
英语国家文化概况(下 高职高专英语专业适用)

英语国家文化概况(下 高职高专英语专业适用)

作者:李兰波,岑红霞 主编





暂缺《英语国家文化概况(下 高职高专英语专业适用)》作者简介
Unit 6 Etiquette and Manners
Section A Business Etiquette
6. 1 Making an Introduction
6. 2 Invitations and Replies
6. 3 Receiving and Giving Presents
Section B Daily Life Etiquette
6. 4 Table Manners
6. 5 Dating
6. 6 Apologies and Requests
Unit 7 Ways of Living Section A The UK
7. 1 Diet, Housing and Transportation
7. 2 Family Life
7. 3 Leisure and Recreation
Section B The US
7. 4 Diet, Housing and Transportation ..
7. 5 Family Life
7. 6 Leisure and Recreation
Section C Canada, Australia and New Zealand
7. 7 Diet, Housing and Transportation
7. 8 Family Life
7·9 Leisure and Recreation
Unit 8 Holidays and FestYvals
Section A The UK
8. 1 Religious Festivals
8. 2 National Holidays
8. 3 Local Festivals
Section B The US
8. 4 National Holidays
8. 5 Four Patriotic Holidays
8. 6 Other Holidays
Section C Canada, Australia and New Zealand
8. 7 National Holidays in Canada
8. 8 National Holidays in Australia
8. 9 National Holidays in New Zealand
Unit 9 Tourist Attractions
Section A Famous Cities
9. 1 The UK
9. 2 The US
9. 3 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section B Historic and Scenic Spots
9. 4 The UK
9. 5 The US
9. 6 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Unit 10 Literature Section C Industrial Visiting
9. 7 The UK
9. 8 The US
9. 9 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section A Great Writers
10. 1 The UK
10. 2 The US
10. 3 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section B Great Works
10. 4 The UK
10. 5 The US
10. 6 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Brief Introduction of Texts
