


作者:司炳月 编著,Paul Bentley 审校





 1 Preparation for an Interview 面试的准备
  About Your Name and Age 姓名和年龄
  About Your Educational Background 教育背景
  About Work Experiences 工作经历
  About Hobbies 兴趣和爱好
  Ambitions and Aspirations 理想和抱负
  Skills and Technical Qualification 技能和资格
  About Achievements 工作业绩
  About Ways to Contact You 联系方式
 2 Interview 参加面试
  Interview Guide 面试须知
  Opening Remarks 开场白 1
  Reasons for Resignation 放弃原工作的理由
  Reasons for Application 申请本工作的理由
  About your Personality 个性介绍
  About your Remuneration 职位薪酬
  Abour Vacations and Benefits 假期和福利
  Inquiring the Result 询问结果
 1 The First Day at Work 上班第一天
  Going to Work 报到上班
  Introduction 介绍同事
  Signing Work 分配工作
  Employee Training 员工培训
  Starting a Conversation with Co-workers 与同事聊天
  Company Introduction 公司简介
 2 Corporate Culture 企业文化
  Office Romance Dos and Don’ts 男女同事交往禁忌
  Nos in the Office 办公室禁忌
  Work Consulting and Instruction 工作咨询
  Working Environment 工作环境
  Working Pressure 工作压力
  Company Dress Code 工作着装
  Teamwork 团队合作
  Making Mistakes 工作失误
  Reduction in Personnel 企业裁员
 3 Communication with Colleagues 同事相处
  Greetings on Monday Mornings 周一早晨寒暄
  Helping Each Other 互相帮助
  Lunch Time 午餐时间
  Suggestions and Advice 建议与忠告
  Certainty and Doubt 确定与质疑
  Apology to Colleagues 对同事表示道歉
  Festival Greetings 节日祝福
  Complimenting Colleagues 赞美同事
  Congratulating Colleagues 恭喜同事
  Consulating Colleagues 安慰同事
 4 Communication with Superior 与上司交流
  Pay and Benefit 薪酬与福利
  Applying for a Raise 申请加薪
  Applying for a Promotion 申请升职
  Asking for Time Off 请假
  About Your Reporting 汇报工作
  Paid Leave 带薪休假
  Pay for Working Overtime 加班费
 5 Telecommunication 电子通讯
  Memorandum 备忘录
  On the Phone 接听电话
  Technology of Faxing 传真技术
  Computer and Online Banking 计算机与网上银行
  Internet 因特网
  E-mail 电子邮件
  Blog 博客
 6 Meeting 会议
  Meeting Agenda 会议议程
  Meeting Preparation 会议筹备
  Meeting Notice 会议通知
  Taking the Floor 会议发言
  Meeting Topic 会议主题
  Discussion for Personnel 人事变动
  Discussion for Sales 讨论销售
 7 Recreation Arrangement 接待客户
  Receiving a Customer 接机
  Making Appointments 预约客户
  Visiting a Corporation 参观公司
  Ending a Conversation 结束会谈
  Business Dinner 招待晚宴
  Seeing off 送别
 8 Business Activities 商务活动
  Marketing Research 市场调研
  Product Introduction 产品介绍
  Advertisement and Publicity 广告宣传
  Trade Fair 商品交易会
  Business Negotiations 业务洽谈
  Sign a Contract 签订合同
  Negotiation on Price 价格谈判
  Technology Transfer 技术转让
 9 Business Travel 商务旅行
  Booking the Ticket 预定票务
  In the Ticket Agency 在票务中心
  At the Airport 在机场
  Declaring at the Customs 海关申报
  In the Railway Station 在火车站
  Making a Reservation 预定房间
  Checking in at a Hotel 宾馆入住
  Room Service 客房服务 ……
  Ordering at a Restaurant 餐馆点餐
 1 Quality Time 休闲时光
  Making Holiday Plans 制定旅游计划
  Going to the Art Gallery 参观画廊
  Enjoying the Concert 欣赏音乐会
  Outdoor Sports 户外运动
  At the Gym 在健身房
  Aerobic Exercise 有氧健身
  Yoga 瑜伽
  In the Cinema 在影院
  In the Bar 在酒吧
  In the Cafe 在咖啡屋
  Playing Cards 打牌
  elf-driving Travel 自驾游
 2 Route 生活花絮
  Seeing a Doctor 医院看病
  Visiting a Patient 探访病人
  At the Hairdresser’s/Barber’s 在理发店
  At the Gas Station 在加油站
  Opening an Account in the Bank 银行开户
  Shopping in the Mall 商场购物
  Rent an Apartment 租房
  Buying a House 买房
 1 Requirements 需求阶段
  Meeting Preparation 项目准备会
  General Requirements Analysis 整体需求分析
  Specific Requirements Analysis 具体需求分析
  System Model 系统建模
  Requirement Changes and Confirmation 需求变更及确认
 2 Designing 构建阶段
  Timetable Making 制定时间表 0
  Architectural Design 架构设计 .
  Interface Design Model Confirmation 界面设计模型确认
  Redesigning Framework 重设架构
 3 Testing 测试阶段
  Making the Test Plan 制定测试计划
  Setting up Test Environment 搭建测试环境
  Dealing with Test Bugs 处理测试中的问题
 4 Publishing 上线发布阶段
  Setting up Customer’s Environment 搭建客户环境
  User Test 用户测试
  Customer Training 客户培训
  System Maintenance 系统维护
 1 Business Support Scenarios 业务支持场景
  Self-Introduction for the Interview 面试自我介绍
  Showing Your Qualities in the Interview 面试中才能展现
  Introducing Background Information 了解项目背景
  Project Interview 项目面试
  Vacation Policy 了解休假政策
  Registering for Training Course 注册培训课程
  Requiring a Business Card 申请名片
  Objective Settings 设定绩效目标
  Operation and Communication Evaluation 运行和沟通考核
  Team Cooperation and Satisfaction Evaluation 团队合作和满意度考核
 2 Software Development Scenarios 软件开发场景
  Finalizing Development Task 确认开发任务
  Clarifying Progress of Functional Design 澄清功能设计进度
  Resolving Functional Design Delay 解决功能设计延迟
  Clarifying Estimation 澄清估算
  Applying Estimation Guideline 运用估算指导原则
  SQA Auditing 软件质量保证审计
  Arranging System Integration Test 安排系统集成测试
  Integration Test Delay 集成测试延迟
  Coping with Integration Test Delay 应对测试延迟
  User Acceptance Test 完成用户接受测试
  Tackling the Canceled Task 应对开发任务取消
  Personnel Adjustment 人员配备调整
 3 Software Maintenance Scenarios 软件维护场景
  Kick-off Meeting 项目启动会议
  Clarifying Requirement 澄清客户要求
  Finalizing Functional Design 确定功能设计
  Clarifying Service Level 澄清服务等级
  Applying Service Level Agreement 运用服务等级协议
  Dealing with the Urgent Call from Customers 处理客户紧急请求
  Task Assignment 针对请求布置任务
  Discussing Solution 讨论解决方案
  Calling SME for Help 向业务专家寻求帮助
  Preparing for Knowledge Transfer 准备知识转移
  Peer Review 同行评审
  Realizing Solution 实现解决方案
  Requesting for Feedback 请求反馈
  Root Cause Analysis 根本原因分析
