法界源流图(清)丁观鹏绘一、大慈大悲的观世音观世音菩萨的缘起法力无边——不同化身普渡众生观世音多见女相应身最爱欢迎的菩萨二、本画卷精选的内容卷首——乾隆御识观世音众应身神像1 普门品观世音……
西藏佛教密宗艺术李冀诚The Realm of Tibetan BuddhismEsoteric Buddhism, which originated in ancientIndia, was introduced into Tibet in the seventh cen-tury. Since then, it has evolved in a different socialand historical environment into.a unique sect knownas Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism. Regarded by the Ti-betan Buddhists as "the essence of the sacred reli-gion", it has a long tradition in Tibet and its influenceon the culture, history and the life of the Tibetanpeople has been very strong. To gain a true under-standing of Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism, one has tostudy not only its canonical texts, but its works of artrelated to the religious beliefs. These works, in thevarious forms and expressions, will bring one intovisual contact with the religious order.The Realm of Tlbetan Buddhlsm outlines theorigin, development, canonical texts, meditativepractices and, in particular, the works of art relatedto Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism. These works of art aredivided into eight categories: bronzes, cloth painting,frescoes, clay moulding, wood carving. wood tabletpainting, stone carving and ritual objects. The 159pictures contained in this book which amply show theworks of art in their traditional style, are takendirectly from various sites in Tibet during a period offive years. Many of the objccts shown in the picturesare valuable cultural relics and arc rare items of artin Tibet. The Realm of Tibetan Buddhism, with itsscholarly introduction and precious pictures, will beof enormous value to artists, students and scholarsof Buddhism in general and of Tibetan Buddhism inparticular.
佛本生故事高宝生等绘图本书共收入故事33个, 叙述释迦牟尼(约前565-前486)佛前生的故事