


作者:秦华江 等编著





Users Guide使用说明
Chapter 1 Interview
Unit 1 Job-hunting on the Internet 网上求职 2
Unit 2 Reasons for Application 应聘原因 8
Unit 3 Understanding about the New Job 对新工作的了解 13
Unit 4 Work Experiences 工作经历 17
Unit 5 Education 教育 21
Unit 6 Expected Salary 期望的待遇 25
Unit 7 Signing an Agreement 签订合同 29
Chapter 2 Business in the Office
Unit 1 Business Contacts (Communications) 商务往来 (沟通) 36
Topic 1 Making a Business Appointment 生意约见 36
Topic 2 Ordering Products 预订产品 39
Topic 3 Phone Sales 电话推销 42
Topic 4 Complaint Phone 投诉电话 46
Unit 2 Business Calling Reservation 电话商务预订 49
Topic 1 Reserving Hotel 预订酒店 49
Topic 2 Booking Air Tickets 预订机票 54
Chapter 3 Business Operations
Unit 1 Business Entertainment 商务招待 60
Topic 1 Receiving Customers 迎接客户 60
Topic 2 Recommendation and Greetings 引荐和问候 65
Topic 3 Entertaining Clients 宴请客户 69
Topic 4 City Sightseeing 城市观光 74
Unit 2 Business Announcements 商务通告 80
Topic 1 Conference Arrangement 安排会议 80
Topic 2 Reporting Work 汇报工作 84
Unit 3 Business Expansion 商务拓展 89
Topic 1 Business Consultancy 商务咨询 89
Topic 2 Business Promotion 业务推销 94
Topic 3 Function Introduction 性能介绍 98
Topic 4 Client Investigation 客户调查 102
Topic 5 After-sale Service 售后服务 107
Unit 4 Marketing 营销 111
Unit 5 Business Negotiation 商务谈判 115
Topic 1 Bargaining 讨价还价 115
Topic 2 Packaging 包装 120
Topic 3 Shipment 装运 125
Topic 4 Insurance 保险 128
Topic 5 Agency 代理 133
Topic 6 Contribution and Stock Right 出资与股权 137
Topic 7 Intellectual Property 知识产权 141
Topic 8 Publicity and Negotiation 公关谈判 146
Chapter 4 Interpersonal Relationships in the Company
Unit 1 Between the Leaders 上司之间 152
Topic 1 Propaganda and Research 宣传和调研 152
Topic 2 Investment and Auditing 投资和审计 156
Topic 3 Competition 竞争 159
Unit 2 Boss and Employees 上司和员工之间163
Topic 1 Reward and Punishment 奖励和惩罚 163
Topic 2 Giving a Raise or Promotion 加薪和升职 167
Topic 3 Sacking and Resignation 解雇和辞职 172
Topic 4 Asking for a Leave and Holiday Rotation 请假和轮休 176
Unit 3 Between the Employees 员工之间 181
Topic 1 Chatting and Treating 闲谈与请客 181
Topic 2 Encouragement and Giving a Hand 鼓励和帮忙 186
Topic 3 Working Overtime and Covering for Someone 加班和代班 190
Unit 4 External Communications 外部交流 193
Chapter 5 Etiquettes in Business
Unit1 Expressing Congratulations 表达祝贺 198
Unit 2 Invitation 邀请 202
Unit 3 Lamentation and Condolence 哀悼和慰问 207
Unit 4 Expressing Apologies 表达歉意 211
Unit 5 Expressing Gratitude 表达感谢 215
Unit 6 Proposal and Advice 建议与忠告 218
