


作者:谭慧明 主编





Module 1 The Environment and Environmental Problems
 Chapter 1 Part A Text Environment
  Part B Reading Material What is Pollution
  Part C Translation Skills
Module 2 Ecosystem
 Chapter 2 Part A Text How Do Ecosystems Work
  Part B Reading Material Endangered Species
  Part C Translation Skills
Module 3 Air Pollution and Control Technology
 Chapter 3 Part A Text Type and Sources of Air Pollutants (1)
  Part B Reading Material Typeand Sources of Air Pollutants (2)
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 4 Part A Text Conventional Technology of Air Pollution Control
  Part B Reading Material Gas and Vapor Control Technology
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 5 Part A Text New Technology of Air Pollution Control (1)
  Part B Reading Material New Technology of Air Pollution Control (2)
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 6 Part A Text Acid Rain : What is the Solution
  Part B Reading Material AcidRain Basics
  Part C Translation Skills
Module 4 Water Resources and Wastewater Treatment Technology
 Chapter 7 Part A Text Water
  Part B Reading Material Problems of Water Resources
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 8 Part A Text Water Problems
  Part B Reading Material Oxygen in Water
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 9 Part A Text Basic Factors in Water Analysis
  Part B Reading Material Thunderstorms Are Affected by Pollution
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 10 Part A Text Water Purification
  Part B Reading Material Water Environment Basics
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 11 Part A Text Water Pollution and Pollutants
  Part B Reading Material Wastewater
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 12 Part A Text Water Treatment Processes
  Part B Reading Material Water Environment Problems
  Part C Translation Skills
Module 5 Solid Waste and Waste Disposal Technology
 Chapter 13 Part A Text Municipal Solid Waste
  Part B Reading Material Industrial Solid Waste
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 14 Part A Text Solid Waste Disposal Technology
  Part B Reading Material The Impacts of Composting
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 15 Part A Text Garbage-potential Resources
  Part B Reading Material Imagine No Restrictions on Fossilfuel Usage and No Global Warming
  Part C Translation Skills
Module 6 Noise and Noise Control Technology
 Chapter 16 Part A Text Noise and Noise Control
  Part B Reading Material Noise Pollution Effects
  Part C Translation Skills
Module 7 Soil and Soil Pollution Protection
 Chapter 17 Part A Text Soil and Soil Pollution
  Part B Reading Material Land Degradation
  Part C Translation Skills
 Chapter 18 Part A Text Soil Erosion and Conservation
  Part B Reading Material An End to Soil Problems
  Part C Translation Skills
Module 8 Other Pollution and Control Technologies
 Chapter 19 Part A Text Thermal Pollution
  Part B Reading Material Light Pollution
  Part C Translation Skills
Module 9 Environmental Management Systems
 Chapter 20 Part A Text Environmental Management Systems
  Part B Reading Material The ISO System
  Part C Word-formation Knowledge of Science and Technology
Module 10 Environmental Monitoring
 Chapter 21 Part A Text Identify the Indoor Air Quality Problems
  Part B Reading Material Indoor Air Quality Concerns
  Part C Word-formation Knowledge of Science and Technology
 Chapter 22 Part A Text Biological Oxygen Demand Monitoring
  Part B Reading Material Monitoring
  Part C Reading Skills of Science and Technology
Module 11 Environmental Impact Assessment
 Chapter 23 Part A Text Environmental Impact Assessment
  Part B Reading Material EIA around the World
  Part C Reading Skills of Science and Technology
Module 12 Sustainable Development
 Chapter 24 Part A Text Sustainable Development (1)
  Part B Reading Material Clean Production
  Part C Reading Skills of Science and Technology
 Chapter 25 Part A Text Sustainable Development (2)
  Part B Reading Material SiX Steps to a Sustainable Society
  Part C Reading Skills of Science and Technology
