


作者:韩福祥 编著





  Solid State Physics is the study of the state of solids. Its development is accompanied by the development of modern science and technology. It contains many fundamental concepts that are essential to a great number of branches of science, including those within as well as those outside physics. An exhausted list of these branches is intimidating. Here we just name a few: Condensed matter physics, material science, semiconductor physics, laser physics, spin-tronics, physical optics, electric engineering, and electronic engineering. In solids, there exist a variety of particles (including quasiparticles and elementary excitations) and interactions among them. These particles and interactions determine the potential applications of various solids. For example, the peculiar band structure of electrons in semiconductors lead to transis-tors that are the heart of everything electronic; the electron-photon interactions lead to laser diodes, photodiodes, and CCDs (coupled charge diodes); the electron-phonon interactions lead to piezoelectric materials; the electron spin-charge interactions lead to spintronics and quantum computation; the macroscopic quantum phenomena of 'electrons in metallic solids lead to superconductivity, with the strong correlation of electrons leading to high temperature superconductivity. Thus, it can be said that Solid State Physics is the study of the prop-erties of various particles in solids and the interactions among these particles as well as the interactions of these particles with external fields. Electrons and nuclei (or valence electrons and ions) are the basic constituents of solids, with many other quasiparticles or elementary excitations arising due to the interactions among themselves or due to their interactions with external fields.
1 drude theory of metals
 1.1 drude model of a metal
 1.2 basic assumptions in the drude theory
 1.3 equation of motion
 1.4 electrical conductivity of a metal
 1.5 hall effect and magnetoresistance
 1.6 thermal conductivity of a metal
 1.7 inadequacies of the drude model
2 sommerfeld theory of metals
 2.1 single-electron energy levels
 2.2 ground state of the electron gas
 2.3 finite-temperature properties of the electron gas
 2.4 conductions in metals
 2.5 inaccuracies of the sommerfeld theory
3 bravais lattice
 3.1 definition of a bravais lattice
 3.2 primitive vectors
 3.3 primitive unit cell
 3.4 wigner-seitz cell
 3.5 conventional unit cell
 3.6 lattice vectors
 3.7 bravais lattices in two dimensions
 3.8 bravais lattices in three dimensions
 3.9 mathematical description of a bravais lattice
4 point groups
 4.1 point symmetry operations
 4.2 group
 4.3 point groups for crystal structures
5 classification of bravais lattices
 5.1 lattice centerings
 5.2 criteria of classification of bravais lattices
 5.3 seven crystal systems
 5.4 crystallographic point groups
 5.5 summary
6 space groups of crystal structures
 6.1 nonsymmorphic symmetry operations
 6.2 notation of a space group
 6.3 symmorphic space groups
 6.4 nonsymmorphic space groups
 6.5 typical crystal structures
7 scattering of x-rays by a crystal
 7.1 general description of x-ray scattering
 7.2 scattering of x-rays by an atom
 7.3 scattering of x-rays by a primitive cell
 7.4 scattering of x-rays by a crystal
8 reciprocal lattice
 8.1 derivation of the reciprocal lattice
 8.2 reciprocal lattices of two-dimensional bravais lattices
 8.3 reciprocal lattices of three-dimensional bravais lattices
 8.4 brillouin zones
 8.5 reciprocal lattice vectors and lattice planes
 8.6 alternative definition of miller indices
 8.7 interplanar distances in families of lattice planes
9 theories and experiments of x-ray diffraction
 9.1 characteristic x-ray lines
 9.2 bragg's theory of x-ray diffraction
 9.3 von laue's theory of x-ray diffraction
 9.4 equivalence of bragg's and von laue's theories
 9.5 experimental methods of x-ray diffraction
 9.6 diffraction by a polyatomic crystal with a basis
10 crystal structure by neutron diffraction
 10.1 neutrons
 10.2 elastic neutron scattering
 10.3 powder diffraction
 10.4 pair distribution function analysis
 10.5 neutron and x-ray diffraction
 10.6 rietveld profile refinement
11 bonding in solids
 11.1 ionic bonds
 11.2 covalent bonds
 11.3 metallic bonds
 11.4 van der waals bonds
 11.5 hydrogen bonds
 11.6 classificatiofi of crystalline solids
12 cohesion of solids
 12.1 definition of energies of cohesion
 12.2 cohesive energies of molecular crystals
 12.3 lattice energies of ionic crystals
 12.4 cohesive er/ergies of alkali metals
13 normal modes of lattice vibrations
 13.1 born-oppenheimer approximation
 13.2 lattice potential energy and harmonic approximation
 13.3 normal modes of a one-dimensional crystal
 13.4 normal modes of a one-dimensional ionic crystal
 13.5 normal modes of a 3d monatomic crystal
 13.6 normal modes of a 3d crystal with a basis
14 quantum theory of lattice vibrations
 14.1 classical theory of the lattice specific heat
 14.2 quantization of lattice vibrations
 14.3 phonon density of states
 14.4 lattice specific heat of solids
 14.5 debye model
 14.6 einstein model
 14.7 effect of thermal expansion on phonon frequencies
 14.8 specific heat of a metal
15 inelastic neutron scattering by phonons
 15.1 experimental techniques
 15.2 description of neutron scattering
 15.3 double differential cross-section
 15.4 elastic scattering
 15.5 inelastic scattering
 15.6 phonon dispersion relations in tetragonal lacu204
16 origin of electronic energy bands
 16.1 bloch's theorem
 16.2 periodic 5-potentials
 16.3 schemes for displaying electronic band structure
 16.4 free-electron band structures
 16.5 fermi surface
 16.6 density of states in an energy band
 16.7 electronic band structures of real solids
 16.8 group velocity of an electron in an energy band
17 electrons in a weak periodic potential
 17.1 one-dimensional w'eak periodic potential
 17.2 three-dimensional weak periodic potential
18 methods for band structure computations
 18.1 fundamental problem in an electronic energy band theory
 18.2 hartree-fock method
 18.3 plane-wave method
 18.4 k•p method
 18.5 augmented-plane-wave method
 18.6 linearized-augmented-plane-wave method
 18.7 linear-muffin-tin-orbitals method
 18.8 kkr method
 18.9 orthogonalized-plane-wave method
 18.10 tight-binding method
19 dynamics of bloch electrons in electric fields
 19.1 velocity of an electron in a single-electron state
 19.2 semiclassical equation of motion
 19.3 current density
 19.4 holes
 19.5 bloch oscillations
 19.6 wannier-bloch and wannier-stark states
20 fundamentals of semiconductors
 20.1 classification of semiconductors
 20.2 electronic band structures of semiconductors
 20.3 intrinsic semiconductors
 20.4 hnpurity states
 20.5 semiconductor statistics
 20.6 electrical conductivity and mobility
 20.7 excitons
 20.8 carrier diffusion
physical constants
mathematical constants and formulas
