作者:何肖朗,林芳 主编
part 1 hot news
unit 1 text a shanghai's back on top of the world
text b special expressions
unit 2 text a japanese scramble to avert meltdowns as nuclearcrisis deepens after quake
text b what is a newspaper?
unit 3 text a report 1 chile celebrates as miners emerge fromunderground
report 2 q&a: how did chile's trapped miners survive?
text b where does news come from?
unit 4 text a report 1 nasa scientists find water onmoon
report 2 $79m nasa blast finds enough water for man on moon tohave bath
text b headlines
unit 5 text a stanley mcchrystal goes: after mcchrystal
text b who processes the news?
part 2 economy
unit 6 text a in defense of europe
text b when is it news?
unit 7 text a debt forgetfulness
text b the importance of accuracy
unit 8 text a wsatching us save, one cart at a time
text b the need for objectivity
unit 9 text a report 1 stronger yuan may not mean more u.s.jobs
report 2 u.s. backs off in currency dispute with china
report 3 currency war risk threatens investment recovery:u.n.
text b libel
part 3 medical treatment, sport and education
unit 10 text a topical gel catches up with pills forrelief
text b the editorial
unit 11 text a new beginning in new stadium leaves giantsfeeling
text b readers' letters
unit 12 text a the principal and the paddle
text b analyzing an editorial
part 4 biography
unit 13 text a the war on secrecy
text b features and classifieds
unit 14 text a elizabeth taylor dies;screen legend was 79
text b sports
part 5 ecology and efivironment
unit 15 text a the cloud that closed a continent
text b classifieds
unit 16 text a report 1 divisions persist on core questionsas leaders arrive
report 2 it's a deal but not one that will save the world
text b the newspaper as current events source
part 6 other news
unit 17 text a will the blackberry sink the presidency
text b learning from newspaper graphs
unit 18 text a faith, hope and charities
text b using the newspaper in a writing report
unit 19 text a the coming robot crime wave
text b newspaper careers
unit 20 text a nothing but joy
reference key to the exercises
unit 1 text a shanghai's back on top of the world
text b special expressions
unit 2 text a japanese scramble to avert meltdowns as nuclearcrisis deepens after quake
text b what is a newspaper?
unit 3 text a report 1 chile celebrates as miners emerge fromunderground
report 2 q&a: how did chile's trapped miners survive?
text b where does news come from?
unit 4 text a report 1 nasa scientists find water onmoon
report 2 $79m nasa blast finds enough water for man on moon tohave bath
text b headlines
unit 5 text a stanley mcchrystal goes: after mcchrystal
text b who processes the news?
part 2 economy
unit 6 text a in defense of europe
text b when is it news?
unit 7 text a debt forgetfulness
text b the importance of accuracy
unit 8 text a wsatching us save, one cart at a time
text b the need for objectivity
unit 9 text a report 1 stronger yuan may not mean more u.s.jobs
report 2 u.s. backs off in currency dispute with china
report 3 currency war risk threatens investment recovery:u.n.
text b libel
part 3 medical treatment, sport and education
unit 10 text a topical gel catches up with pills forrelief
text b the editorial
unit 11 text a new beginning in new stadium leaves giantsfeeling
text b readers' letters
unit 12 text a the principal and the paddle
text b analyzing an editorial
part 4 biography
unit 13 text a the war on secrecy
text b features and classifieds
unit 14 text a elizabeth taylor dies;screen legend was 79
text b sports
part 5 ecology and efivironment
unit 15 text a the cloud that closed a continent
text b classifieds
unit 16 text a report 1 divisions persist on core questionsas leaders arrive
report 2 it's a deal but not one that will save the world
text b the newspaper as current events source
part 6 other news
unit 17 text a will the blackberry sink the presidency
text b learning from newspaper graphs
unit 18 text a faith, hope and charities
text b using the newspaper in a writing report
unit 19 text a the coming robot crime wave
text b newspaper careers
unit 20 text a nothing but joy
reference key to the exercises