作者:林俊伟 主编
本书编者集二十余年大学英语课堂教学与学习效果研究之精华,汇集江苏省2001年至今专转本英语全真试卷以及2006年以前英语四级金真试卷中的经典基础知识与试题,以创新的编写形式和阶梯式的学习效果管理方法编成《大学英语四级基本技能训练》(上,下册),奉献给莘莘学子以及长期从事这方面研究的各位老师。 本书上、下册各15个单元。 本册为上册。
Unit 1
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 2
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 3
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 4
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 5
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 6
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 7
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 8
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 9
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 10
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 11
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
Unit 12
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 13
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 14
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 15
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 2
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 3
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 4
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 5
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 6
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 7
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 8
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 9
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 10
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 11
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
Unit 12
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 13
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 14
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading
Unit 15
1. Words to learn
2. Structure
3. Spot dictation
4. Close reading