


作者:何宏 主编





PART Ⅰ Techniques of EST E-C Translation(科技英语英译汉翻译技巧)
  Unit 1
    A An Introduction to EST(科技英语基础知识)
    B Circuit Theory(电路理论)
    C Careers in ElectronicsEngineering(电子工程职业)
    D Pronunciation Difficulties for ChineseⅠ(中国人发音难点Ⅰ)
  Unit 2
    A A Survey of EST Translation(科技英语翻译概述)
    B Introduction to Signals andSystems(信号与系统介绍)
    C Integrated Circuits(集成电路)
    D Pronunciation Difficulties for ChineseⅡ(中国人发音难点Ⅱ)
  Unit 3
    A Translation of Scientific and TechnologicalTerminology(科技术语的翻译方法)
    B Communication Modeling(通信建模)
    C Oscilloscopes(示波器)
    D Word Stress(单词的重音)
  Unit 4
    A Selecting and Determining the Meaning of aWord(词义的选择和确定)
    B Bluetooth—Beautiful and Simple WirelessTechnology(蓝牙——奇妙而简单的无线技术)
    C Typical DSP(Digital Signal Processing)Applications(数字信号处理的典型应用)
    D Sentence Stress(句子的重读)
  Unit 5
    A The Extension of the Meaning of a Word or aPhrase(词义的引申)
    B Error Detection and Correction(错误检测与校正)
    C Why You Should Choose SatelliteTV(为什么应该选择卫星电视)
    D Intonation of the sentence(句子的语调)
  Unit 6
    A Conversion(词性的转换)
    B GPS Vehicle Surveillance Equipment Is Here toHelp You(全球卫星定位系统汽车监视装置正在帮助你)
    C Fiber?optic CommunicationEquipment(光纤通信设备)
    D Phrasing, Pausing and Linking(断句、停顿和连读)
  Unit 7
    A Application(增词)
    B Introduction to Control System(控制系统介绍)
    C Basic Components of an Electric DriveSystem(电力拖动系统的基本构成)
    D Presentation Ⅰ(演讲方法Ⅰ)
  Unit 8
    A Omission(减词)
    B Design of Control Systems(控制系统设计)
    C The Magic of Integral Control(积分控制的魅力)
    D Presentation Ⅱ(演讲方法Ⅱ)
  Unit 9
    A The Conversion of the Elements of aSentence(句子成分的转换)
    B Introduction to PIDControllers(比例积分微分控制入门)
    C PID Control of High?orderSystems(高阶系统的比例积分微分控制)
    D Presentation Ⅲ(演讲方法Ⅲ)
  Unit 10
    A Translation of Passive Sentences(被动句的翻译)
    B Electric Motors(电机)
    C Controller Synthesis Free of AnalyticalModels(无需分析模型的控制器合成)
    D Presentation Ⅳ(演讲方法Ⅳ)
  Unit 11
    A Translation of NegativeSentences(否定句的翻译)
    B Control of Wind Energy ConversionSystems(风能转换系统控制)
    C Robust Control of WECS(风能转换系统鲁棒控制)
    D Presentation Ⅴ(演讲方法Ⅴ)
  Unit 12
    A The Translation of ComplexSentences(复杂句的翻译)
    B Thermal Power Plant Simulation andControl(热电站仿真和控制)
    C Elements of Electric DriveSystems(电力拖动系统的要素)
    D Presentation Ⅵ(演讲方法Ⅵ)
  Unit 13
    A Translation of Numerals(数的翻译)
    B Chasing the Clouds—Distributed Computing andSmall Business(追逐云——分布式计算和小型商业)
    C How to Successfully Execute ITProjects(如何成功地完成信息技术项目)
    D Presentation Ⅶ(演讲方法Ⅶ)
PART Ⅱ Practical Writing Techniques(实用的写作技巧)
  Unit 1 Abstract(摘要)
    1 Types of Abstracts(摘要的类型)
    2 Essential Elements of theAbstract(摘要的基本要素)
    3 Abstract Writing Techniques(摘要撰写技巧)
    4 Key Words(关键词)
    5 Sample Abstracts(摘要举例)
    6 Useful Sentence Structures in EnglishAbstracts(英文摘要常用句式)
  Unit 2 Resume(简历)
    1 Introduction(概述)
    2 Resume Writing Techniques(简历写作技巧)
    3 Key Points for Resume Writing(简历写作要点)
    4 Sample Resumes(个人简历例文)
PART Ⅲ Techniques of EST C?E Translation(科技英语汉译英翻译技巧)
  Unit 1 Techniques of Chinese Words TranslationⅠ(汉语词汇翻译方法Ⅰ)
  Unit 2 Techniques of Chinese Words TranslationⅡ(汉语词汇翻译方法Ⅱ)
  Unit 3 Techniques of Chinese Words Translation Ⅲ(汉语词汇翻译方法Ⅲ)
  Unit 4 Techniques of Chinese Words TranslationⅣ(汉语词汇翻译方法Ⅳ)
  Unit 5 Translation of Emphatic Sentences(强调句的翻译)
  附录Ⅰ Glossary for Electronic Engineering(电子工程专业技术词汇)
  附录Ⅱ Glossary for Communication Engineering(通信工程专业技术词汇)
  附录Ⅲ Glossary for Automation(自动化专业技术词汇)
  附录Ⅳ Glossary for Electrical Engineering(电气工程专业技术词汇)
  附录Ⅴ Glossary for Computer Science(计算机专业技术词汇)
