![深入浅出程序设计(影印版) 深入浅出程序设计(影印版)](https://img.dushu.com/2010/11/03/23423510968962.jpg_200.jpg)
作者:(英)巴里,(美)格里菲思 著
巴里(Paul Barry) recently worked out that he hasbeen programming for close to a quarter century, afact that came as a bit of a shock. In that time, Paulhas programmed in lots of different programminglanguages, lived and worked in two countries on twocontinents, got married, had three kids (well... his wifeDeirdre actually had them, but Paul did play his part),completed a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computing, writtentwo other books, written a bunch of technical articlesfor Linux Fournal, and managed not to lose his hair.., asituation that, sadly, may in fact be changing.格里菲思(David Griffiths) began programming at age 12,when he saw a documentary on the work of Seymour Papert. At age 15, he wrote an implementation ofPaperts computer language LOGO. After studyingPure Mathematics at University, he began writing codefor computers and magazine articles for humans. Hesworked as an agile coach, a developer, and a garageattendant, but not in that order. He can write code inover I0 languages and prose in just one, and when notwriting, coding, or coaching, he spends much of hisspare time travelling with his lovely wife——and fellowHead First author——Dawn.
1 Starting to Code: Finding Your Way
2 Textual Data: Every String Has Its Place
3 Functions: Let's Get Organized
4 Data Files and Arrays: Sort It Out
5 Hashes and Databases: Putting Data in Its Place
6 Modular Programming: Keeping Things Straight
7 Building a Graphical User Interface: Going All Gooey
8 GUIs and Data: Data Entry Widgets
8 1/2 Exceptions and Message Boxes: Get the Message?
9 Graphical Interface Elements: Selecting the Right Tool
10 Custom Widgets and Classes: With an Object in Mind
i Leftovers: The Top Ten Things (We Didn't Cover)
1 Starting to Code: Finding Your Way
2 Textual Data: Every String Has Its Place
3 Functions: Let's Get Organized
4 Data Files and Arrays: Sort It Out
5 Hashes and Databases: Putting Data in Its Place
6 Modular Programming: Keeping Things Straight
7 Building a Graphical User Interface: Going All Gooey
8 GUIs and Data: Data Entry Widgets
8 1/2 Exceptions and Message Boxes: Get the Message?
9 Graphical Interface Elements: Selecting the Right Tool
10 Custom Widgets and Classes: With an Object in Mind
i Leftovers: The Top Ten Things (We Didn't Cover)