


作者:邹照兰 著





第一章 民政与社会工作概述
Summary on Civil Affairs and Social Work
1.1 民政的概念
The Concept of Civil Affairs
1.2 民政的由来、发展
The Origin and Development of Civil Affairs
1.3 民政工作的职能和任务
Function and Task of Civil Affairs
1.4 民政工作的对象
Target of Civil Affairs
1.5 民政部及组织机构
Ministry of Civil Affairs and its Organizations
1.6 民政工作与社会工作关系
Relationship Between Social Work and Civil Affairs
第二章 基层政权建设
Construction of Grassroots-power Organ
2.1 基层政权概述
Overview of Grassroots-power Organ
2.2 基层政权的特点和职能
Nature and Functions of Grassroots-power Organization
2.3 基层人民代表大会
Local People's Congress
2.4 基层群众自治组织建设
Construction of Mass Organization of Self-government at the Grass-roots level
2.5 发展基层民主
Developing Primary-level Democracy
第三章 行政区划及行政管理纵横
Comments on Administrative Division and Management
3.1 中国行政区划的历史嬗变
History of Administrative Divisions of China
3.2 古代行政区划管理
Administration Management in Ancient China
3.3 新中国的行政区划概述
General of Administrative Divisions of China
3.4 行政区划的英译
Tarranslation of Administrative Divisions
3.5 中国各级行政头衔英译
All Levels Administrative Tittles and Ranks in China
3.6 行政区域界线管理
Management of Administration of Administrative Boundaries
第四章 中国的自然灾害与灾害救助
Natural Disaster and Chinese Disaster Relief
4.1 自然灾害的概述
General ofNatural Disaster
4.2 中国自然灾害特点
Charaeteristics of Natural Disaster in China
4.3 国家减灾委员会
China National Committee for the natural disaster Relief
4.4 中国的救灾体制
Chinese Disaster Relief System
4.5 减灾法制建设
Construction of a Legal Framework
4.6 减灾体制机制建设
Institutional Setup and Working Mechanism Related to Disaster Reduction
4.7 减灾战略目标和任务
Strategic Goals and Tasks for Disaster Reduction
4.8 救灾捐赠
Disaster Relief Donation
第五章 优抚安置
Preferential Treatment and Placement
5.1 优抚工作
The Preferential Treatment Work for Retired Military Personnel
5.2 军人的安置
Placement of Military Personnel
第六章 社会福利事业
Social Weflare
6.1 中国社会福利制度
Social Welfare System in China
6.2 老年人福利事业
Social Welfare for the Elderly
6.3 残疾人福利事业
Social Welfare for the Disabled
6.4 儿童福利事业
Social Weflare for Children
第七章 地名管理及地名翻译漫谈
Management of Place Names and Discussing of Placename Translation
7.1 中国地名的有关法律规定及地名的拼写
The Provisions of the Relevant Laws of China's Placenames and Spelling
7.2 地名的拼写
Placename Spelling
7.3 我国地名的翻译
Translation of Chinese Placenames
7.4 中国传统地名的翻译
Translation of Ancient Chinese Placename
7.5 中国地名又名(一地双名)、雅名(别名)、俗名、古名、曾用名的翻译
Chinese Place Names in Different Form
第八章 婚姻、家庭和儿童收养
Marriage,Family and Children Adoption
8.1 婚姻和婚姻的由来
Matrimony and its Originates
8.2 西方婚礼习俗
Western Wedding Customs
8.3 中国婚姻习俗
Chinese Marriage Customs
8.4 回门
Returning Home
8.5 抛彩球
Tossing Colorful Balls
8.6 七夕节
Qixi Festival
8.7 满月洗儿会
Child Bathing at One Month Old
8.8 儿童收养
Children Adoption
第九章 民间组织管理
The Management of Non—governmental Organization
9.1 中国的民间组织
Non—governmental Organization in China
9.2 各种团体和协会
All Kinds of Organizations and Associations
第十章 中西殡葬文化比较
The Comparison of FuBeral Culture between East and West
10.1 汉文化死亡观
Death Views in Chinese Culture
10.2 西方文化死亡观
Death Views in Western Culture
10.3 汉文化的丧葬习俗
Chinese Funeral Customs
10.4 殡葬事物和墓地
Funeral Objects and Burial Grave
10.5 殡葬葬式
Buffal Forms
10.6 祭祀活动——清明节
Qingming Festival
