
工作中的英语写作(第2版 双语精要版)

工作中的英语写作(第2版 双语精要版)

作者:(美)科林 著,肖丹,刘晓庆 译





暂缺《工作中的英语写作(第2版 双语精要版)》作者简介
第1章 开始:写作与你的职业生涯
第2章 工作中的写作过程和协作
第3章 撰写备忘录、传真和电子邮件
第4章 信函写作
第5章 如何求职:简历、求职信和面试
第6章 成功地设计文件和图表
第7章 撰写说明书和规程
第8章 撰写有效的短篇报告和提议书
第9章 认真撰写长篇报告
第10章 成功地在工作中作演讲
P A R T I : Backgrounds
Chapter : Getting Started: Writing and Your Career
Writing—An Essential Job Skill
Writing for the Global Marketplace
See the World Through Their Eyes
Use International English
Four Keys to Effective Writing
Identifying Your Audience
Establishing Your Purpose
Formulating Your Message
Selecting Your Style and Tone
Style and Tone Examples
Characteristics of Job-Related Writing
Providing Practical Information
Giving Facts, Not Impressions
Providing Visuals to Clarify and Condense Information
Giving Accurate Measurements
Stating Responsibilities Precisely
Persuading and Offering Recommendations
Ethical Writing in the Workplace
Ten Ethical Requirements on the Job
Some Guidelines to Help You Reach Ethical Decisions
Ethical Dilemmas
Writing Ethically
Revision Checklist
Chapter : The Writing Process and Collaboration at Work
What Writing Is Not and Is
What Writing Is Not
What Writing Is
Planning v
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第1章 开始:写作与你的职业生涯
第2章 工作中的写作过程和协作
Key Questions to Ask as You Draft
Guidelines for Successful Drafting
Allow Enough Time to Revise
Revision Is Rethinking
Key Questions to Ask as You Revise
A “Before” and “After” Revision
Guidelines for Writing Lean and Clear Sentences
Guidelines for Cutting Out Unnecessary Words
Guidelines for Eliminating Sexist Language
Avoiding Other Types of Stereotypical Language
Collaboration Is Crucial to the Writing Process
Seven Guidelines for Successful Group Writing
Sources of Conflict in Group Dynamics and How to Solve Them
Collaborating Online
Avoiding Problems with Online Collaboration
Collaborating via E-Mail
Revision Checklist
P A R T I I : Correspondence
Chapter : Writing Memos, Faxes, and E-Mails
What Memos, Faxes, and E-Mails Have in Common
Memo Protocol and Company Politics
Functions of Memos
Memo Format
Memo Style and Tone
Strategies for Organizing a Memo
Organizational Markers
Fax Guidelines
Business E-Mail Versus Personal E-Mail
E-Mails Are Legal Records
Guidelines for Using E-Mail
E-Mail Compared with Other Business Communications
Revision Checklist
vi Contents
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HM_第3章 撰写备忘录、传真和电子邮件
Chapter : Writing Letters
Letters in the Age of the Internet
Letter Formats
Full Block Format
Modified Format
Continuing Pages
Guidelines on Printing Your Letters
Parts of a Letter
Date Line
Inside Address
Body of the Letter
Complimentary Close
Enclosure(s) Line
Copy Notation
Organizing a Standard Business Letter
Making a Good Impression on Your Reader
Guidelines for Achieving the “You Attitude”
Types of Business Letters
Inquiry Letters
Special Request Letters
Sales Letters
The Four A’s of Sales Letters
Do I Mention Costs?
Customer Relations Letters
Being Direct or Indirect
Follow-Up Letters
Complaint Letters
Adjustment Letters
Collection Letters
International Business Correspondence 7
Guidelines for Communicating with International Readers 7
Respecting Readers’ Nationality and Ethnic/Racial Heritage
Writing to Readers from a Different Culture: Some Examples
Revision Checklist
Chapter : How to Get a Job: Résumés, Letters of Application,
and Interviews
Steps the Employer Takes to Hire
Steps to Follow to Get Hired
Contents vii
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第4章 信函写作
第5章 如何求职:简历、求职信和面试
Analyzing Your Strengths
Looking in the Right Places for a Job
Preparing a Résumé
What Employers Like to See in a Résumé
The Process of Writing Your Résumé
Parts of a Résumé
Organizing Your Résumé
The Online Résumé
Formatting an Online Résumé
Making Your Online Résumé Search-Engine Ready
Testing, Proofing, and Sending Your Online Résumé
Cyber-Safing Your Résumé
Letters of Application
How Application Letters and Résumés Differ
Writing the Letter of Application
Going to an Interview
Preparing for the Interview
Questions to Expect
What Do I Say About Salary?
Ten Interview Dos and Don’ts
The Follow-Up Letter
Revision Checklist
P A R T I I I : Preparing Documents and Visuals
Chapter : Designing Successful Documents and Visuals
Organizing Information Visually
The ABCs of Print Document Design
Page Layout
Using Color 7
Three Rules of Effective Page Design: A Wrap Up
The Purpose of Visuals
