


作者:张虹 主编





  本教材严格按照《高职高专英语教学基本要求》(修订稿),选编了15个单元的文章共45篇,题材丰富,体裁多样,供高职高专以及大学基础阶段的学生训练快速阅读使用。 本教材在某种程度上能够适应学生们的需求,既能促进他们的阅读习惯和能力,又能开阔他们的视野;对于使用此教材的教师而言,为他们提供了更大的教学空间,书中所选的文章是课本教学的补充和延伸,可以供课堂教学选用,也可作为课外阅读之用。
Unit One Colleges and Universities
Basic Reading Skills ( 1 )
Passage One Examinations Exert a Pernicious Influence on Education
Passage Two Being a Woman Scientist
Passage Three Universities Branch Out
Unit Two Cyber World
Basic Reading Skills (2)
Passage One Laptop Computers
Passage Two A Normal Business Man
Passage Three Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting Online
Unit Three Traveling
Basic Reading Skills( 3 )
Passage One Munich Beer Festival
Passage Two Architectural Differences Cause Confusion
Passage Three CIA in America
Unit Four Science and Technology
Basic Reading Skills(4)
Passage One Anesthetics
Passage Two Distinct Shifts in the Preferred Methods for Infant Care
Passage Three How to Be a Smart Online Shopper
Unit Five Culture and Education
Basic Reading Skills (5)
Passage One Culture, One of the Most Challenging Elements
Passage Two Part-time Education or Distance Learning
Passage Three What We can Play with
Unit Six Health
Basic Reading Skills (6)
Passage One Welfare Reform in Athens County
Passage Two Why Cream Goes Bad Faster than Butter
Passage Three Babies Prove Sound Learners
Unit Seven Business
Basic Reading Skills (7)
Passage One The Business of America is Business
Passage Two Newspaper in These Days
Passage Three Media Selection for Advertisements
Unit Eight Emotion
Basic Reading Skills ( 8 )
Passage One Motivation in Learning a Language
Passage Two I Yelled for My Father
Passage Three Suicide Rate in Asian Countries
Unit Nine Mental Health
Basic Reading Skills (9)
Passage One The Lefkoe Method
Passage Two Meditation Can Help Train Attention
Passage Three The Secret of Self-control
Unit Ten Sports
Basic Reading Skills (10)
Passage One Words Affect Us
Passage Two A Research on the Football Referees
Passage Three Got a Fat Gene? Get Active!
Unit Eleven Lifestyle
Basic Reading Skills ( 11 )
Passage One Advantages and Disadvantages of Uniforms
Passage Two Interpersonal Relationship
Passage Three Ten Hot Dates in a Weak Economy
Unit Twelve Food and Beverage
Basic Reading Skills(12)
Passage One Eating for Health
Passage Two Fruit Juice: Friend or Foe?
Passage Three Variety for Healthy Eating
Unit Thirteen Traffic and Energy
Basic Reading Skills( 13 )
Passage One Nuclear Fuel-Uranium
Passage Two Energy VS. Environment
Passage Three The History of GPS Technology
Unit Fourteen Money and Careers
Basic Reading Skills (14)
Passage One Are You Ready to Be a Writer?
Passage Two Is It a Sensible Choice?
Passage Three How Much Money is Enough?
Unit Fifteen The World Expo
Basic Reading Skills( 15 )
Passage One The Theme of Expo 2010
Passage Two Designing Concept of the Mascot--Haibao
Passage Three Brief Introduction of World Expo Shanghai
