作者:王红红 编著
在经济全球化大背景下,国际贸易或对外贸易无疑是国家经济的重要支柱产业之一,因而需要相当数量既通晓专业知识又掌握业务技能的从业人员,而高等职业教育正是孕育此类专业人才的一片沃土,其任务驱动所倡导的“学中做,做中学”的教学理念和理实一体化的教学组织旨在培养高素质技能型应用人才。另外,根据对就业岗位群的调研与分析,国际商务专业和商务英语专业的毕业生是国际贸易和对外贸易从业人员的中坚力量,而“外贸英语函电实训”则是其必修的专业基础课之一。 .《外贸英语函电实训教程》根据高职高专国际商务专业与商务英语专业学生的就业岗位群和实际需求,基于市场调研、相关资讯以及教师本人多年的教学经验,围绕国际贸易和对外贸易的主要业务流程,精心安排教学内容,以任务驱动为指导,精心设计了9大教学模块,既强调商务英文信函的基本格式与写作要求,又突出国际贸易和对外贸易的主要业务往来中各类英文书信的规范写作技巧与关键词汇;从教学目标到模块简介、从范文释义到模拟练习,处处体现适用性与实操性,以强化学生对基本贸易知识、关键专业同汇、英文写作技巧的掌握;同时倡导课堂精讲多练,通过诸多题型的模拟训练让学生在“学中做、做中学”,训练学生以英语形式规范写作相关信函的技能,旨在提高相关专业的学生在外贸英语函电的读、写、译等方面的实用技能,以利其后续课程的学习和未来就业之需。《外贸英语函电实训教程》编写过程中,编者参考了许多相关书籍,在此向这些书籍的作者表示衷心的感谢!由于编者水平有限,书中疏漏之处在所难免,恳请广大读者批评指正。
Module 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing
1.1 Functions of Business Letters
1.2 Forms of Business Letters
1.2.1 Full Block Form :
1.2.2 Modified Block Form with Indented Style
1.2.3 Modified Block Form
1.2.4 Simplified Form
1.3 The Structure of Business Letters
1.3.1 Parts of a Business Letter
1.3.2 The Ways of Writing All the Above Parts
1.3.3 Addressing Envelopes
1.4 Writing Principles and Language Features of BusinessLetters
Module 2 Establishing Business Relations
2.1 How to Establish Business Relations
2.2 How to Write a Letter for Establishing Business
2.3 Specimens of Aiming at Establishing BusinessRelations
Module 3 Enquiries and Replies : -
3.1 Guidelines for Writing Enquiry Letters
3.2 Forms of Enquiries
3.3 Specimens of Enquiries and Replies
Module 4 Sales Letters, Firm Offers and Counter-offers
4. 1 Sales Letters
4.1.1 The Purpose of Writing Sales Letters
4.1.2 Two Functions of a Sales Letter
4.1.3 The Principles of Writing a Sales Letter --A1DA
4.1.4 A Specimen of a Sales Letter
4.2 Firm Offer & Counter-offer
4.2.1 Firm Offer and Non-finn Offer
4.2.2 Counter-offer
4.2.3 Specimens of Firm Offers and Counter-offers
Module 5 Orders
5.1 Orders
5.1.1 Format of an Order
5.1.2 Specimen of Orders
5.2 Acknowledgements
5.2.1 Forms of Acknowledgements
5.2.2 Specimens of Acknowledgements
5.3 Specimen of a Sales Contract / Confirmation orPurchase Contract / Confirmation
Module 6 Packing
6.1 Factors Which influence the Nature ofPacking
6.2 Functions of Packing
6.3 How to Write a Letter on Packing
6.4 Specimens of Packing
Module 7 Terms of Payment
7.1 Three Main Methods of Payment
7.2 The Time of Opening an L/C
7.3 Specimens of Letter of Credit
Module 8 Transport and Insurance
8.1 Transport
8.1.1 writing Purpose
8.1.2 The Structure and Content of a Letter onTransport
8.1.3 Specimens of Transport
8.2 Insurance
8.2.1 Necessities of Insurance in International Trade
8.2.2 Functions of Insurance
8.2.3 Various Kinds of Risks
8.2.4 The Structure and Content of a Letter onInsurance
8.2.5 Specimens of Insurance
Module 9 Complaints and Claims
9.1 Complaint
9.1.1 How to Write a Complaint Letter
9.1.2 How to Write Reply to a Complaint Letter
9.1.3 Specimens of Complaints
9.2 Claim
9.2.1 How to Write a Claim Letter
9.2.2 How to Reply to Claims
9.2.3 Specimens of Claims实训项目参考答案参考文献
1.1 Functions of Business Letters
1.2 Forms of Business Letters
1.2.1 Full Block Form :
1.2.2 Modified Block Form with Indented Style
1.2.3 Modified Block Form
1.2.4 Simplified Form
1.3 The Structure of Business Letters
1.3.1 Parts of a Business Letter
1.3.2 The Ways of Writing All the Above Parts
1.3.3 Addressing Envelopes
1.4 Writing Principles and Language Features of BusinessLetters
Module 2 Establishing Business Relations
2.1 How to Establish Business Relations
2.2 How to Write a Letter for Establishing Business
2.3 Specimens of Aiming at Establishing BusinessRelations
Module 3 Enquiries and Replies : -
3.1 Guidelines for Writing Enquiry Letters
3.2 Forms of Enquiries
3.3 Specimens of Enquiries and Replies
Module 4 Sales Letters, Firm Offers and Counter-offers
4. 1 Sales Letters
4.1.1 The Purpose of Writing Sales Letters
4.1.2 Two Functions of a Sales Letter
4.1.3 The Principles of Writing a Sales Letter --A1DA
4.1.4 A Specimen of a Sales Letter
4.2 Firm Offer & Counter-offer
4.2.1 Firm Offer and Non-finn Offer
4.2.2 Counter-offer
4.2.3 Specimens of Firm Offers and Counter-offers
Module 5 Orders
5.1 Orders
5.1.1 Format of an Order
5.1.2 Specimen of Orders
5.2 Acknowledgements
5.2.1 Forms of Acknowledgements
5.2.2 Specimens of Acknowledgements
5.3 Specimen of a Sales Contract / Confirmation orPurchase Contract / Confirmation
Module 6 Packing
6.1 Factors Which influence the Nature ofPacking
6.2 Functions of Packing
6.3 How to Write a Letter on Packing
6.4 Specimens of Packing
Module 7 Terms of Payment
7.1 Three Main Methods of Payment
7.2 The Time of Opening an L/C
7.3 Specimens of Letter of Credit
Module 8 Transport and Insurance
8.1 Transport
8.1.1 writing Purpose
8.1.2 The Structure and Content of a Letter onTransport
8.1.3 Specimens of Transport
8.2 Insurance
8.2.1 Necessities of Insurance in International Trade
8.2.2 Functions of Insurance
8.2.3 Various Kinds of Risks
8.2.4 The Structure and Content of a Letter onInsurance
8.2.5 Specimens of Insurance
Module 9 Complaints and Claims
9.1 Complaint
9.1.1 How to Write a Complaint Letter
9.1.2 How to Write Reply to a Complaint Letter
9.1.3 Specimens of Complaints
9.2 Claim
9.2.1 How to Write a Claim Letter
9.2.2 How to Reply to Claims
9.2.3 Specimens of Claims实训项目参考答案参考文献