作者:张玲敏 主编
众多学子和读者期盼已久的《北京英语导游全攻略》一书终于面世了。本书继续秉承作者另一本书《北京主要景点介绍(英文版)》(英语导游人员资格考试口试指定参考书)(Beijing Major Scenic Spots Introduction)的编写特色,根据近几年国内导游英语口试实践的发展与需求,将内容从原来北京6个主要景点扩展到13个主要景点,作为“北京经典名胜古迹”部分(分l3个章节)呈现给读者。同时,本书还新增了“北京底蕴深厚的文化景观”部分,分别从“北京特色景点游”、“北京特色休闲文化之旅”、“名校、名人故居及奥运场馆之旅”及“北京特色文化艺术之旅”4个章节对北京的特色文化景观进行了介绍,为读者提供了极具北京地方特色的景点导游信息。为保证本书能够与时俱进,方便读者使用,作者在保证本书内容丰富翔实的同时,编写中还特别融入了自己多年来在与业内专家对导游口语培训进行切磋过程中获得的启发,以及在与历年参加北京英语口语考试的考生们教学相长过程中所取得的新收获。
Snapshot of Beijing北京简介
Part I 北京经典名胜古迹
Chapter l Tian’anmen and Tian’anmen Square天安门及天安门广场
Section l General Information(概况)
Section 2 Tian’annlen(Gate of Heavenly Peace)(天安门)
1.Tian’anmen Rostrum(天安门城楼)
2.Decorations in front of Tian’anmen(天安门前设施)
Section 3 Tian’flnlnen Square during Ming &Qing Dynasties(明清时期的天安门广场)
2.“Civil East and Military West”Pattern(“文东武西”建制)
3.Left and Right Chan9’an Gate(长安左门与长安右门)
4.Thousand-Step Corridor(千步廊)
5.Gate of Great Ming(大明门)
6.South.Facing Gate or Front Gate(正阳门/前门)
Section 4 Modern Tian’811nlen Square(今13天安门广场)
1.The Square and Chan9’an(Everlasting Peace)Avenue (广场与长安街)
2.National Flag,Flag Pole and Flag Raising(Lowering)Ceremony(国旗、旗杆及升降国旗仪式)
3.Monument to the People’S Heroes(人民英雄纪念碑)
4.Chairman Mao Memorial Hall(毛主席纪念堂)
5.Great Hall of the People(人民大会堂)
6.National Museum of China(中国国家博物馆)
Appendix l Snmmary to This Chapter(本章要点综述)
1.Tian’anmen and Tian’anmen Square during the Ming&Qing Dynasl(明清时期的天安门及天安门广场)
2.Modern Tian’anmen Square(现代天安门广场)
Appendix 2 Questions for Review(思考题)
Chapter 2 Palace Museum 故宫
Section 1 General Information(概况)
1.Orion of the Name(名称由来)
Section 2 0uter Court(前朝)
1.Meridian Gate and Its Square(午门及午门广场)
2.Gate of Supreme Harmony and Its Square(太和门及太和门广场)
3.Hall of Supreme Harmony and Its Square(太和殿及太和殿广场)
4.Hall of Complete Harmony(中和殿)
5.Hall of Preserving Harmony(保和殿)
Section 3 East wmg of the Outer Court(前朝东翼)
1.Hall of Literary Glory(文华殿)
2.Pavilion of the Imperial Library(文渊阁)
3.Structures to the South of the Hall(文华殿南侧建筑群)
4.Structures to the Noah of the Hall(文华殿北侧建筑群)
Section 4 West Wing of the Outer Court(前朝西翼)
1.Hall of Martial Valor(武英殿)
2.Palace of All Peace(咸安宫)
3.Hall of South Fragrance(南熏殿)
4.Internal Affairs Department(内务府)
Section 5 Inner Cow(后廷)
1.Layout of the Inner Cou.(内廷布局)
Part II 北京底蕴深厚的文化景观
Part I 北京经典名胜古迹
Chapter l Tian’anmen and Tian’anmen Square天安门及天安门广场
Section l General Information(概况)
Section 2 Tian’annlen(Gate of Heavenly Peace)(天安门)
1.Tian’anmen Rostrum(天安门城楼)
2.Decorations in front of Tian’anmen(天安门前设施)
Section 3 Tian’flnlnen Square during Ming &Qing Dynasties(明清时期的天安门广场)
2.“Civil East and Military West”Pattern(“文东武西”建制)
3.Left and Right Chan9’an Gate(长安左门与长安右门)
4.Thousand-Step Corridor(千步廊)
5.Gate of Great Ming(大明门)
6.South.Facing Gate or Front Gate(正阳门/前门)
Section 4 Modern Tian’811nlen Square(今13天安门广场)
1.The Square and Chan9’an(Everlasting Peace)Avenue (广场与长安街)
2.National Flag,Flag Pole and Flag Raising(Lowering)Ceremony(国旗、旗杆及升降国旗仪式)
3.Monument to the People’S Heroes(人民英雄纪念碑)
4.Chairman Mao Memorial Hall(毛主席纪念堂)
5.Great Hall of the People(人民大会堂)
6.National Museum of China(中国国家博物馆)
Appendix l Snmmary to This Chapter(本章要点综述)
1.Tian’anmen and Tian’anmen Square during the Ming&Qing Dynasl(明清时期的天安门及天安门广场)
2.Modern Tian’anmen Square(现代天安门广场)
Appendix 2 Questions for Review(思考题)
Chapter 2 Palace Museum 故宫
Section 1 General Information(概况)
1.Orion of the Name(名称由来)
Section 2 0uter Court(前朝)
1.Meridian Gate and Its Square(午门及午门广场)
2.Gate of Supreme Harmony and Its Square(太和门及太和门广场)
3.Hall of Supreme Harmony and Its Square(太和殿及太和殿广场)
4.Hall of Complete Harmony(中和殿)
5.Hall of Preserving Harmony(保和殿)
Section 3 East wmg of the Outer Court(前朝东翼)
1.Hall of Literary Glory(文华殿)
2.Pavilion of the Imperial Library(文渊阁)
3.Structures to the South of the Hall(文华殿南侧建筑群)
4.Structures to the Noah of the Hall(文华殿北侧建筑群)
Section 4 West Wing of the Outer Court(前朝西翼)
1.Hall of Martial Valor(武英殿)
2.Palace of All Peace(咸安宫)
3.Hall of South Fragrance(南熏殿)
4.Internal Affairs Department(内务府)
Section 5 Inner Cow(后廷)
1.Layout of the Inner Cou.(内廷布局)
Part II 北京底蕴深厚的文化景观