Choosing Effective Visuals: Some Precautions
Inserting and Writing About Visuals: Some Guidelines
Two Categories of Visuals
Parts of a Table
Figures 5
Line Graphs 5
Guidelines for Creating a Graph 6
viii Contents
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HM_第6章 成功地设计文件和图表
Charts 7
Circle Charts 7
Bar Charts
Organizational Charts
Flow Charts
Drawings 5
Clip Art 6
Using Visuals Ethically 7
Photos 8
Graphs 8
Bar Charts 8
Pie Charts
Using Appropriate Visuals for International Audiences
Revision Checklist
Chapter : Writing Instructions and Procedures
Instructions and Your Job
Why Instructions Are Important
The Variety of Instructions: A Brief Overview
Assessing and Meeting Your Audience’s Needs
Key Questions to Ask About Your Audience
The Process of Writing Instructions
Plan Your Strategy
Do a Trial Run
Write and Test Your Draft
Revise and Edit
Using the Right Style
Using Visuals Effectively
Guidelines for Using Visuals in Instructions
The Five Parts of Instructions
List of Equipment and Materials
Steps for Your Instructions
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Model of Full Set of Instructions
Contents ix
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第7章 撰写说明书和规程
Writing Procedures for Policies and Regulations
Some Examples of Procedures to Write
Meeting the Needs of Your Marketplace
Some Final Advice
Revision Checklist
Chapter : Writing Effective Short Reports and Proposals
Why Short Reports Are Important
Types of Short Reports
Anticipate How an Audience Will Use Your Report
Guidelines for Writing Short Reports
Do the Necessary Research
Be Objective and Ethical
Organize Carefully
Use Reader-Centered Headings, Bullets and Numbering, and Visuals
Periodic Reports
Sales Reports
Progress Reports
Audience for a Progress Report
Frequency of Progress Reports
Parts of Progress Reports
Trip/Travel Reports
Questions Travel Reports Answer
Common Types of Travel/Trip Reports
Incident Reports
When to Submit an Incident Report
Parts of an Incident Report
Protecting Yourself Legally
Writing Successful Proposals
Proposals Are Persuasive Plans
Proposals Frequently Are Collaborative Efforts
Guidelines for Writing a Successful Proposal
Internal Proposals
Typical Topics for Internal Proposals
Following the Proper Chain of Command
Ethically Identifying and Resolving Readers’ Problems
Organization of Internal Proposals
Sales Proposals
The Audience and Its Needs
Organizing Sales Proposals
Revision Checklist
x Contents
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HM_第8章 撰写有效的短篇报告和提议书
Chapter : Writing Careful Long Reports
Characteristics of a Long Report
Collaborative Effort
The Process of Writing a Long Report
Parts of a Long Report
Front Matter
Text of the Report
Back Matter
The Whys and Hows of Documentation
The Ethics of Documentation: What Must Be Cited
What Does Not Need to Be Cited
Parenthetical Documentation
Works Cited or References Pages
A Model Long Report
Revision Checklist
Exercises 0
Chapter : Making Successful Presentations at Work 1
Types of Presentations 1
Informal Briefings 1
Guidelines for Preparing Informal Briefings 2
Formal Presentations 2
Analyzing Your Audience
Consider Your Audience as a Group of Listeners, Not Readers
Who Is Your Audience?
Special Considerations for a Multinational Audience 5
The Parts of Formal Presentations 5
The Introduction 5
The Body 9
The Conclusion
Presentation Software
Guidelines on Using Presentation Software Effectively
Noncomputerized Presentations
Getting the Most from Your Noncomputerized Visuals
Rehearsing Your Presentation
Delivering Your Presentation
Settling Your Nerves Before You Speak
Making Your Presentation
Contents xi
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第9章 认真撰写长篇报告
第10章 成功地在工作中作演讲
Evaluating Presentations
Revision Checklist
A Writer’s Brief Guide to Paragraphs, Sentences, and Words
Writing a Well-Developed Paragraph
Supplying a Topic Sentence
Knowing the Three Characteristics of an Effective Paragraph
Constructing and Punctuating Sentences
What Makes a Sentence
Avoiding Sentence Fragments
Avoiding Comma Splices
Avoiding Run-On Sentences
Making Subjects and Verbs Agree in Your Sentences
Writing Sentences That Say What You Mean
Using Pronoun References in Sentences Correctly
Spelling Words Correctly
Using Apostrophes Correctly
Using Hyphens Properly
Using Ellipses
Using Numerals Versus Words
Matching the Right Word with the Right Meaning
Proofreading Marks
