
作者:(美)帕特森 著
1 crystal bindinr and structure
1.1 classification of solids by binding forces (b)
1.2 group theory and crystallography
2 lattice vibrations and thermal properties
2.1 the bom-oppenheimer approximation (a)
2.2 one-dimensional lattices (b)
2.3 three-dimensional lattices
3 electrons in periodic potentials
3.1 reduction to one-electron problem
3.2 one-electron moaels
4 the interaction of electrons and lattice vibrations
4.1 particles and interactions of solid-state physics (b)
4.2 the phonon-phonon interaction (b)
4.3 the eiectron-phonon interaction
4.4 brief comments on electron interactions(b)
4.5 the boltlanann equation and electrical conductivity
4.6 transport coefficients
5 metals, alloys, and the fermi surface
5.1 fermi surface (b)
5.2 the fermi surface in real metals (b)
5.3 experiments related to the fermi surface (b)
5.4 the de haas-van a!phen effect (b)
5.5 euteeties (ms, me)
5.6 peierls instability of linear metals (b)
5.7 heavy fermion systems (a)
5.8 eleetromigration (ee, ms)
5.9 white dwarfs and chandrasekhar's limit (a)
5.10 some famous metals and alloys (b, met)
6 semiconductors
6.1 electron motion
6.2 examples of semiconductors
6.3 semiconductor device physics
7 magnetism, magnons, and magnetic resonance
7.1 types of magnetism
7.2 origin and consequences of magnetic order
7.3 magnetic domains and magnetic materials(b)
7.4 magnetic resonance and crystal field theory
7.5 brief mention of other topics
8 superconductivity
8.1 introduction and some experiments (b)
8.2 the london and ginzburg-landau equations (b)
8.3 tunneling(b, ee)
8.4 squid: superconducting quantum interference (ee)
8.5 the theory of superconductivity(a)
8.6 magnesium diboride (ee, ms, met)
8.7 heavy-electron superconductors (ee, ms, met)
8.8 high-temperature superconductors (ee, ms, met)
8.9 summary comments on superconductivity (b)
9 dielectrics and ferroelectrics
9.1 the four types of dielectric behavior (b)
9.2 electronic polarization and the dielectric constant (b)
9.3 ferroelectric crystals (b)
9.4 dielectric screening and plasma oscillations (b)
9.5 free-electron screening
10 optical properties of solids
10.1 introduction (b)
10.2 macroscopic properties (b)
10.3 absorption of electromagnetic radiation-general (b)
10.4 direct and indirect absorption coefficients (b)
10.5 oscillator strengths and sum rules (a)
10.6 critical points and joint density of states (a)
10.7 exciton absorption (a)
10.8 imperfections (b, ms, met)
10.9 optical properties of metals (b, ee, ms)
10.10 lattice absorption, restrahlen, and polaritons (b)
10.11 optical emission, c)ptical scattering and photoemission (b)
10.12 magneto-optic effects: the faraday effect (b, ee, ms)
11 defcts in solids
11.1 summary about important defects (b)
11.2 shallow and deep impurity levels in semiconductors (ee)
11.3 effective mass theory, shallow defects, and superlattices (a)
11.4 color centers (b)
11.5 diffusion (met, ms)
11.6 edge and screw dislocation (met, ms)
11.7 thermionic emission (b)
11.8 cold-field emission (b)
11.9 mierogravity (ms)
12 current topics in solid condensed-matter physics
12.1 surface reconstruction (met, ms)
12.2 some surface characterization techniques (met, ms, ee)
12.3 molecular beam epitaxy (met, ms)
12.4 heterostmctures and quantum wells
12.5 quantum structures and single-electron devices (ee)
12.6 superlattices, bloch oscillators, stark-wannier laders
12.7 classical and quantum hall effect (a)
12.8 carbon - nanotubes and fu!lerene nanotechnology (ee)
12.9 amorphous semiconductors and the mobility edge (ee)
12.10 amorphous magnets (met, ms)
12.11 soft condensed matter (met, ms)
a units
b normal coordinates
c derivations of bioch's theorem
d density matrices and thermodynamics
e time-dependent perturbation theory
f derivation of the spin-orbit term from dime's equation
g the second quantization notation for fermions and bosons
h the many-body problem
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
subject references
further reading
1.1 classification of solids by binding forces (b)
1.2 group theory and crystallography
2 lattice vibrations and thermal properties
2.1 the bom-oppenheimer approximation (a)
2.2 one-dimensional lattices (b)
2.3 three-dimensional lattices
3 electrons in periodic potentials
3.1 reduction to one-electron problem
3.2 one-electron moaels
4 the interaction of electrons and lattice vibrations
4.1 particles and interactions of solid-state physics (b)
4.2 the phonon-phonon interaction (b)
4.3 the eiectron-phonon interaction
4.4 brief comments on electron interactions(b)
4.5 the boltlanann equation and electrical conductivity
4.6 transport coefficients
5 metals, alloys, and the fermi surface
5.1 fermi surface (b)
5.2 the fermi surface in real metals (b)
5.3 experiments related to the fermi surface (b)
5.4 the de haas-van a!phen effect (b)
5.5 euteeties (ms, me)
5.6 peierls instability of linear metals (b)
5.7 heavy fermion systems (a)
5.8 eleetromigration (ee, ms)
5.9 white dwarfs and chandrasekhar's limit (a)
5.10 some famous metals and alloys (b, met)
6 semiconductors
6.1 electron motion
6.2 examples of semiconductors
6.3 semiconductor device physics
7 magnetism, magnons, and magnetic resonance
7.1 types of magnetism
7.2 origin and consequences of magnetic order
7.3 magnetic domains and magnetic materials(b)
7.4 magnetic resonance and crystal field theory
7.5 brief mention of other topics
8 superconductivity
8.1 introduction and some experiments (b)
8.2 the london and ginzburg-landau equations (b)
8.3 tunneling(b, ee)
8.4 squid: superconducting quantum interference (ee)
8.5 the theory of superconductivity(a)
8.6 magnesium diboride (ee, ms, met)
8.7 heavy-electron superconductors (ee, ms, met)
8.8 high-temperature superconductors (ee, ms, met)
8.9 summary comments on superconductivity (b)
9 dielectrics and ferroelectrics
9.1 the four types of dielectric behavior (b)
9.2 electronic polarization and the dielectric constant (b)
9.3 ferroelectric crystals (b)
9.4 dielectric screening and plasma oscillations (b)
9.5 free-electron screening
10 optical properties of solids
10.1 introduction (b)
10.2 macroscopic properties (b)
10.3 absorption of electromagnetic radiation-general (b)
10.4 direct and indirect absorption coefficients (b)
10.5 oscillator strengths and sum rules (a)
10.6 critical points and joint density of states (a)
10.7 exciton absorption (a)
10.8 imperfections (b, ms, met)
10.9 optical properties of metals (b, ee, ms)
10.10 lattice absorption, restrahlen, and polaritons (b)
10.11 optical emission, c)ptical scattering and photoemission (b)
10.12 magneto-optic effects: the faraday effect (b, ee, ms)
11 defcts in solids
11.1 summary about important defects (b)
11.2 shallow and deep impurity levels in semiconductors (ee)
11.3 effective mass theory, shallow defects, and superlattices (a)
11.4 color centers (b)
11.5 diffusion (met, ms)
11.6 edge and screw dislocation (met, ms)
11.7 thermionic emission (b)
11.8 cold-field emission (b)
11.9 mierogravity (ms)
12 current topics in solid condensed-matter physics
12.1 surface reconstruction (met, ms)
12.2 some surface characterization techniques (met, ms, ee)
12.3 molecular beam epitaxy (met, ms)
12.4 heterostmctures and quantum wells
12.5 quantum structures and single-electron devices (ee)
12.6 superlattices, bloch oscillators, stark-wannier laders
12.7 classical and quantum hall effect (a)
12.8 carbon - nanotubes and fu!lerene nanotechnology (ee)
12.9 amorphous semiconductors and the mobility edge (ee)
12.10 amorphous magnets (met, ms)
12.11 soft condensed matter (met, ms)
a units
b normal coordinates
c derivations of bioch's theorem
d density matrices and thermodynamics
e time-dependent perturbation theory
f derivation of the spin-orbit term from dime's equation
g the second quantization notation for fermions and bosons
h the many-body problem
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
subject references
further reading