


作者:成应翠,陆俊 主编





  习语是语言的精华,是约定俗成的、极富表现力的地道语言,带有浓厚的民族色彩和鲜明的文化内涵。本书带给你不一样的学习体验,让你的英语不再0ut了!本书配有精美可爱的卡通形象——怪怪问先生和妙妙答小姐,精选了百余条欧美最生动、最地道的习语。例如:Don't have manv ves-men inyour company.别让公司有太多的应声虫。Why do you wear Sunday best?为什么穿上最好的衣服?He always dismisses the workers and sheds crocodile tears.他总是炒工人鱿鱼还假装难过。
CHAPTER 1 Life Tempo
Eight hundred dollars for that shirt?! You must go bananas!
Rats! Where is my hat?
Fine, justchillaxin!
You are still wet behind the ears.
I really know a thing or two about such matters.
Are you an autograph-hound?
Look at what kind of room you have rented! It's just like the pen!
He is a dark horse.
Their cars go like hot cakes.
Would you chance your arm to help me?
It snows there once in a blue moon.
Don't pig out! Slowly!
I'll bend over backwards to help you.
I bit the bullet and had an operation.
Don't mince words to me.
CHAPTER 2 Sentiment Boat
Hi, your girlfriend is a peach!
Why are you all thumbs today?
Tomorrow is my red letter day.
He is just an apple of Sodom!
He gets tongue-tied when he sees his cup of tea.
I don't want to be a third wheel.
I had met my Mr. Right today.
Let's talk cold turkey about our changes.
Chess is my cup of tea.
Don't pay lip service!
They hit it off instantly.
Say cheese!
It really cools my heels.
My wife wears the pants at home.
Don't cry in your beer.
CHAPTER 3 Career Arena
laced it!
I have to bird-dog the whole project.
You are still going to eat my dust!
I'm going to take the bull by the horns!
I will give those guys a run for the money in this competition.
Don't have many yes-men in your company.
There is so much dirty work I have to do everyday.
Don't toady to me.
Why do you wear Sunday best?
He always dismisses the workers and sheds crocodile tears.
The boss broke the ice with a funny word.
He is the man Friday of the manager.
You are still learning the ropes.
You are barking up at the wrong tree.
You shouldn't rest on your laurels.
CHAPTER 4 Passers-by
He is the boss's fair-haired boy.
Don't be a worry wart.
John is an egg-head, reading books from dawn to dark.
This cosmetic salesman is a fast-talker.
He is such a goody-goody!
You are always tardy.
She is too lanky.
She is lean, yellow, and long in the tooth.
She's just a plain Jane.
I think Frank will say / cry uncle at last.
If he blows you off next time, ask him why.
She has had a makeunder.
You are my framily.
She has been high and dry.
She is an alpha earner.
CHAPTER 5 Rich Life
Get a life!
It's a horse sense.
Tantrums are harmful to you.
We can't get free lunch.
Get real!
No sale.
It doesn't require you to be a rocket scientist.
He has been a basket case for weeks.
She bellied up.
No wonder he is on cloud nine all the day.
Sometimes I crack up.
You have some serious crow to eat.
I'm having a bad hair day.
I dare face the music!
I really feel in the pink now.
CHAPTER 6 Falling Pedals
Sorry, search me!
Isn't it bad news?
Go native!
I mean business.
My eye!
Say, say, say.
Sue me.
You bet.
Are you totally at sea?
He is taking a cat nap.
You are a nosy parker.
Are you pulling my leg?
He is a hard nut.
He is a lucky dog.
