


作者:何烨,何江胜,刘长江 主编





Topic One  English Study
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Paper Dictionary vs ElectronicDictionary
   Dialogue 2  Making a Speech
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Reading Is the Most Important Way toLearn English
   Picture Two  How to Read and What to Read?
   Picture Three  Active Listening and Note-taking
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Two  Hobbies
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  What Is Your Hobby?
   Dialogue 2  So Many Hobbies
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Hobby
   Picture Two  Yoga
   Picture Three  Skin Diving
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Three  Friendship.
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Help Needed
   Dialogue 2  Bumping into an Old Pal
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  A True Friend
   Picture Two  Friendship Forever
   Picture Three  On Making Friends
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Four  Relations Between the Young and TheirParents
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Different Ages Have Different Tastes
   Dialogue 2  Saving for the Rainy Day
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  China's Population
   Picture Two  Not All Younger Generation Problems AreNegative
   Picture Three  China's One-child Policy BurdensYounger Generation
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Five  Animals and Pets
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Pets Are Great
   Dialogue 2  Pandas Are Cute
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Pets Are Good for You
   Picture Two  Do Animals Communicate?
   Picture Three  Animal Rights vs Human Health
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Six  Food
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  What Do You Have for Breakfast andLunch?
   Dialogue 2  Western-style Food
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Food and Health
   Picture Two  Men and Women Differ in Their EatingHabits
   Picture Three  Western Fast Food Is Popular inChina
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Seven  Energy
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Solar Energy
   Dialogue 2  Energy Crisis
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Geothermal Energy
   Picture Two  Nuclear Energy
   Picture Three  Wind Energy
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Eight Advertisement
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  I Want to Play Like Yao Ming
   Dialogue 2  Coupons
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Advertising Media
   Picture Two  rll Get a Camera
   Picture Three  Coca-Cola
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Nine  Women.
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  What Is In?
   Dialogue 2  Losing Weight
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions,
   Picture One  Gender Roles
   Picture Two  Betty Friedan
   Picture Three  Virginia Woolf
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Ten  Tourism
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Planning a Vacation
   Dialogue 2  A Wonderful Vacation
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Advantages and Disadvantages of PackageTours
   Picture Two  The Means of Traveling
   Picture Three  Traveling
 Part Four: Related Passages
 ToDic Eleven: Arts
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Chinese Traditional Painting and WesternOil Painting
   Dialogue 2  Audrey Hepburn
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Peking Opera
   Picture Two  Pop Music
   Picture Three  Chinese Painting
 Part Four: Related Passages
 Tooic Twelve  Social Problems
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Granny Is a Problem
   Dialogue 2  I Got Mugged
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Abortion
   Picture Two  Teenagers' Problems
   Picture Three  Addictions
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Thirteen  Economy
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Stock Exchange
   Dialogue 2  What Do You Think of the Economy of OurCountry?
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Motivators for Working
   Picture Two  Disparity Between the Rich and thePoor
   Picture Three  WTO: The Rich Get Richer and the PoorGet Poorer
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Fourteen: Information Technology
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Learn English via the Internet
   Dialogue 2  Writing on Paper or Writing withComputer
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Newspaper and InformationTechnology
   Picture Two  Internet Today
   Picture Three  Internet and Online Commerce
 Part Four: Related Passages
Topic Fifteen  Culture
 Part One: Dialogues
   Dialogue 1  Establishment of New Holidays
   Dialogue 2  Culture Shock
 Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers
 Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions
   Picture One  Chinese Knots
   Picture Two  Christianity and Western Culture
   Picture Three  Intercultural Communication
 Part Four: Related Passages
