


作者:黄忠 等主编





Part 1 Introductory Chemistry Speciality English
  Unit 1 Inorganic Chemistry
  Lesson 1 Introduction to Chemistry: The Central, Useful, and Creative Science
  Hands-On Chemistry: Penny Fingers
  [ Reading Material] Roger Y. Tsien
  Lesson 2 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds and Chemical Formulas
  Hands-On Chemistry: Burning Money
  [ Reading Material ] Something to Bragg About
  Lesson 3 The Periodic Table
  Hands-On Chemistry: Rubber Egg & Chicken Bones
  [ Reading Material ] A Study of Sea Butterflies Illustrates the Process of Science
  Lesson 4 Chemical Bond
  Hands-On Chemistry: Bending Water
  [Reading Material] Methane
  Lesson 5 Coordination Chemistry
  Hands-On Chemistry: Relax with Beautiful Bath Salts
  [Reading Material] Saline and Fluids in the Body
  Key Terms to Inorganic Chemistry
  Unit 2 Organic Chemistry
  Lesson 6 Introduction to Organic Chemistry
  Hands-On Chemistry: Introduction to Countertop Chemistry
  [Reading Material] History of Organic Chemistry
  Lesson 7 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
  Hands-On Chemistry: Dancing Spaghetti
  [Reading Material] IUPAC Nomenclature
  Lesson 8 Types of Organic Reactions
  Hands-On Chemistry: Remove Tarnish From Sliver
  [Reading Material] Harvard University
  Key Terms to Organic Chemistry
  Unit 3 Physical Chemistry & Environmental Pollution
  Lesson 9 Introduction of Physical Chemistry
  Hands-On Chemistry: Atomic Weight Calculation
  [ Reading Material ] Legal Responsibilities of Undergraduates In Chemistry Department
  Lesson 10 Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetics
  Hands-On Chemistry: 14C Dating of Organic Material :
  [Reading Material] Green Plastics
  Lesson 11 Environmental Pollution
  Hands-On Chemistry: Etymology of Chemistry
  [Reading Material] Chemistry and the Law
  Key Terms to Physical Chemistry
  Unit 4 Analytical Chemistry
  Lesson 12 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
  Hands-On Chemistry: Atmospheric Can————Crusher
  [Reading Material] Introduction to Instrumental Methods
  Lesson 13 Volnmctric Analysis and Qualitative Analysis
  Hands-On Chemistry: What is the Volume of Your Lungs?
  [Reading Material] Electroanalytical Methods of Analysis
  Lesson 14 Ultraviolet and Visible Molecular Spectroscopy
  Hands-On Chemistry: Chromatography of leaves
  [ Reading Material] UV / Vis spectroscopy
  Lesson 15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectroscopy
  Hands-On Chemistry: The Lemon Battery
  [ Reading Material] Mass spectrometry
  Key Terms to Analytical Chemistry
  Unit 5 Biochemistry
  Lesson 16 Introduction to Biochemistry
  Hands-On Chemistry: Sizzle Sources
  [Reading Material] Ada Yonath
  Key Terms to Biochemistry
  Unit 6 Polymers
  Lesson 17 Introduction to Polymers
  Interesting Tidbits About Polymers
  [Reading Material] The History of Polymers
  Lesson 18 Discovery of Polyethylene and Nylon
  Hands-On Chemistry: Clear Slimc Polymer
  [Reading Material] Natural Rubber- History and Developments In the Natural Rubber Industry
  Key Terms to Polymer Science
  Unit 7 Food Chemistry
  Lesson 19 Introduction to Food Chemistry: the Science of Studying the Chemical Nature of Food
  Hands-On Food Chemistry: Volume Changes During Freeing
  [ReadingMaterial] Organic and Natural Foods
  Key Terms to Food Chemistry
  Unit 8 Pesticide Chemistry
  Lesson 20 Introduction to Pesticide Chemistry
  Hands-On Chemistry: Cleaning Your Insects
  [Reading Material] Pesticides and Children
  Key Terms to Pesticide Chemistry
  Unit 9 Principles of Chemical Engineering
  Lesson 21 Introduction to Principles of Chemical Engineering
  Hands-On Chemistry:An Explanation to Chemical Engineering
  [ Reading Material ] Basic Trend In Chemical Engineering
  Lesson 22 Heat Transfer
  Hands-On Chemistry: Heat Transfer
  [ Reading Material] Applications of Thermodynamics
  Key Terms to Chemical Engineering
  Unit 10 Fine Chemicals
  Lesson 23 Introduction to Fine Chemicals
  Hands-On Chemistry: How to Make Disappearing Ink
  [ Reading Material ] Chemists Discover How Antiviral Drugs Bind To and Block Flu Virus
  Key Terms to Fine Chemistry
  Part 2 Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry
  Lessen 24 Chemical Reactions
  Hands-On Chemistry: Any Fun Things I Can Make With Ammonium Nitrate?
  Lessen 25 Chemical Calculations ~
  Hands-On Chemistry: Let Make Chocolate Chip Cookies!
  Part 3 Chemical Laboratory
  Lesson 26 Common Labware
  Lesson 27 Work In Chemical Laboratory
  Lesson 28 A Experiment Ease: Synthesis of Salicylic Acid From Oil of Wintergreen (Methyl Salicylate)
  Part 4 Reference Reading for Graduate Admission Examination
  Lesson 29 Metals in Alcoholic Beverages
  Lesson 30 Amidation Through Carbamates
  Lesson 31 Current Analytical Methods For The Determination Of Biogenic Amines In Foods
  Lesson 32 Metabolic Depression In Fish Measured By Direct Calorimetry
  Lesson 33 Formation of PolymerParticles With Supercritical Fluids
  Lesson 34 Microfluidic Fuel Cells
  Lesson 35 Sample Treatment and Determination of Pesticide Residues in Fatty Vegetable Matrices
  Part 5 Guide for Scientific Paper Writing
  Lesson 36 Notes on the Structure of a Scientific Paper
  Lesson 37 The Abstract
  Part 6 Brief Introduction to Scientific English
  Lesson 38 Style of Writing and Use of English in Essays and Scientific Papers
  Lesson 39 科技英语的翻译标准与翻译方法
  Part 7 化学英文文献检索及网上资源简介
  五、化学英文文献网上检索(以science Direct Online系统为例)
  Part 8 Oral Speakjng for Chemistry Speciality EngIish
  section A 英语口语训练的途径
  section B 国际会议口语
  Section C 英文电话用语
  section D Speaking topics
  Section E 复旦大学2009年考研复试英语口语范文推荐
  section F 常用化学分子式、方程式及数学式的英语读法
  附录1 考试参考样卷ABC
  sample:Paper A Foundati On Chemistry Examinafion
  Sample:Paper B Clnemistry Examination
  Sample Paper C Ctlemistry Speciality English Examination
  附录2 化学专业英语常用前后缀
  附录3 常用化学缩写
  附录4 希腊字母英文名称及读音表
  附录5 英文化学元素周期表(The Periodic Table of The Claemical Elements)
