作者:陈金诗 著
Transcription Conventions
Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Key Concepts
1.1.1 Discourse
1.1.2 Frame
1.1.3 PDJ Relationship
1.2 Research Background
1.2.1 Judges in the Courtroom Interaction
1.2.2 PDJ Relationship in Courtroom
1.3 Rationale
1.3.1 The Status Quo of Research on the Topic
1.3.2 Frame Analysis as a Practicable Approach
1.4 Research Objective and Questions
1.5 Organization of the Book
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theoretical Basis
2.2.1 Frame Theory
2.2.2 Discourse Analysis and Frame Analysis
2.3 Conceptual Framework of Frame Analysis
2.3.1 Interactive Frames Activated by Discourse at Multiple Levels
2.3.2 Application of Framing
2.3.3 Footing Shifts in Frame Analysis
2.4 Analytical Framework
2.5 Research Methodology
2.5.1 Data Collection
2.5.2 Data Analysis
Chapter 3 PDJ Relationship Constructed by Judges in Court
3.1 Introduction
3.2 PDJ Relationship Manifested in Monologue
3.2.1 Monologue in Judges‘ Discourse
3.2.2 PDJ Relationship in the Monologic Interactions
3.3 PDJ Relationship Manifested in Dialogue
3.3.1 Dialogue as Judges’ Directive Information
3.3.2 PDJ Relationship in the Dialogic Interactions
3.4 PDJ Relationship Manifested in Questioning
3.4.1 Questioning in Judges‘ Discourse
3.4.2 PDJ Relationship in the Questioning and Answering
3.5 Results and Discussions
3.5.1 Distribution of Discourse Information
3.5.2 Discourse Information Levels
3.5.3 Current PDJ Relationship Constructed
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Factors Affecting Judges’ Construction of PDJ Relationship
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Factors on the Dimension of Procedural Justice
4.2.1 Standing in the Framing Process
4.2.2 Neutrality in the Framing Process
4.2.3 Trust in the Framing Process
4.3 Factors on the Dimension of Distributive Justice
4.3.1 Goals and Motivations in the Framing Process
4.3.2 Individual Factors in the Framing Process
4.3.3 Nonindividual Factors in the Framing Process
4.4 Factors on the Dimension of Retributive Justice
4.4.1 Deserving Punishment in the Framing Process
4.4,2 Criminals Punished in the Framing Process
4.4.3 Punishment Means in the Framing Process
4.4.4 Punishment Severity in the Framing Process
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5 Judges‘ Framing Strategies in Reconstruction of PDJ Relationship
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Footing Shifts by Discourse Information
5.2.1 Categorization of Judges’ Footing Patterns
5.2.2 Judges‘ Footing Shifts
5.3 Reframing with Discourse Information
5.3.1 Frame Contraction
5.3.2 Frame Expansion
5.3.3 Frame Negotiation
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Summary of the Present Study
6.2 Conclusions
6.3 Implications
6.4 Limitations
Appendix I General Information on the Cases
Appendix II Figures
Appendix III Tables
Transcription Conventions
Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Key Concepts
1.1.1 Discourse
1.1.2 Frame
1.1.3 PDJ Relationship
1.2 Research Background
1.2.1 Judges in the Courtroom Interaction
1.2.2 PDJ Relationship in Courtroom
1.3 Rationale
1.3.1 The Status Quo of Research on the Topic
1.3.2 Frame Analysis as a Practicable Approach
1.4 Research Objective and Questions
1.5 Organization of the Book
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theoretical Basis
2.2.1 Frame Theory
2.2.2 Discourse Analysis and Frame Analysis
2.3 Conceptual Framework of Frame Analysis
2.3.1 Interactive Frames Activated by Discourse at Multiple Levels
2.3.2 Application of Framing
2.3.3 Footing Shifts in Frame Analysis
2.4 Analytical Framework
2.5 Research Methodology
2.5.1 Data Collection
2.5.2 Data Analysis
Chapter 3 PDJ Relationship Constructed by Judges in Court
3.1 Introduction
3.2 PDJ Relationship Manifested in Monologue
3.2.1 Monologue in Judges‘ Discourse
3.2.2 PDJ Relationship in the Monologic Interactions
3.3 PDJ Relationship Manifested in Dialogue
3.3.1 Dialogue as Judges’ Directive Information
3.3.2 PDJ Relationship in the Dialogic Interactions
3.4 PDJ Relationship Manifested in Questioning
3.4.1 Questioning in Judges‘ Discourse
3.4.2 PDJ Relationship in the Questioning and Answering
3.5 Results and Discussions
3.5.1 Distribution of Discourse Information
3.5.2 Discourse Information Levels
3.5.3 Current PDJ Relationship Constructed
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Factors Affecting Judges’ Construction of PDJ Relationship
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Factors on the Dimension of Procedural Justice
4.2.1 Standing in the Framing Process
4.2.2 Neutrality in the Framing Process
4.2.3 Trust in the Framing Process
4.3 Factors on the Dimension of Distributive Justice
4.3.1 Goals and Motivations in the Framing Process
4.3.2 Individual Factors in the Framing Process
4.3.3 Nonindividual Factors in the Framing Process
4.4 Factors on the Dimension of Retributive Justice
4.4.1 Deserving Punishment in the Framing Process
4.4,2 Criminals Punished in the Framing Process
4.4.3 Punishment Means in the Framing Process
4.4.4 Punishment Severity in the Framing Process
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5 Judges‘ Framing Strategies in Reconstruction of PDJ Relationship
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Footing Shifts by Discourse Information
5.2.1 Categorization of Judges’ Footing Patterns
5.2.2 Judges‘ Footing Shifts
5.3 Reframing with Discourse Information
5.3.1 Frame Contraction
5.3.2 Frame Expansion
5.3.3 Frame Negotiation
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Summary of the Present Study
6.2 Conclusions
6.3 Implications
6.4 Limitations
Appendix I General Information on the Cases
Appendix II Figures
Appendix III Tables