
Visual C# 2008大学教程(第三版 英文版)

Visual C# 2008大学教程(第三版 英文版)

作者:(美)戴特尔 等著





  本书是一本C#编程方面的优秀教材,全面介绍了C#编程的原理和方法,涉及类与对象、控制语句、方法、数组、继承、多态、异常处理、GUI、多线程、多媒体、XML、数据库与SQL、ASP.NET、Web服务、网络、查找与排序、数据结构、泛型、集合等基本概念及应用方法。本书介绍C#版本VisualC#2008的关键新特性,包括LINQ(语言集成查询)特性、使用LINQ to SQL的数据库、WPF GUI和图形、WCFWeb服务、ASP.NET 3.5与ASP.NET AJAX、Silverlight2?术、支持LINQ的新语言特性、隐式类型局部变量和自实现属性。本书可作为高等院校相关专业的编程语言教材和C#编程教材,也是软件设计人员进行C#程序开发的宝贵参考资料。
暂缺《Visual C# 2008大学教程(第三版 英文版)》作者简介
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers,the Internet and VisualC#
Chapter 2 Dive Into Visual C# 2008 Express
Chapter 3 Introduction to C# Applications
Chapter 4 Introduction to Classes and Objects
Chapter 5 Control Statements:Part 1
Chapter 6 Control Statements:Part 2
Chapter 7 Methods:A Deeper Look
Chapter 8 Arrays
Chapter 9 Introduction to LINQ and Genedc Cogections
Chapter 10 Classes and Objects:A Deeper Look
Chapter 11 Object-Oriented Programming:Inheritance
Chapter 12 Polymorphism,Interfaces and Operator Overloading
Chapter 13 Exception Handling
Chapter 14 Graphical User Interfaces with Windows Forms:Part1
Chapter 15 Graphical User Interfaces with Windows Forms:Part2
Chapter 16 GUl with Windows Presentation Foundation
Chapter 17 WPF Graphics and Multimedia
Chapter 18 Strings,Characters and Regular Expressions
Chapter 19 Files and Streams
Chapter 20 XML and LINQ to XML
Chapter 21 Databases and LINQ to SQL
Chapter 22 ASENET3.5 andASP.NET AJAX
Chapter 23 Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)Web Services
Chapter 24 Silverlight,Rich Internet Applications andMultimedia
Chapter 25 Searching and Sorting
Chapter 26 Data Structures
Chapter 27 G.enerics
Chapter 28 CoUectiOHS
Appendix A Operator Precedence Chart
Appendix B Simple Types
Appendix C Number Systems
Appendix D ATM Case Study Code
Appendix E UML 2:Additional Diagram yypes
Appendix F ASCII Character Set
Appendix G Unicode
Appendix H Using the Visual C#2008 Debugger Index
