


作者:(英)马利 编著





  Alan Maley has worked inEnglish Language teaching for 40 years in 10 countries. Hewas the first British CouncilEnglish Language Officer inChina and started up the BritishCouncil programmes withChinese universities between1980-1984. While in Beijing,he helped introduce Follow Meinto China. Since 1988 he hasworked in Cambridge,Singapore, Thailand andMalaysia. He has pubt.ishedover 30 books and is serieseditor for the Oxford ResourceBooks for Teachers.
Unit 1  Introduction
 Unit Letter
 Section 1 Two Fables
 Section 2 A Short Story
 Section 3 Literature Is All Around Us
Unit 2  The Language of Literature
 Unit Letter
 Section 1 Comparing Things
 Section 2 Some Other Figures of Speech and Literary Devices
 Section 3 Word Choice
 Section 4 Sentence Structure
Unit 3  Short Stories
 Unit Letter
 Section 1 Narrative and the Short Story
 Section 2 Plot
 Section 3 Setting
 Section 4 Characterisation
 Section 5 Point of View
 Section 6 Time Structure, Dialogue, and Endings
 Enrichment Reading
  1 Ernest Hemingway: Hills Like White Elephants
  2 Alan Maley: The Man Who Talked to Trees
  3 James Joyce: Eveline
  4 Robley Wilson : Thief
  5 Sherwood Andeon: Paper Pills
Unit 4  Novels
 Unit Letter
 Section 1 Character Description
 Section 2 Setting
 Section 3 Dialogue
  Section 4 Point of View
  Section 5 Plot / Critical Incidents
 Section 6 Openings and Closings
 Enrichment Reading
  1 Graham Greene : A Burnt-Out Case
  2 Jean Rhys : Wide Sargasso Sea
  3 Thomas Hardy : The Mayor of Casterbridge
  4 Oscar Wilde : The Picture of Dorian Gray
  5 Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea
  6 Charles Dicke : Great Expectatio
Unit 5  Non-Fiction
 Unit Letter
 Section 1 Speeches
 Section 2 Essays
 Enrichment Reading
  1 Martin Luther King : I Have a Dream
  2 Jawaharlal Nehru : Speech on the Granting of Indian
    Independence, August 14, 1947
  3 Sir Francis Bacon: Of Studies
Unit 6  Poetry
 Unit Letter
 Section 1 Introduction and the Types of Poetry(I)
 Section 2 The Types of Poetry(2)
 Section 3 The Forms of Poetry(I)
 Section 4 The Forms of Poetry(2)
 Section 5 The Devices of Poetry
 Section 6 Bringing It All Together
 Enrichment Reading
  1 Tennyson : The Charge of The Light Brigade
  2 Oscar Wilde : Ballad of Reading Gaol
  3 Emily Dickion: Wild Nights ! Wild Nights !
  4 Anne Sexton: Words
  5 Jack Prelutsky: Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face
  6 Benjamin Zephaniah : The War Process
  7 Norman MacCaig : Interruption to a Journey
  8 Edward Thomas : The Owl
  9 Mary Yamall: Too Soon
  10 Vicki Feaver: Coat
  11 W.H.Davies: Leisure
  12 Abdul Ghafar Ibrahim : The Wall
Unit 7  Drama
 Unit Letter
 Section 1 Comedy
 Section 2 Tragedy
 Section 3 Theatre of the Absurd
 Section 4 Theatre of Social Commentary
 Section 5 Historical Drama
 Enrichment Reading
  1 Tom Stoppard : In the Native State
  2 Harold Pinter. The Birthday Party
  3 Arnold Wesker. The Merchant
Unit 8  Revision
 Unit Letter
 Section 1 Revision of Units 1 and 2
 Section 2 Revision of Unit 3
 Section 3 Revision of Unit 4
 Section 4 Revision of Unit 5
 Section 5 Revision of Unit 6
 Section 6 Revision of Unit 7
 Task Feedback
 Sources of Extracts
