


作者:仲颖,尹新 主编





Chapter 1  Logistics Management
 Case Study  WalMart Wins with Logistics
 Text A  The Definition ofLogistics。
 Text B  The Characters ofModern Logistics
 Reading Material  PGLogistics
Chapter 2  Supply Chain Management
 Case Study  Beer Game and Bullwhip Effect
 Text A  Introduction to Supply Chain Management
 Text B  Developments in Supply Chain Management
 Reading Material  Green Supply Chain Best Practices
Chapter 3  Transport Management
 Case Study  The Snakes and Ladders Game
 Text A  History oftransport
 Text B  Transportation Mode
 Reading Material  Transportation Elements
Chapter 4  Inventory Management
 Case Study  Why does an inventory error affect two periods7
 Text A  Introduction oflnventory
 Text B  Principles ofInventory
 Reading Material 1  Justintime Inventory Management
 Reading Material 2 New Trend of Inventory Management
Chapter 5  Warehouse Management
 Case Study  Public Bonded Warehouse
 Text A  Types ofWarehousing
 Text B  Warehouse Equipment
 Reading Material 1 Web Firms Go on Warehouse Building Boom
 Reading Material 2  Crossdocking
Chapter 6  Packaging Management
 Case Study EU Funds Nano Packaging Research
 Text A  The Importance ofPackaging
 Text B  Pay Attention to Packaging
 Reading Material  Bubble Wrap
Chapter 7  Distribution Management
 Case Study Distribution Management:Control and Collaboration from Supplier to Customer
 Text A  Concept ofDistribution Management
 Text B  Distribution Center
 Text C  Physical Distribution
 Reading Material An Integrated System ofDC
Chapter 8  Green logistics.
 Case Study  Green Logistics
 Text A  Green Logistics
 Text B  Reverse Logistics
 Reading Material  Green Logistics Critical for Business
Chapter 9  Integrated Logistics
 Case Study  Integrated Logistic Center Reports
 Text A  Integrated Logistics
 Text B  The Integrated Logistics Model
 Reading Material  Integration Meets Resistance
Chapter 10  Logistics Documents
 Case Study Electronic delivery ofdocuments
 Text A  Letter ofCredk
 Text B  Bill ofLading
 Reading Material  Documents in Logistics
Chapter 11  International Logistics
 Case Study How Cryovac benefits from working with BDP Intemational
 Text A  Concepts ofInternational Logistics
 Text B  The Factors That Influence International Logistics
 Reading Material Logistics Barriers reported by foreign firms
Chapter 12  Logistics Business Corresp。ndenCe
 Case Study  Specimen Letter about Claim for Improper Packing
 Text A  Introduction to Logistics Business Correspondence
 Text B  Establishing Business Relations
 Reading Material  Response to the Complaints and Claims
