作者:胡德康,刘利君 主编
本书是《研究生英语精读教程》(下)教师用书的第三版。内容包括第一至第十二单元精读课文的语言点(Language Points)、重点词(Word Study)、精读课文参考译文、练习答案和阶段测试答案。作者小传(About the Author)一部分放在教师用书中,一部分放在学生用书中。1.作者小传:简略介绍作者生平及某些相关课文的背景知识。2.语言点:主要是课文难点注释,其中包括理解难点和翻译表达难点,以及句型、习语使用的例证。3.重点词:均为常用词和短语。鉴于英语中一词的多义性、多词性和众多的派生词,在处理重点词时,除着重阐明该词在本课文中的词义外,还适当拓宽该词在其他方面的意义和用法。至于是否必须向学生讲解或何时讲解,由教师灵活掌握。4.提供的写作题范文,只是从一个方面体现了写作的要求,起一个抛砖引玉的作用。教师可根据实际情况参考使用。 5.练习量大,形式多样,难易搭配适中。教师可根据学生水平、各校课时的多少,部分选用或全部使用。 6.阶段测试(Mini—Tests)是根据《非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大纲》而编写的,两份统考真题试卷,既可用做复习材料,迎接英语学位课程统考,也可用做期中考试试卷或学生自测试题,由教师自行决定。
Unit One
Text: Technology vs. Terrorism
Supplementary Reading
Unit Two
Text: Active and Passive Euthanasia
Supplementary Reading
Unit Three
Text: Evolution and Natural Selection
Supplementary Reading
Unit Four
Text: The Man Who Discovered Mother Nature.
Supplementary Reading
Unit Five
Text: The Apple of Your Ear
Supplementary Reading
Unit Six
Text: Culture Shock
Supplementary Reading
Mini-Test I
Unit Seven
Text: A Bet on Planet Earth
Supplementary Reading
Unit Eight
Text: I Am a Highbrow
Supplementary Reading
Unit Nine
Text: Is Rock Music Rotting Our Kids' Minds?
Supplementary Reading
Unit Ten
Text: Robots Roll into Operating Rooms
Supplementary Reading
Unit Eleven
Text: The Politician
Supplementary Reading
Unit Twelve
Text: The Scientific Aesthetic
Supplementary Reading
Mini-Test lI
Text: Technology vs. Terrorism
Supplementary Reading
Unit Two
Text: Active and Passive Euthanasia
Supplementary Reading
Unit Three
Text: Evolution and Natural Selection
Supplementary Reading
Unit Four
Text: The Man Who Discovered Mother Nature.
Supplementary Reading
Unit Five
Text: The Apple of Your Ear
Supplementary Reading
Unit Six
Text: Culture Shock
Supplementary Reading
Mini-Test I
Unit Seven
Text: A Bet on Planet Earth
Supplementary Reading
Unit Eight
Text: I Am a Highbrow
Supplementary Reading
Unit Nine
Text: Is Rock Music Rotting Our Kids' Minds?
Supplementary Reading
Unit Ten
Text: Robots Roll into Operating Rooms
Supplementary Reading
Unit Eleven
Text: The Politician
Supplementary Reading
Unit Twelve
Text: The Scientific Aesthetic
Supplementary Reading
Mini-Test lI