


作者:陈晓鸣,叶海鹏 主编





Unit One Wonderful Internet
  Blog What Can I Do on the Internet?
  Intensive Reading What a Wonderful Net!
  Extensive Reading Shop and Brand
  Related Links The History of Nokia
  Unit Two Online Shopping
  Blog Shopping without Going Out!
  Intensive Reading The Development or E-commerce
  Extensive Reading Online Payment
  Related Links Only in China: McDonald's Goes Online to Sell Consumer Goods
  China Eastern Airlines and Alibaba Group Form Strategic Alliance in E-commerce
  Unit Three Online Payment
  Blog I Can Make It Now!
  Intensive Reading Logistics
  Extensive Reading International Trade through E-commerce
  Related Links PayPal
  Unit Four Web Design
  Blog Learning Web Design
  Intensive Reading The Structure of an HTML Page
  Extensive Reading Web Layout Basics
  Related Links Adobe
  Unit Five Website Construction
  Blog What Is the Best Software to Build a Personal Website?
  Intensive Reading 5 Steps Setting up Your Business Website
  Extensive Reading How to Build a Better Business or Personal Website.
  Related Links How to Build Your Website around Your Customers in 5 Easy Steps
  Unit Six Managing Online Business
  Blog Open an E-shop
  Intensive Reading Running a Business on the Internet
  Extensive Reading E-business Models
  Related Links Legend eBay.com
  Unit Seven E-marketing
  Blog My E-marketing
  Intensive Reading The Year 1997 and E-marketing
  Extensive Reading Start Advertising with Search Engine
  Related Links Selling on Amazon.com
  Unit Eight Network Communication
  Blog Internet Communication
  Intensive Reading Microblogging
  Extensive Reading Instant Messaging
  Related Links Facebook
  Unit Nine Trade Terms
  Blog Price Terms
  Intensive Reading Why Prices Are so Different in International Trade?
  Extensive Reading Insurance
  Related Links Aliexpress , Escrow and Alipay
  Unit Ten Trading Global
  Blog My Trading Global
  Intensive Reading Exploring Distribution Channel Online
  Extensive Reading E-marketing at Global Scale
  Related Links Alibaba.com
  附录一 电子商务常用术语中英文对照表
  附录二 全球知名电子商务网站99例
  附录三 部分练习答案举例
