
英语高级口译资格证书考试高级听力教程(第3版 附光盘)

英语高级口译资格证书考试高级听力教程(第3版 附光盘)

作者:周国强 主编





暂缺《英语高级口译资格证书考试高级听力教程(第3版 附光盘)》作者简介
Unit One
PART ONE About Cambridge University
PART TWO You Have Been at Cornell University
PART THREE Women Teachers in Primary Schools
PART FOUR When I Was at Harrow ...
PART FivE A Typical University Course in North America
PART SiX Listening and Translation
Unit Two
PART ONE Crime and Punishment
PART TWO The Figures for Burglaries Have Risen Alarmingly
PART THREE A Bank Robbery
PART FOUR Neighborhood Watch
PART FIVE What Happened during the Night?
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Three
PART ONE Tourism in Britain
PART TWO When Are You Planning on Traveling?
PART THREE Stories about Travel
PART FOUR Booking Accommodatiori
PART FIVE Changes in Transportation
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Four
PART ONE About a Language Test
PART TWO What Makes a Good Language Learner?
PART THREE Differences in North American English
PART FOUR Functions of Language
PART FIVE Learning Italian
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Five
PART ONE Population in the European Union
PART TWO Where to Find a Hospital Bed?
PART THREE Television Ownership
PART FOUR Volvo Earnings
PART FIVE Have You Ever Called a Place for Help or Information
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Six
PART ONE Enquiring about a Job
PART TWO Astronaut Wanted, No Experience Necessary
PART FOUR The Changing U.S. Job Market
PART FIVE As the Saying Goes, Time Is Money
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Seven
PART TWO About a London Taxi Driver
PART THREE An American in London
PART FOUR The Civil Rights Movement in the USA
PART FIVE Homelessness in the United States
PART SiX Listening and Translation
Unit Eight
PART ONE How the British Spend Their Holidays
PART TWO How Many Different Countries Have You Ever Been To?
PART THREE Holidays May Be a Source of Stress
PART FOUR How to Prepare for a Holiday
PART FIVE Traveling and Jet Lag
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Nine
PART ONE Arrangements for a Visit
PART TWO Conference Arrangements
PART THREE L'Oreal Is Active in All World Markets
PART FOUR Arrangements for a Presentation
PART FIVE Numbers, Dates and Times
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Ten
PART ONE About Canada
PART TWO Town and Around
PART THREE The Bermuda Triangle
PART FOUR Places I Know
PART FIVE About Life in the East End of London
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Eleven
PART ONE On the Phone
PART TWO Telephoning about an Export Order
PART THREE Telephoning about Conference Arrangements
PART FOUR Telephoning about Travel Arrangements
PART FIVE Marks & Spencer Has a Very Good Reputation.
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Twelve
PART ONE Planning a Presentation
PART TWO How Long Has SOFTBANK Been in Business?
PART THREE The Early History of the LEGO Company
PART FOUR How to Build Team Spirit
PART FIVE Getting on Well with Colleagues
PART SIX Listening and Translation
Unit Thirteen
PART ONE News about a Disaster
Unit Fourteen
Unit Fifteen
Unit Sixteen
