作者:吴诗玉 主编
第1部分 古希腊经典神话
Chapter 1 Greek Mythology: A General Introduction
1.1 The Geography of Greece
1.2 Hesiod's Theogony
1.3 The Origin of Man and Woman
1.4 Human-like Gods
1.4.1 Love Affairs of Zeus
1.4.2 Revenge of Hera
1.5 Myths Explaining the Natural Facts
1.5.1 Hades and Persephone
1.5.2 Arachne
1.5.3 Narcissus and Echo
Chapter 2 Legendsin the Greek Mythology
2.1 TheTrojan War
2.1.1 The Golden Apple of Distord
2.1.2 The Abductiori of Helen
2.1.3 Odysseus and Achilles
2.1.4 The Siege of Troy
2.1.5 The Death of Hector and Achilles
2.1.6 The Sack of Troy
2.2 Oedipus the King
2.2.1 The Terrible Prophecy
2.2.2 The Sphinx's Riddle
2.2.3 The Plague
2.2.4 Oedipus at Colonus
2.2.5 Seven Against Thebes
2.3 The Story of Jason and the Golden Fleece
2.3.1 Early Years of Jason
2.3.2 The Origin of the Golden Fleece
2.3.3 The Journey of the Argonauts
2.3.4 The Procurement of the Golden Fleece
2.3.5 The Return Journey of the Argonauts
2.3.6 Treachery of Jason
Chapter 3 Homer and His Epics
3.1 Homer and Oral Poetry
3.2 The Iliad and The Odyssey
3.2.1 The Iliad
3.2.2 The Odyssey
3.2.3 Literary Influences
3.3 Homeric Society
第2部分 城邦时代与波斯战争
Chapter 4 Greek City-states and Expansion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Polis
4.2.1 The Characteristics of the Polis
4.2.2 The Concept of Citizenship
4.2.3 The Poor, Women, and Chattel Slavery
4.2.4 The Significance of the Polis
4.3 Colonization
4.3.1 Why They Colonize?
4.3.2 The Process of Colonization
4.3.3 MotherPcity and Colony
4.3.4 Significance of Greek Colonization
Chapter 5 The Rise of Sparta: The Formation of A Martial Utopia
5. 1 Introduction
5.2 The Dark Age and the Archaic Period
5.3 Lycurgus and His Reforms
5.3.1 Background
5.3.2 The Reforms of Lycurgus and the Development of Spartan Oligarchy
5.3.3 The Spartan Way of Life: Agoge, Common Meals, Austerity
5. 3. 4 Spartan Women
5.3.5 The Cost of the Utopia Martial State
Chapter 6 The Rise of Athens: The Way to Democracy and Prosperity
6. 1 The Beginnings
第3部分 经典的古希腊(上)
第4部分 经典的古希腊(下)
第5部分 马其顿的崛起和亚历山大的东征
Chapter 1 Greek Mythology: A General Introduction
1.1 The Geography of Greece
1.2 Hesiod's Theogony
1.3 The Origin of Man and Woman
1.4 Human-like Gods
1.4.1 Love Affairs of Zeus
1.4.2 Revenge of Hera
1.5 Myths Explaining the Natural Facts
1.5.1 Hades and Persephone
1.5.2 Arachne
1.5.3 Narcissus and Echo
Chapter 2 Legendsin the Greek Mythology
2.1 TheTrojan War
2.1.1 The Golden Apple of Distord
2.1.2 The Abductiori of Helen
2.1.3 Odysseus and Achilles
2.1.4 The Siege of Troy
2.1.5 The Death of Hector and Achilles
2.1.6 The Sack of Troy
2.2 Oedipus the King
2.2.1 The Terrible Prophecy
2.2.2 The Sphinx's Riddle
2.2.3 The Plague
2.2.4 Oedipus at Colonus
2.2.5 Seven Against Thebes
2.3 The Story of Jason and the Golden Fleece
2.3.1 Early Years of Jason
2.3.2 The Origin of the Golden Fleece
2.3.3 The Journey of the Argonauts
2.3.4 The Procurement of the Golden Fleece
2.3.5 The Return Journey of the Argonauts
2.3.6 Treachery of Jason
Chapter 3 Homer and His Epics
3.1 Homer and Oral Poetry
3.2 The Iliad and The Odyssey
3.2.1 The Iliad
3.2.2 The Odyssey
3.2.3 Literary Influences
3.3 Homeric Society
第2部分 城邦时代与波斯战争
Chapter 4 Greek City-states and Expansion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Polis
4.2.1 The Characteristics of the Polis
4.2.2 The Concept of Citizenship
4.2.3 The Poor, Women, and Chattel Slavery
4.2.4 The Significance of the Polis
4.3 Colonization
4.3.1 Why They Colonize?
4.3.2 The Process of Colonization
4.3.3 MotherPcity and Colony
4.3.4 Significance of Greek Colonization
Chapter 5 The Rise of Sparta: The Formation of A Martial Utopia
5. 1 Introduction
5.2 The Dark Age and the Archaic Period
5.3 Lycurgus and His Reforms
5.3.1 Background
5.3.2 The Reforms of Lycurgus and the Development of Spartan Oligarchy
5.3.3 The Spartan Way of Life: Agoge, Common Meals, Austerity
5. 3. 4 Spartan Women
5.3.5 The Cost of the Utopia Martial State
Chapter 6 The Rise of Athens: The Way to Democracy and Prosperity
6. 1 The Beginnings
第3部分 经典的古希腊(上)
第4部分 经典的古希腊(下)
第5部分 马其顿的崛起和亚历山大的东征