


作者:张东昌,潘巍巍 著





Part I Reading Strategies Employed by Readers Answering Multiple-Choice Questions
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Definition 0f Reading Stategy
1.2 Reading Strategies inSecond Language Reading
1.3 Reading Process
1.4 Objectives
1.5 Rationale of Experiment
1.6 Educfition Setting
Chapter Two Literature,Review
2.1 Reading Strategy Use
2.2 Research Using Thinking-Out-Loud Protocols and Interviews
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Participants
3.2 Materials
3.3 Procedures
3.4 Data Analysis
Chapter Four Results
4.1 Ranking of Forty Reading Strategies and Strategies for Answering Multiple-Choice Questions
4.2 The Comparisons of the Total Number of Strategies Used/the Total Number of Different Strategies Used and the Scores on Both Reading Contexts
4.3 Relationships between the Scores and the Total of Strategies/the Total of Different:Strategies on Both Reading Contexts
4.4 Case Studies of Four Participants' Strategy Use
Chapter Five Analysis and Discussion of the Results
Chapter Six Summary; Conciusionand Recommendations
Part II A Study of Foreign Language Reading
Strategies Use and Gender Differences in Reading Strategies Used by ESL Chinese Students
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.2 Comprehension Strategies in L2 Reading
1.3 The Reader and the Reading Process
1.4 Objectives
1.5 Rationale of Experiment
1.6 Educational Setting
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Decoding
2.2 Research Using Thinking-Out-Loud Protocols Interviews and Retellings
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Selection of the Subjects
3.2 Materials
3.3 Procedures, Tests and Statistical Analyses
3.4 Limitations
Chapter Four Results
4.1 Variation in Use of Individual Strategies by Gender
4,2 Interview Data Analysis
4.3 Retellings and Multiple-Choice Test Analysi
Chapter Five Analysis and Discussion of the Results
Chapter Six Summary and Conclusion
Part III Testing the Effects =of Output on the Strategy of Noticing Hypothesis and SLA
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Focus on Form
2.2 Noticing Hypothesis
2.3 PedagogicalApproaches to Promote Learners Noticing of Form
2.4 Previous Studies on Input Enhancement
2.5 Previous Studies on Output in SLA
Chapter Three A Description of the Present Study
3.1 Research Hypothesis
3.2 Study Methodology
Chapter Four Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Analysis
4.2 Results
Chapter Five Discussion
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Summary
6.2 Pedagogical.Implications
6.3 Limitation
Part IV Study on the Individual Differences in the Use of English Reading Strategies
Chapter One Introduction
ChapterTwo Literature Review
2.1 A Survey of Reading Researches
2.2 Reading Strategy Use
2.3 The Current Study
Chapter Three Research Methods
3.1 Objectives
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Materials
3.4 Instruments
3.5 Research Procedures
Chapter Four Data Analysis
Chapter Five Results and Diseussion
5.1 A General Evaluation about Scores and Strategies Use
5.2 Oral Interview
Chapter Six Implietitions
Chapter Seven Conclusion
Part V Factors Influencing Reading Abilities of Middle School Students and Counter-MeaSure
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 International Studies on English Reading
2.2 The Study of English Reading in China
2.3 Definition of Reading Comprehension
Chapter Three Research
3.1 Subjects
3.2 Instruments
3.3 Design of the Questionnaire
3.4 Data Analysis and Findings of the Survey
Chapter Four Results
4.1 Students' Psychological Factors
4.2 Reading Strategy Factors
4.3 Linguistic Knowledge Factors
4.4 Reading Habits Factors
Chapter Five Suggested Counter-Measures
5.1 CultiVate Students'Interest:in Reading
5.2 Enhance Student's Language Knowledge
5.3 Extensive Background Knowledge
5.4 The Use of Reading-Skills and Strategies
5.5 Teachers' Adjustment of Teaching Strategies
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findirigs of the Study
6.2 Limitation of the Study
