


作者:陈玲 主编





Topic 1 About Life人生百态
 Passage 1 More Support for Fatherhood
 Passage 2 Occupations Decide
 Passage 3 Affluence VS Happiness
 Passage 4 Natural Disasters Or Blessings
 Passage 5 Planned GrandparenthoodTopic 2 Culture缤纷文化
 Passage 1 Generation O:A New Blog of Obama Voters
 Passage 2 Talking W1lile Driving
 Passage 3 Body Project
 Passage 4 New Immigrants in U.S.A
 Passage 5 Preview/or United 93
 Passage 6 Senior Citizen Discount:A Necessity Or a Priority
 Passage 7 The Consumerist CultureTopic 3 The Changing W0rld社会变迁
 Passage 1 Sustainable Development of Agriculture
 Passage 2 Defeminization of Women's Language
 Passage 3 New Individualism
 Passage 4 Virtual Reality Surgery
 Passage 5 History of Workers'Compensation Insurance
 Passage 6 UrbanismTopic 4 Health健康生活
 Passage 1 Primary Care in U.S.A
 Passage 2 Rocketing Drug Prices
 Passage 3 Light Therapy for Seasonal Depression
 Passage 4 When Bad Things Happen to Good People
 Passage 5 To Take Vitamins Or Not
 Passage 6 To Shed Emotional Tears Or Not
 Passage 7 Saying No to Overtraining
 Passage 8 Obsession with ThinnessTopic 5 Enviromnental Issues环境保护
 Passage 1 Potential Dangers for Kids
 Passage 2 Disappearing Turtles
 Passage 3 Electronic Waste Recycling
 Passage 4 Climate Changes And Human Evolution
 Passage 5 Surprisingly Healthy EnvironmentTopic 6 Myths of Science科学奥秘
 Passage 1 Fear Mechanism
 Passage 2 Public Distrust of Scientists
 Passage 3 Slash-and-burn Farming VS Soil Richness
 Passage 4 Human Cloning:a Long Way to Go
 Passage 5 New High-performance Contact Lens Are ComingTopic 7 Educational Practices教育解读
 Passage 1 On Improvement Grading System
 Passage 2 Going to College:Investment Or Consumption?
 Passage 3 Saying No to Pushing Children into EliteUniversities
 Passage 4 Lack of Coherent Vision in American Education
 Passage 5 Lack of Fit between Gifted Students and theSchools
 Passage 6 Saying No to the Lecture Method
 Passage 7 Lack of Funds for Public EducationTopic 8 Controversies争议热点
 Passage 1 More Social Support for Parenting Or Not
 Passage 2 Why Do the Very Rich Fear Income Inequality?
 Passage 3 Media Violence and Aggressive Behavior
 Passage 4 American Dream Or Nightmare
 Passage 5 Controversy over a GM Bacterium Test
 Passage 6 Personal Information:No More Confidential
 Passage 7 The Sinking of Wilhelm Gustloff
 Passage 8 Is There a Fixed Human Nature?
 Passage 9 Impact of the Growing Female Workforce on MarriageTopic 9 Business World商海泛舟
 Passage 1 An Introduction to Nike Company
 Passage 2 The Weakening Dollar
 Passage 3 Amitai Etzioni:a Fighter for Business Ethics
 Passage 4 Changes in Business Environment
