
疯狂英语:彩图初级英语语法Let's See!

疯狂英语:彩图初级英语语法Let's See!

作者:(美)拉特 主编





  《疯狂英语:彩图初级英语语法Let's See!》适合初中起点学习者使用,可供课堂上补充使用,亦可自学!本套是专为初学者所设计的语法书,采用大开本全彩印刷,搭配上百张吸睛彩图解说,彻底改变你对语法书的刻板印象,给你不一样的学习新感受!《疯狂英语:彩图初级英语语法Let's See!》的特点:1.基础语法收录初级必学的语法知识,难度适中。绝对符合初学者的需要。2.一页语法,一页练每一单元采用对页编排。左页讲解语法重点知识,右页立即做练习,分量固定,学习进度好安排。能定焦学习重点,也能立即检测学习成效。3.列点说明,好抓重点各单元内的语法点。采取条列式说明,清楚易消化。4.彩色图解上千张的彩色图片,带你进入语法的美丽新世界。大量的图解练习,没有语法书密密麻麻的文字背诵压力,学习语法也可以放松无负担!5.丰富例句丰富而多元的生活化例句,取材广泛,运动、休闲、阅读及饮食都在取材范围内,句子简洁易阅读,让学语法就像说会话一样轻松惬意。6.表格分析大量采用表格式说明,或归纳重点,或进行比较,或补充资讯,一目了然,有效捕捉重点资讯。7.密集练习占全书一半分量的练习题,就是为了帮助学习者能借由大量练习,将语法诉诸于实用,在实用中真正领略语法,运用语法于无形,而非背了就忘。习题的编写以简单、切中练习目标为主,不以考倒学习者为出发点,即使疯狂练习也不厌倦。
暂缺《疯狂英语:彩图初级英语语法Let's See!》作者简介
Chapter1 Nouns and articles
1 Countable nouns:plural forms of regular nouns (1)
2 Countable nouns:plural forms of regular nouns(2)
3 Countable nouns:irregular nouns and other plural nouns
4 A, an
5 A, an, the
6 Uncountable nouns
7 Counting an uncountable noun
8 Talking in general
9 Proper nouns
10 Expressions with and without"the" (l)
11 Expressions with and without "the" (2)
12 0ther expressions without "the"
13 Possessive: 's
14 Possessive: the…of…
15 Review test of Units l-14
Chapter 2 Pronouns
16 Personal pronouns: subject pronouns
17 Personal pronouns: object pronouns
18 Personal pronouns: possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives
19 Indefinite pronouns and adjectives:some, any
20 Indefinite pronouns and adjectives:many: much, a lot of, enough
21 Indefinite pronouns and adjectives:little,a little,few, a few
22 Indefinite pronouns:one, ones and some compound pronouns
23 Indefinite pronouns:someone/somebody, anyone/anybody
24 Indefinite pronouns: something/somewhere,anything/anywhere
25 Indefinite pronouns: no one/nobody/nothing/nowhere,everyone/everybody/everything/everywhere
26 This, that, these, those
27 Reflexive pronouns and "each other"
28 Review test of Units 16-27
Chapter 3 Present tense
29 Present tense of the verb "be"
30 There is: there are
31 Have got
32 Present simple tense
33 Present continuous tense
34 Compar'son between the present continuous tense and the present simple tense
35 Verbs not normally used in the continuous tense
36 Review test of Units 29-35
Chapter 4 Past tense
37 Past tense of the verb "be"
38 Past simple tense (1)
39 Past simple tense (2)
40 Past continuous tense
41 Present perfect simple tense (1)
42 Present perfect simple tense (2)
43 Comparison between the present perfect simple tense and the past simple tense
44 Review test of Units 37-43
Chapter 5 Future tense
45 Present continuous tense forthe future
46 "Be going to" for the future
47 Simple future tense "will"
48 Comparison between "will", "be going to" and the present continuous tense
49 Review test of Units 45-48
Chapter 7 Common verbs
Chapter 8 Model verbs.
Chapter 9 Types of sentence.
Chapter 10 Phrasal verbs
Chapter 11 Adjectives and adverbs
Chapter 12 Prepositions
Chapter 13 Conjunctions
Chapter 14 Numbers, time and dates
Progress test
