


作者:翁里 著





  翁里 籍贯福建福州,下乡知青,中共党员。1988年7月毕业于西南政法大学刑侦专业,获法学硕士学位。1991年1月至1993年2月,赴美国瓦尔帕莱索大学法学院学习。归国后,现任浙江大学光华法学院硕士研究生导师;兼任浙江警察学院客座教授、浙江省国际经济法研究会秘书长,《中华人民共和国出入境法》立法论证专家之一。 研究领域为:侦查学、司法鉴定学、国际移民法。曾主持多项省部级课题;已出版的著作有《国际移民法理论与实践》、《犯罪侦查学》、《美国法律概论》、《国家安全与反渗透问题研究》、《超级谋杀者的心理画像》、《转型期罟民安全指南》等;在《中国社会科学文摘》等国内外刊物上用中英文发表专业论文80余篇。其中若干论著荣获省部级优秀成果奖。
Chapter 1 Basic Theory Concerning Science of International Migration Law
1 History of Migration and Migration Law
2 Theoretic System of International Migration Law
3 The Purpose and Principles of International Migration Law
Chapter 2 Legal System of Passport
1 Ftmctions of Passport
2 Types of Passport
3 Issuing and Management of Passport
4 Other Entry and Exit Certificates Substituting Passport:
Chapter 3 Legal System of Visa
1 Ftmctions of Visa
2 Types of Visa
3 Management of Visa
Chapter 4 The Entry and Exit Law of the Peoples Republic of China
1 Legal System of the PRC on the Entry and Exit Adminislration of Chinese Citizens
2 Entry and Exit Border Management of Mainland Citizens
3 Exit and Entry Management of Mainland Citizens Going to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Regions
4 Entry and Exit Border Management of Overseas Chinese, Residents in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
5 Legal System of the PRC on Administrating Entry and Exit of Foreigners
Chapter 5 Migration and Nationality Laws
1 The Development of Nationality
2 Nationality Law in the PRC
3 The Regulation of Nationality by Multilateral Treaties
4 Duties of the International Society to Admit Aliens
Chapter 6 Migration Laws of Some Countries in Asia
1 Migration Law of Japan
2 Mizration Law of India
Chapter 7 Migration Laws of Some Countries in North America
1 Migration Law of the USA
2 Migration Law of Canada
Chapter 8 Migration Laws of Some Countries in Europe
1 Migration Law of the UK
2 Migration Law of the Netherlands
3 Migration Law of Germany
4 Migration Law of France:
5 Schengen Agreement
Chapter 9 Migration Laws of Some Regions in Oceania and Africa
1 Migration Law of Australia
2 Migration Laws of Some African States
3 Regional Arrangements of the West and Central African Communities
4 Migrant Labors in South Africa
Chapter 10 Several International Treaties Concerning Migration
The Convention for Refugee
Other Regional Arrangements for Migration
Appendix 1 Nationality Law of the Peoples Republi~ of China.
Appendix 2 Passport Law of the Peoples Republic of China
Chief References.
