit 10 Industrial Design
Pre-reading Activities
Section A. Listen and Write
Section B. Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Alessi. Fun Design for Everyone
Text B The Development of Industrial Design
Unit 11 Ceramics
Pre-reading Activities
Section A. Listen and Write
Section B. Listen, Look and Speak
Text A The Development of Porcelain
Text B A Guide to Porcelain Pottery Values
Unit 12 Furniture and Toy Design
Pre-reading Activities
Section A. Listen and Write
Section B. Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Modern Furniture Trends
Text B The Art of Toys
Unit 13 Animation Design
Pre-reading Activities
Section A. Listen and Write
Section B. Listen, Look and Speak
Text A History of Animation and Animation Art
Text B Chinese Animation: Splendid Past, Bitter Present
Unit 14 Graphic Design
Pre-reading Activities
Section A. Listen and Write
Section B. Listen, Look and Speak
Text A Graphic Design
Text B Graphic Designer —— David Carson
