


作者:夏宏钟,唐健禾 主编





  本教材分为纸质部分和网络部分,纸质部分的阅读内容要求学生课外阅读,不限时,然后在网络上完成阅读练习;网络部分的阅读内容则要求学生在老师规定的时段,上网限时阅读。每一个学生有一个登录号,老师可实时、方便地掌握所教班级学生的课外阅读进展情况,并可以在线答疑、讨论。系统将统计每个学生的答题正确率和每一道习题的正确率,为教师课堂讲解把握重、难点提供依据。期末时,系统将根据学生的阅读量、阅读练习正确率、是否在规定时间完成阅读内容等自动给出学生成绩,作为教师给定学生平时成绩的参考依据。 本教材分八个单元,分专题组织阅读材料,便于学生围绕某个专题获取相关知识和信息,设计的专题包括学习与成长、健康与人生、人与自然、环保与社会、科学与文明、文化与沟通、时政与经济、人物故事,等等,有利于学生拓展视野,提高综合素质;每个专题下有快速阅读文章、深度阅读文章和美文欣赏,文章后配有理解练习题,每学期配有期中、期末测试题各一套。
Unit 1 Ambition
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
To Buy a Miracle
Passage 2(Fast Reading)
Are You Too Shy To Succeed?
Passage 3(Appreciation)
Passion:Your Key for Achieving Success
Unit 2 Science
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
Solar Eclipse
Passage 2(Fast Reading)
From Earth to Moon
Passage 3(Appreciation)
Scientific Imagination in the Fairy Tales
Unit 3 Culture
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
Esther Pan
Passage 2 (Fast Reading)
Chinese Number Gesture
Passage 3(Appreciation)
Those Childhood Days
Unit 4 Life
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
TV Shows and Long Bus Trips
Passage 2 (Fast Reading)
Silent Suffering
Passage 3(Appreciation)
Free to Fly with the Wind
Unit 5 People Around Us
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
Who Says MotherS Milk iS the Best
Passage 2 (Fast Reading)
Passage 3 (Appreciation)
A Perfect Son
Unit 6 Society。
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
Is Google Getting Ready to Enter the E—Book Market?
Passage 2 (Fast Reading)
Oneroom Schools
Passage 3(Appreciation)
Two Kinds of“Conversation”
Unit 7 Art and Technology
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
Fire Making
Passage 2 (Fast Reading)
The Trouble with Biofuels
Passage 3(Appreciation)
The Most Beautiful Heart
Unit 8 Diet and Health-
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
Lack of Sleep Affects KidsAlertness
Passage 2 (Fast Reading)
Is chocolate really good for you?
Passage 3(Appreciation)
Four Factors That Determine How Long You Will Live
Unit 1 Ambition
Passage 1(Intensive Reading)
How to Have More Time in Your Day
Passage 2(Fast Reading)
A Self-Propelled Dream
Unit 2 Science
Passage 1(Intensive Reading)
The FirstMen on Venus
Passage 2(Fast Reading)
Orbital Space Plane
Unit 3 Culture
Passage 1(Intensive Reading)
Hand Gestures Are Universal Language
Passage 2(Fast Reading)
How to Address Chinese People
Unit 4 Life
Passage 1(Intensive Reading)
“I Will Live Forever through My Music”
Passage 2(Fast Reading)
How to Relieve Common Cold
Quiz 1
Unit 5 People Around Us
Passage 1(Intensive Reading)
Real Security Comes from Learning to Live Together
Passage 2 (Fast Reading)
Say“I love you”
Unit 6 Society
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
What Will Our World Be Like in 2050
Passage 2 (Fast Reading)
What Makes Us Happy
Unit 7 Art and Technology
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
Modern Sun Worshippers(崇拜者)
Passage 2 (Fast Reading)
The OId Man and the Sea
Unit 8 Diet and Health
Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)
Eating Fish Fights Heart llls
Passage 2(Fast Reading)
What You Eat Can Sabotage(破坏)Your Sleep
Quiz 2
