
英语教程(4 修订版)

英语教程(4 修订版)

作者:朱维芳 主编,曹萍,张淑艳 编





暂缺《英语教程(4 修订版)》作者简介
Unit One How to Use This Book Successfully
1.1 A Genera[ Introduction to the Book and a Comparison with the Previous Books
1.2 Samples of the Oral Exercises
1.3 Vocabulary Learning
1.4 Reading for Different Purposes
1.5 Listening Tasks
Unit Two Organizing Your Learning
2.1 What Are the Resources?
2.2 How to Make the Best Use of the Resources
2.3 How to Organize Your Learning
2.4 Homework
Unit Three Pleased to Meet You
3.1 Word Power
3.2 Reading
3.3 Listening
3.4 Speaking
3.5 Homework
Self-assessment for Unit Three
Unit Four Jobs and Responsibilities
4.1 Word Power
4.2 Reading
4.3 Listening
4.4 Speaking
4.5 Homework (Presentation)
Unit Five Daily Routines and Feelings About Jobs
5.1 Word Power
5.2 Reading
5.3 Listening
5.4 Speaking
5.5 Homework (Presentation)
Self-assessment for Units Four & Five
Unit Six Our Company
6.1 Word Power
6.2 Reading
6.3 Listening
6.4 Speaking
6.5 Homework
Unit Seven Organizational Structure
7.1 Word Power
7.2 Reading
7.3 Listening
7.4 Speaking
7.5 Homework
Self-assessment for Units Six & Seven
Unit Eight I Prefer to Stay in
8.1 Word Power
8.2 Reading
8.3 Listening
8.4 Speaking
8.5 Homework
Unit Nine I Will Fly to
9.1 Word Power
9.2 Reading
9.3 Listening
9.4 Speaking
9.5 Homework
Self-assessment for Units Eight & Nine
Unit Ten Enjoying a Business Dinner
10.1 Word Power
10.2 Reading
10.3 Listening
10.4 Speaking
10.5 Homework
Unit Eleven Travel and Sightseeing
11.1 Word Power
11.2 Reading
11.3 Listening
11.4 Speaking
11.5 Homework
Self-assessment for Units Ten & Eleven
Unit Twelve Made in China
12.1 Word Power
12.2 Reading
12.3 Listening
12.4 Speaking
12.5 Homework
Unit Thirteen Guangzhou Trade Fair
13.1 Word Power
13.2 Reading
13.3 Listening
13.4 Speaking
13.S Homework
Serf-assessment for Units Twelve & Thirteen
Unit Fourteen I'm the Right Person
14.1 Word Power
14.2 Reading
14.3 Listening
14.4 Speaking
14.5 Homework
