作者:(美)巴尔曼 等编著
《中学英语阶梯阅读1》系列丛书引进并改编自Success with Reading英文原版.是包含四个级别的进阶式英语阅读教程。每本教程包含题材广泛、风格各异的近百篇阅读文章,配以精美图片.并附有实用的练习题。阅读材料全部取自原汁原味的英语文章,内容涵盖文化、艺术.生物、科技、历史、地理等多个方面.让学生在享受阅读乐趣的同时,增长百科知识,提高英语能力。《中学英语阶梯阅读1》编者云集国内知名院校的骨干英语教师,对全部语篇进行精心改编——标注语篇中出现的《英语课程标准》重点词.帮助学生学习;对语篇的文化背景知识加注,帮助学生更好地理解语篇内容;对超出《英语课程标准》范围的生词、难词标注中文词义.便于学生不问断地阅读。
Part 1 Information
1. Trip to Yellowstone National Park
2. The Amazing Butterfly
3. The Battle of Midway
4. Harvard University
5. Bitten by a Snake!
Part 1 Key Points
1. The Panama Canal
2. Walt Disney
3. Soccer The Beautiful Game
4. The Future of Cellphones
5. The Maasai
Part 2 Enjoyment
1. Battle Bots: Let the Games Begin!
2. The Harry Potter Craze
3. Jokes
4. J-Horror
5. The Life and Works of William Shakespeare
Part 2 Details
1. Camels :The Ships of the Desert
2. Nike Inc
3. Obesity
4. The Brothers Grimm
S. The Importance of Language
Part 3 Getting the Whole Picture
1. Beatlemania
2. JFK
3. The Mysterious Gypsies
4. Disaster on 9/11/2001
Part 4 Summarizing
1. Jackie Chan: Hong Kong's Superstar
2. The Huge Pyramids of Giza
3. The UFO Crash at Roswell, New Mexico
4. Being Thankful at Thanksgiving
5. Climbing Qogir
Part 5 Inference
1. Wikipedia:The Online Know-It-All
2. Vincent van Gogh
3. Lemurs of Madagascar
4. The Biggest River on Earth
5. Global Warming
Part 6 Critical Thinking
1. The Genius of Albert Einstein
2. Hollywood
3. Flying Cars
Part 7 Analyzing Questions and Answers
1. The Wonders of DNA
2. Superman
3. Switzerland
4. Star Signs of the Zodiac
5. Avoiding Cancer
Part 8 Review Test
1. Dinosaurs
2. Aspirin
3. The First Money
4. Leonardo da Vinci
Part 1 Synonyms and Antonyms
Part 2 Words in Context
Part 3 Words Derived From Other Words
Part 4 Review Test
Review Test
1. Trip to Yellowstone National Park
2. The Amazing Butterfly
3. The Battle of Midway
4. Harvard University
5. Bitten by a Snake!
Part 1 Key Points
1. The Panama Canal
2. Walt Disney
3. Soccer The Beautiful Game
4. The Future of Cellphones
5. The Maasai
Part 2 Enjoyment
1. Battle Bots: Let the Games Begin!
2. The Harry Potter Craze
3. Jokes
4. J-Horror
5. The Life and Works of William Shakespeare
Part 2 Details
1. Camels :The Ships of the Desert
2. Nike Inc
3. Obesity
4. The Brothers Grimm
S. The Importance of Language
Part 3 Getting the Whole Picture
1. Beatlemania
2. JFK
3. The Mysterious Gypsies
4. Disaster on 9/11/2001
Part 4 Summarizing
1. Jackie Chan: Hong Kong's Superstar
2. The Huge Pyramids of Giza
3. The UFO Crash at Roswell, New Mexico
4. Being Thankful at Thanksgiving
5. Climbing Qogir
Part 5 Inference
1. Wikipedia:The Online Know-It-All
2. Vincent van Gogh
3. Lemurs of Madagascar
4. The Biggest River on Earth
5. Global Warming
Part 6 Critical Thinking
1. The Genius of Albert Einstein
2. Hollywood
3. Flying Cars
Part 7 Analyzing Questions and Answers
1. The Wonders of DNA
2. Superman
3. Switzerland
4. Star Signs of the Zodiac
5. Avoiding Cancer
Part 8 Review Test
1. Dinosaurs
2. Aspirin
3. The First Money
4. Leonardo da Vinci
Part 1 Synonyms and Antonyms
Part 2 Words in Context
Part 3 Words Derived From Other Words
Part 4 Review Test
Review Test