作者:(法)德容凯尔 著
Aside from this, we have added problems at the end of the various chaptersin order to illustrate or supplement treatments. They have a rather broad rangeof difficulty. Some of them have even been inspired by research papers but thereader is guided in the derivation of the solution. This is the reason why thestatements of these problems are sometimes quite lengthy. Solutions are notgiven. However if the reader is interested in the solution of a problem, we willbe happy to send a photocopy of our notes which are rather detailed. Thus wesuggest the reader should get in contact with us directly.
l. Introduction
2. Thermodynamicil and Statistical Properties of Clean Surfaces
2.1 Thermodynamics of a Surface_at Equilibrium
2.2 Equilibrium Shape of a Crystal
2.3 Facetting
2.4 The Roughening Transition
2.4.1 Generalities
2.4.2 Macroscopic Approach: The Continuum Limit
a)One Dimensional Case:Statistics of a Step
b)The Two Dimensional Case: Statistics of a Surface
2.4.3 Microscopic Approach
a)Equilibrium Shape of a Step Edge
b)Equilibrium Shape of a Surface:
The Roughening Transition
2.4.4 Consequences of the Roughening Transition for the Equilibrium Shape of Crystals and for Crystal Growth
2.4.5 Experimental Evidences of the Roughening Transition
2.4.6 Special Cases of Vicinal Surfaces
3. Atomic Structure of Surfaces
3.1 Surface Crystallography
3.1.1 Two-Dimensional Lattices
3.1.2 Semi-Infinite Crystals. Relaxation. Reconstruction
3.1.3 Notations for Surface Structures
3.1.4 Vicinal Surfaces
3.1.5 Reciprocal Lattice and Brillouin Zones
3.2 Experimental Techniques
3.2.1 Observation of the Real Lattice
a)Field-ion Microscopy (FIM)
b)Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
3.2.2 Observation of the Reciprocal Lattice
a)Principles of Diffraction
b)Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED)
c)Atom Scattering
d)X-ray Scattering at Grazing Incidence
3.2.3 Indirect Methods
a)Photoelectron Diffraction (PhD)
b)Surface Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (SEXAFS)
c)Other Methods
4. Vibrations at Surfaces
4.1 Elastic Forces in Crystals
4.1.1 Dynamical Matrix
4.1.2 Interatomic Forces
a)Central Forces
b)Angular Forces
4.2 Bulk Modes. ,
4.3 Surface Modes N
4.3.1 Semi-Infinite Linear Chain
4.3.2 Semi-Infinite Crystals
a)The Slab Method . N . N
b)Exact Method for the Calculation of Surface Modes
c)Relaxation and Reconstruction of Surfaces from Phonon Calculations
d)Experimental Determination of Surface Modes
4.3.3 Brief Remarks on Adsorbed Layers
4.4 Spectral Densities of Modes
4.5 Vibrational Thermodynamical Functions
4,5.1 Surface Vibrational Entropy ,
4.5.2 Surface Internal Energy ,
4.5.3 Surface Specific Heat at Constant Volume,
4.6 Mean Square Displacements
4.6.1 Theory
4.6.2 Experimental Techniques
a)Diffraction Experiments
b)PhD and SEXAFS Experiments
5. Electronic Structure of Surfaces
5.1 Jellium Model
5.1.1 The Free Electron Gas Bounded by Infinite Barriers
a)One-dimensional Electron Gas
b)Three-dimensional Electron Gas
6.Adsorption Phenomena
Subject Index