


作者:曲继武,赵树,程有义 著





Chapter 1 Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系
Lesson 1 Exporters Request for Establishment of Business Relations
A Reply to the above进口商的答复
Lesson 2 Importers Request for Establishment of Business Relations 进口商要求建立业务关系
A Reply to the above出口商的答复
Lesson 3 Self-Introduction自我介绍
Self-Introduction by the expoder出口商的自我介绍
Self-Introduction by the impoder进口商的自我介绍
Lesson 4 Transferring Business Relations转业务关系
Chapter 2 Business Negotiations谈判
Lesson 5 First Enquiry(1)首次询价 A Reply to the above答复
Lesson 6 First Enquiry(2)首次询价 A Reply to the above答复
Lesson 7 A Non-Firm Offer虚盘
Lesson 8 A Firm Offer实盘{
Lesson 9 Counter 0fiers还盘
Lesson 10 A Counter Counter-0fier反还盘
Lesson 11 Declining a Counter-0fier谢绝还盘
Lesson 12 Urging the Buyer to Accept the Offer敦促买方接受报盘
Lesson 13 A Concession on Price价格让步
Chapter 3 Order and Contract订单与合同
Lesson 14 Placing an Order at an Adjusted Price以修订后的价格订货
Lesson 15 Placing an Order订货 Thanks for the above答谢
Lesson 16 Declining an Order谢绝订单
Lesson 17 Offering a Substitute提供替代品
Lesson 18 Buyer’S Request to Cancel the Order买方要求取消订单
Lesson 19 Rejecting an Order at Old Prices拒绝老价格订单
Lesson 20 Accepting an Order at Old Prices接受老价格订单
Lesson 21 Sending a Contract寄送合同
Chapter 4 Payment支付
Lesson 22 A Specimen Of an L/C信用证样本
Lesson 23 Asking for Easier Payment Terms要求获得宽松的付款方式
A reply to the above答复
Lesson 24 Asking for T/T Terms要求用TIT付款
Lesson 25 Asking for D/A Terms要求用D/A付款
Lesson 26 Urging Establishment of L/C(I)催证
Lesson 27 Urging Establishment of L/C(1I)催证
Lesson 28 Urging Establishment of L/C(III)催证
Lesson 29 Asking for an Amendment to the L/C要求修改信用证
Lesson 30 Asking for an Extension of L/C(I)要求展证
Buyer’S Reply to the above买方的答复
Seller’S Reply to the above卖方的答复
Lesson 31 Asking for an Extension of L/C(II)要求展证
Chapter 5 Delivery交货
Lesson 32 Pressing the Seller for Delivery(I)敦促卖方交货
A Reply to the above答复
Lesson 33 Pressing the Seller for Delivery(II)敦促卖方交货
Lesson 34 Pressing the Seller for Delivery(III)敦促卖方交货
Lesson 35 Shipping Advice装船通知
Lesson 36 Rejecting Partial Shipment拒绝分批装运
Lesson 37 Suggesting Postponement of Shipment or Partial Shipment
Lesson 38 Packing Requirement包装要求
Lesson 39 Packing Description包装描述
Chapter 6 Insurance保险
Lesson 40 SellerS Reply to an Enquiry about Insurance卖方对关于询问保险的答复
Lesson 41 Asking for CFR Terms要求用CFR报价
A Reply to the above答复
Lesson 42 Asking for Insurance at the Sellers End要求卖方代投保
Lesson 43 Covering Insurance for the Buyer代买方投保
Lesson 44 AddifionaI Insurance额外保险
Chapter 7 Claim&Complaint索赔和抱怨
Lesson 45 A Claim for Poor Packing对粗劣包装的索赔
A Reply to the above答复
Lesson 46 A Claim for Non-Conformity Of Quality对品质不符提出索赔
Lesson 47 Complaints 0f Short Delivery对短交的不满
Lesson 48 A Complaint of Wrong Delivery对错装货物的不满
A Reply to the above答复
Lesson 49 A Complaint 0f Delay in Delivery对延期装运的不满
A Reply to the above答复
Lesson 50 Seltlement 0f a Claim理赔
Chapter 8 Agency代理
Lesson 51 Asking for Sole Agency(I)要求做独家代理
An Unfavorable Reply否定的答复
Lesson 52 Asking for Sole Agency(1I)要求做独家代理
A Favorable Reply肯定的答复
Lesson 53 A Sole Agency Agreement独家代理协议
Appendix I出口单据实例
Appendix II练习参考答案
Appendix III本书关键词汇索引
