


作者:戴金星 著





  Prof.Jinxing Dai was born in the Rui’an County,ZhejiangProvince,China on 1 9th March,1935.He was graduated from theGeology Department of Nanjing University in 1961.From1 96 1 to 1962,Prof.Dai was engaged in the geological research of oil and gasin the ResearchInstitute of Petroleum of the Ministry of PetroleumIndustry.From 1962 to 1972.Prof.Dai tookup research work onpetroleum exploration in the Jianghan Oilfield in the HubeiProvince.Since1 972,he has carried out the geological andgeochemical research on natural gas in the ResearchInstitute ofPetroleum Exploration and Development,PeoChina.In 1995,Prof.Dai waselectedas a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.He has everbeen the dean of the Departmentof Earth Sciences of ZhejiangUniversity,and successively appointed as adjunct professors oftheNanjing University,Zhejiang University,University of Science andTechnology of China,JilinUniversity,Northwest University,ChinaUniversity of Petroleum(Beijing,Eastern China),OceanUniversity ofChina,Xi’an Petroleum University.and Yangtze University.PrOf.Daihas workedas a member of the Editorial Board of more than 10iournalS such as Chinese Journal of Geology,Acta PetroleiSinica,Oil and Gas Geology,Earth Science Frontiers,PetroleumGeology andExperiment,and Natural Gas Industry.At present.Prof.Daiholds the position of the chief editorof Petroleum Exploration andDevelopment.and Natural Gas Geoscience and editor of Science inChina.
Part I Works of Natural Gas Geology
 Formation of the Central
 Asia Coal
 Formed Gas Accumulation Domain and Its Source Rocks
 Characteristics of Coal
 Formed Gas Accumulation Belts in the East Part of the Central-AsiaCoal-Formed Gas Accumulation Domain
 The Main Controlling Factors for the Formation Of Medium-Giant GasFields in China
 Geology of Giant Gas Fields in China
 Significances of Studies on Natural Gas Geology and Geochemistryfor Natural Gas Industry in China
 Major Developments of Coal-Formed Gas Exploration in the Last 30Years in China
Part II Works of Natural Gas Geochemistry
 Composition,Carbon Isotope Characteristics and the Origin ofCoal-Bed Gases in China and Their Implications
 A Study of the Compostion of Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes and ItsSignificance in the Migration Of Oil and Gas
 Compostion Characteristics and Origin of Carbon Isotope ofLiuhuangtang Natural Gas in Tengchong County.Yunnan Province
 Characteristics Of Carbon Isotopes of Organic Alkane Gases inPetroliferous Basins Of China
 Identification and Distinction ofVarious Alkane Gases
 Mantle Genetic NaturaI Gas in Wudalianchi Volcanic Region
 Characteristics of Carbon Isotopes of Alkane Components andldentification Marks of Biogenic Gases in China
 Geochemical Characteristics,Carbon and Helium IsotopicCompositions of Natural Gas from Hot Springs of Some Areas inChina
 A Study on Carbon Isotopes of C5-8 Light Hydrocarbon MonomericSeries of Natural Gas in Main Oil-and Gas-Bearing BasinsinChina
 Geochemical Characteristics of the Coal-Formed Gases in the Eastof the Central-Asia Coal.Formed Gas Accumulation Domain
 C02 Gas Fields(Pools)and Genetic Types in the Coastal andContinental Shelf Areas in Eastern China
 Geochemistry and Accumulation Of Carbon Dioxide Gases inChina
 Origins of Partially Reversed Alkane C Values for Biogenic Gasesin China
 Stable Carbon Isotope Compositions and Source Rock Geochemistry ofthe Giant Gas Accumulations in the Ordos Basin.China
 Geochemistry and 0ccurrence of Inorganic Gas Accumulations inChinese Sedimentary Basins
 Geochemical Characteristics of Natural Gas at Giant Accumulationsin China
 Discrimination of Abiogenic and Biogenic Alkane Gases
 Stable Carbon Isotopes of Alkane Gases from the Xujiahe CoalMeasures and Implication for Gas.Source Correlation in the  SichuanBasin.SW China
