


作者:邓子钦,邓洪焰,林榕 主编





  话题(Topic)是雅思考生感觉最棘手、最揪心的问题。考生需要就某一个话题发表即席演说。本书《IELTS新王牌雅思应试教材系列:口语》根据历届雅思口试出现过的话题,参照雅思口试题库,精选100个话题,分为地点、教育、物品、经历、人物、社会热点、文化、喜好、信息和自然等十大类,基本覆盖了雅思口试中可能出现的话题。每个话题提供1—2篇范文。范文类型多样,内容丰富多彩,程度深浅不等,适合各个层次的考生。虽然考试时难以出现完全一样的考题,但万变不离其宗,只要考生们平时多练,对各种类型的话题有所准备,做到了胸有成竹,相信一定能取得理想的成绩。 《IELTS新王牌雅思应试教材系列:口语》由邓子钦、邓洪焰、林榕主编。
Chapter One 地点类(Location) Topic 1 A City I Enjoyed Visiting Topic 2 A River or Lake You Have Seen Topic 3 Museums Topic 4 A Nursery You Have Attended Topic 5 A Place of Natural Beauty You Have Been to Topic 6 A Park You Have Visited Topic 7 A Building Topic 8 A Supermarket Where You Often Go Shopping Topic 9 A Place You Have Visited Topic 10 A Bridge You Have Seen Topic 11 A Library You Have Used Topic 12 Your Favorite Room in Your HomeChapter Two 教育类(Education) Topic 1 A School You Attended Topic 2 A Subject You Studied at School Topic 3 Language Classes Topic 4 A Problem You Have Had with Your English Study Topic 5 A Lecture You Have Attended Topic 6 A Test You Have Taken Topic 7 A School Subject You Like/DislikeChapter Three 物品类(Objects) Topic 1 The Type of Clothing or Jewelry You Choose in SpecialTime Topic 2 A Map You Have Used Topic 3 Something Which Was Made by Yourself Topic 4 The Best Present You Received in Your Life Topic 5 Electric Equipment That You Use in Your Life Topic 6 A Gift Topic 7 The Television Set You Use/Have Used Topic 8 Something You Own Which Is Important to You Topic 9 An Internet Service You Use/Have Used Topic 10 A Piece of Furniture You Find Useful and Have Used atHome Topic 11 How You Use Computer at Work and Home Topic 12 A Mobile Phone You Are Using/Have Used/Have Seen Topic 13 A Modern Invention Topic 14 A Kind of Food You Can Buy from a Store Topic 15 A Newspaper You Have Read Topic 16 An E-mail You Have ReceivedChapter Four 经历类(Experience) Topic 1 A Most Important Change in Your Life Topic 2 A Holiday You Will Celebrate Topic 3 A Fun Day Out Topic 4 One of the Most Important Decisions You Have Made inYour Life Topic 5 One of Your Weekend Trips Topic 6 An Event You Have Organized Topic 7 An Outdoor Activity That You Find Interesting Topic 8 A Wedding You Have Been to or Heard of Topic 9 One of Your Visits to a Medical Doctor Topic 10 An Exhibition You Have Seen Topic 11 One of Your Typical Working Days Topic 12 Your School Days Topic 13 A Sporting Event That You Have Experienced Topic 14 An Event That You Have Attended and Enjoyed Topic 15 Something of Special Significance to You Topic 16 A Party Topic 17 A MeetingChapter Five 人物类(People) Topic 1 An Old Man You Are Familiar With Topic 2 A Famous Person You Admire Topic 3 A Teacher Who Has Greatly Influenced Your Education Topic 4 A Member of Your Family Who Is Most Similar to You Topic 5 One of Your Parents Topic 6 A Writer Whose Works Interest You Topic 7 An Actor/Actress in a Film Who Has Impressed You Topic 8 One of Your Friends Topic 9 A Colleague/Classmate Whom You Know WellChapter Six 社会热点类(Hotspot) Topic 1 An Event You Have Read from a Newspaper Topic 2 An Accident Which Was Reported in the News Topic 3 A Typical Modern Family Topic 4 A Form of Pollution That Threatens the Environment inYour Area Topic 5 A Crime That Can Be Found in Your City Topic 6 A Change in the Past Few Years for Your City/Country Topic 7 A Dangerous Situation You Have Seen in Real Life or onTVChapter Seven 文化类 (Civilization) Topic 1 An Advertisement You Like Topic 2 Tell the Examiner about Your Favorite Festival Topic 3 An Unforgettable Festival That You Have Enjoyed Topic 4 A TV Program You Like WatchingChapter Eight 喜好类(Hobbies) Topic 1 The Part of a Day You Like the Most Topic 2 Your Favorite Form of Transportation Topic 3 Your Favorite Movie Topic 4 One of the Hobbies Topic 5 A Piece of Music You Enjoy Topic 6 One of Your Ambitions Topic 7 Your Personality Topic 8 Something You Are Good at Doing Topic 9 A Habit That Bothers You Topic 10 A Sport That You Like/Dislike Topic 11 Your Taste in Clothing Topic 12 The Thing You Like to Do the Most Topic 13 A Job You Would Like to Do in the Future Topic 14 A Sporting Event That You Have Experienced Topic 15 One of the Birthday Wishes You HadChapter Nine 信息类(Information) Topic 1 Flight Information Topic 2 The United Nations Topic 3 Looking for a/an Fiat/Apartment/House Topic 4 A Reception Topic 5 Buying a Second-hand Car Topic 6 Opening a Bank Account Topic 7 An Environmental Group Topic 8 Buying an English Language Book Topic 9 Asking for an Extension Topic 10 An ExcursionChapter Ten 自然类(Nature) Topic 1 A Kind of Weather You Like/Dislike Topic 2 A Wild Animal That Can Be Found in Your Country Topic 3 One of the Four Seasons You Like Best
