


作者:王玉环,赖艳 主编





Chapter One  International Trade
  1.1  International Trade
  1.2  Definition of International Trade
  l.3  Reasons for International Trade
    1.3.1  Resource Reasons
    1.3.2  Economic Reasons
    1.3.3  Other Reasons
  1.4  The Differences Between InternationalTrade and Domestic Trade
  1.5  Forms of International Trade
    1.5.1  Export Trade, Import Tradeand Transit Trade
    1.5.2  Direct Trade,IndirectTrade and Entrepot Trade
    1.5.3  Visible Goods Trade andInvisible Goods Trade
    1.5.4  Barter Trade andFree-liquidation Trade
  1.6  Benefits from International Trade
    1.6.1  Economic Growth
    1.6.2  Cheaper Goods andServices
    1.6.3  Greater Variety
  Technical Terms
Chapter Two  Intemational Business Correspondence
  2.1  The Essence of Business Letters
  2.2  Elements of Business Letters
    2.2.1  Letterhead
    2.2.2  Reference
    2.2.3  Date
    2.2.4  Inside Address
    2.2.5  Attention Line
    2.2.6  Salutation
    2.2.7  Subject Line
    2.2.8  Body of a Letter
    2.2.9  Complimentary Close
    2.2.10  Signature
    2.2.11  IEC (Initials,Enclosuresand Carbon Copies Block)
    2.2.12  Postscript
    2.3  Envelope Addressing
    2.4  Business Letter Format andOutline
    2.4.1  Format
    2.4.2  Outline
  2.5  Basic Principles for BusinessLetters
  Specimen Letters
  Technical Terms
Chapter Three  International Trade Terms
  3.1  Components of Trade Terms
    3.2.1  Scope of INCOTERMS
    3.2.2  Structure of INCOTERMS2000
    3.2.3  Common Issues
  3.3  Interpretation of Trade Terms inINCOTERMS 2000
    3.3.1  Group E--Departure
    3.3.2  Group F--Main CarriageUnpaid (by Seller)
    3.3.3  Group C--Main CarriagePaid (by Seller)
    3.5.4  Group D--Arrival
  3.4  Contrasts between FOB,CFR and CIF
  3.5  Considerations for Choosing TradeTerms
  Technical Terms
Chapter Four  Establishing Business Relations
  4.1  The Significance of EstablishingBusiness Relations
  4.2  The Channels of Establishing BusinessRelations
  4.3  Information Collection of theProspective Clients
  4.4  Some Skills in Establishing BusinessRelations
    4.4.1  Skills for Writing a FirstLetter to a Prospective Corporation
    4.4.2  Skills for Replying aLetter
  Specimen Letters
  Skill Training
  Technical Terms
Chapter Five  Enquiry and Offer
  5.1  Enquiry
  5.2  Offer
    5.2.1  Firm Offer
    5.2.2  Non-firm Offer
    5.2.3  Proforma Invoice:a SpecialOffer
  5.3  Counter-Offer
  5.4  Counter-Counter-Offer
  Specimen Letters
  Skill Training
  Technical Terms
Chapter Six  Acceptance, Order and BusinessContract
  6.1  Acceptance
  6.2  Order
  6.3  Business Contract
    6.3.1  Contracts
    6.3.2  Confirmation
    6.3.3  Significance and Functionof Contract
  Specimen Letters
  Skill Training
  Technical Terms
Chapter Seven  International Payment
  7.1  Nature of International Payment
  7.2  Instruments of InternationalPayment
    7.2.1  Draft
    7.2.2  Promissory Note
    7.2.3  Cheek
  7.3  Methods of International Payment
    7.3.1  Cash in Advance
    7.3.2  Documentary Letter ofCredit
    7.3.3  DocumentaryCollection
    7.3.4  Open Account
  Specimen Letters
  Skill Training
  Technical Terms
Chapter Eight  Letter of Credit
  8.1  Nature of Letters of Credit
  8.2  Procedures of Letter of CreditOperations
    8.2.1  Issuance of Letter ofCredit
    8.2.2  Amendment of Letters ofCredit
    8.2.3  Utilization of Letters ofCredit
  8.3  Considerations in Using L/C
    8.3.1  Points for Attention inUsing L/C
    8.3.2  L/C Risks and L/C RiskPrevention
  Specimen Letters
  Skill Training
  Technical Terms
Chapter Nine  International Cargo Transportation
  9.1  Ocean Transportation
    9.1.1  Liner Transportation
    9.1.2  CharterTransportation
  9.2  Shipping Documents
    9.2.1  Packing List
    9.2.2  Booking Note
    9.2.3  Shipping Order
    9.2.4  Mate's Receipt
    9.2.5  Bill of Lading
  9.3  Clause of Shipment
    9.3.1  Packing and Marking
    9.3.2  Time of Shipment and Timeof Delivery
    9.3.3  Port of Shipment and Portof Destination
    9.3.4  Partial Shipment andTransshipment
    9.3.5  Shipping Instruction andShipping Advice
  9.4  Other Modes of Transportation
  Specimen Letters
  Skill Training
  Technical Terms
Chapter Ten  Insurance
  10.1  Fundamental Principles of CargoInsurance
  10.2  Risks and Losses in CargoTransport
    10.2.1  Risks
    10.2.2  Losses
    10.2.3  Expenses
  10.3  Ocean Marine Insurance underC.I.C
    10.3.1  Basic RisksCoverage
    10.3.2  Additional RisksCoverage
  10.4  Insurance Practice of InternationalTrade
    10.4.1  Insured Amount
    10.4.2  Insurance Premium
    10.4.3  Insurance Document
  Specimen Letters
  Skill Training
  Technical Terms
Chapter Eleven  Inspection,Claim, Force Majeure andArbitration
  11.1  Commodity Inspection
    11.1.1  P]ace and Time ofInspection
    11.1.2  Inspection Bodies
    11.1.3  InspectionStandards
    11.1.4  Major InspectionCertificates
    11.1.5  Inspection Clause in theSales Contracts
  11.2  Complaints and Claims
    11.2.1  Types of Claim
    11.2.2  Claim Clause in SalesContracts
  11.3  Force Majeure
    11.3.1  Consequences of ForceMajeure
    11.3.2  Force Majeure Clause inSales Contracts
  11.4  Arbitration
    11.4.1  The Definition ofArbitration
    11.4.2  Features of theArbitration
    11.4.3  ArbitrationProcedures
    11.4.4  Arbitration Clause inSales Contracts
  Specimen Letters
  Skill Training
  Technical Terms
Chapter Twelve  Import and Export Procedures
  12.1  General Procedures of ExportTransaction
     12.1.1  Preparations forExporting
     12.1.2  Negotiation of a SalesContract
     12.1.3  Performance of theContract
     12.1.4  Settlement ofDisputes
     12.1.5  Flowchart of ExportProcedure
  12.2  General Procedures of ImportTransaction
     12.2.1  Preparations forImporting
     12.2.2  Trade Negotiation
     12.2.3  Performance of theContract
     12.2.4  Settlement ofDisputes
  12.3  Export Documentation
     12.3.1  Role ofDocumentation
     12.3.2  Export Documents
  Technical Terms
