


作者:Eric Wayne Fink,Jesscia Dawn Brosius,王雄,方振宇,王玲 编著





Chapter 1 纽约来客New Yorker
Section 1 购买机票Flight Ticket Re Servation
Section 2 检票登机Check In and Boarding
Section 3 在飞机上On the Plane
Section 4 行李提取Retrieving the Luggage
Section 5 通关检查 Security Check
Section 6 问路指路Directions Inquiry
Section 7 坐公交Take a Bus
Section 8 坐地铁Take a Subway
Section 9 坐出租车Take a Taxi
Section 10 自驾车Drive a Car
Section 11 骑自行车Ride a Bicycle
Chapter 2 你好,buddy(基本社交)Basic Communication
Section 1 见面问候Greetings
Section 2 介绍与回应介绍Introductions and Reply
Section 3 感谢与回谢Gratitude and Reply
Section 4 道歉与回应Apologize and Reply
Section 5 邀请与回应Invitation and Reply
Section 6 接打电话Answering the Phone
Section 7 天气Weather
Section 8 时间与日期Time and Date
Section 9 告别Farewell
Chapter 3 想念温暖的家(家庭生活)Family
Section 1 家人团聚Reunion
Section 2 家的模样Home
Section 3 睡觉起床Sleeping and Waking up
Section 4 一日三餐Meals
Section 5 花销储蓄Spending and Saving Money
Section 6 看望亲朋Visiting Friends
Chapter 4 唐人街美食(吃)Eating Out
Section 1 商定餐馆Where to Eat
Section 2 点餐Ordering Food
Section 3 上菜用餐Eating
Section 4 讨论饭菜Discussing your food
Section 5 买单Paying
Section 6 喝咖啡Getting Coffee
Section 7 去酒吧Going to the Bar
Chapter 5 购物在99美分店(购物)Shopping
Section 1 百货商店Department Stores
Section 2 商品式样品牌Different Styles and Brands
Section 3 讨价还价Bargaining at the Market
Section 4 寻找减价商品 Searching for Sales
Section 5 售后服务Customer  Service
Chapter 6 Kevin的态度观点Attitude and Mind
Section 1 喜欢与讨厌Like and Dislike
Section 2 同意与分歧Agreement and Disagreement
Section 3 信任与怀疑Trust and Doubt
Section 4 接受与拒绝Accept and Refu Se
Section 5 犹豫与后悔Hesitate and Regret
Section 6 建议与忠告Suggestion and Persuade
Section 7 关心与冷漠Care and Indifferent
Section 8 责备与提醒Scold and Remind
Section 9 催促与安抚Urge and Conciliate
Section 10 支持与鼓励Support and Encourage
Section 11 讨论与决定Discussion and Decision
Chapter 7 今天心情不错(情绪)Under a Good Mood
Section 1 高兴与难过Happy and Sad
Section 2 惊讶与欣喜Surpri Se and Pleasant
Section 3 激动与愤怒Excited and Anger
Section 4 乐观与悲观Optimistic and Pessimistic
Section 5 抑郁与沮丧Depres Sed and Desperate
Section 6 耐心与不耐烦Patient and Impatient
Section 7 担心与忧虑Worry and Stres Sed
Section 8 期望与失望Promising and Disappointment
Chapter 8 爱上哈佛(学)Study
Section 1 熟悉校园和同学Getting Familiar
Section 2 学校课程Curriculum
Section 3 听讲座Lecture
Section 4 在图书馆At the Library
Section 5 考试测验Tests
Section 6 奖学金Scholarship
Section 7 社团协会School Association
Section 8 宿舍花絮Dorm
Section 9 校园兼职Part-time Job
Section 10 毕业舞会Graduation and Prom
Section 11 出国留学Studying Abroad
Section 12 签证与护照Visa and Passport
Chapter 9 Kevin的爱情Love
Section 1 约会Dating
Section 2 爱恋Falling in Love
Section 3 求婚Marriage Proposal
Section 4 婚礼Wedding
Section 5 争吵分手Break-up
Chapter 10 Kevin侃大山Free Talk
Section 1 买房还是租房To Buy or to Rent
Section 2 买车Buying a Car
Section 3 股票基金Trading Stocks
Section 4 报刊杂志Newspapers and Magazines
Section 5 闪婚Flash Marriage
Section 6 享受单身Enjoying Single
Section 7 中性美女Tomboy
Section 8 月光族Paycheck to Paycheck
Section 9 节假日Holidays
Section 10 网上购物Online Shopping
Section 11 博客Blog
Section 12 秘密 Secret
Section 13 友谊Friendship
Section 14 环境Environment
Section 15 IQ与EQ IQ and EQ
Section 16 创业Starting a Business
Section 17 激情NBA National Sports
Section 18 运动健身Exerci Se and Fitness
Section 19 减肥Lo Se Weight
Chapter 11 好莱坞的梦想(娱乐)Entertainment
Section 1 音乐的狂想Music
Section 2 电影的魅力Movies
Section 3 沙发土豆TV
Section 4 散步星光大道Hollywood Walk of Fame
Chapter 12 打拼在华尔街(职)The Job Market
Section 1 求职应聘Job Hunting
Section 2 面试进行时Interview
Section 3 上班第一天First Day
Section 4 职场培训Training
Section 5 出勤与迟到Arriving at Work Late
Section 6 请假Taking a Leave
Section 7 调班加班Shifts and Overwork
Section 8 升职加薪Promotion and Getting a Rai Se
Section 9 工作压力Work Pressure
Section 10 解聘与辞职Quitting/Resignation
Chapter 13 Kevin出游Travel
Section 1 旅游计划Travel Planning
Section 2 选择旅行社Choo Se the Travel Agency
Section 3 参观游览Sight Seeing Tour
Section 4 旅途遇到麻烦Trouble
Section 5 拍照留恋Photo Taking
Section 6 买纪念品Buying Souvenirs
Section 7 入住宾馆Hotel
Section 8 旅行归来Back From the Trip
Chapter 14 生病怎么办?Sickness
Section 1 感冒发烧Suffering from a Fever
Section 2 预约医生Doctor Appointment
Section 3 去医院Going to the Hospital
Section 4 手术及护理Operation and Care
Section 5 住院出院Living in the Hospital
Section 6 医疗保险Medical Insurance
Chapter 15 享受公共服务Public  Service
Section 1 邮局Post Office
Section 2 银行Bank
Section 3 博物馆Mu Seum
Section 4 电话亭Telephone Booth/Collect Calling
Section 5 社区居委会Neighborhood Community
Section 6 警察局Police Station
Section 7 理发店Hair Salon
Section 8 洗衣房Laundromat
