


作者:张晓燕,张萍 主编





Part 1 The Whirl of Society 社交应酬
 Unit One Greetings 打招呼
 Unit Two Introduction 热情介绍
 Unit Three Pay a Visit 拜访
 Unit Four Appointments 约会
 Unit Five Giving Presents 赠送礼物
 Unit Six Invitation 邀请
 Unit Seven Receiving a Guest 接待客人
 Unit Eight Farewells 送别
Part 2 Express Emotion 表情达意
 Unit One Expressing Thanks 表示感谢
 Unit Two Comfort Encouragement 安慰鼓励
 Unit Three Annoyance and Anger 恼怒气愤
 Unit Four Good Wishes and Congratulations 祝愿祝贺
 Unit Five Making an Apology 表达歉意
 Unit Six Request 请求
 Unit Seven Complaining 抱怨
 Unit Eight Disappointed 失望
Part 3 Communicative Situation 情景交际
 Unit One Go Shopping 购物
 Unit Two At a Laundry 在洗衣店
 Unit Three At the Post Office 在邮局
 Unit Four At the Hospital 在医院
 Unit Five At School 在学校
 Unit Six At the Hotel 在旅馆
 Unit Seven Ask/Give Directions 问路/指路
 Unit Eight At the Bank 在银行
Part 4 The Telephone Exchange 电话交流
 Unit One Connection 请求接线
 Unit Two Call Transfer 转接电话
 Unit Three Phone Call is Cut off 线路不通
 Unit Four Wrong Number 打错电话
 Unit Five Telephone Message 电话留言
 Unit Six Call for Help 电话求助
 Unit Seven Making Telephone Appointments 电话预约
Part 5 Social Etiquette 社交礼仪
 Unit One Amenity & Wedding 婚嫁礼仪
 Unit Two Dance Etiquette 舞会礼仪
 Unit Three Celebrate Festivals 节日礼仪
 Unit Four Table Manners 就餐礼仪
 Unit Five Commercial Etiquette 商务礼仪
 Unit Six Interview Etiquette 面试礼仪
 Unit Seven Visit Patient 探病礼仪
 Unit Eight Office Etiquette 办公礼仪
Part 6 Talk with People 与人交谈
 Unit One Talk about Interests and Hobbies 谈论兴趣和爱好
 Unit Two Talking about Work 谈论工作
 Unit Three Talking about the Weather 谈论天气
 Unit Four Chatting about Traveling 谈论旅游
 Unit Five Talking about Family 谈论家庭
 Unit Six Talking about Food 谈美食
 Unit Seven Talk about Sports 谈论运动
Part 7 Business Conversation 商务会话
 Unit One Meeting Somebody at the Airport 机场接人
 Unit Two Tour. Arrangement 安排游玩
 Unit Three Hotel Arrangement 安排住宿
 Unit Four Business Lunches and Dinners 商务会餐
 Unit Five Company Introduction 公司介绍
 Unit Six Trade Show 参加商展
 Unit Seven Show Around 带人参观
 Unit Eight Business Cooperation 业务合作
Part 8 Networked Communication 网络交往
 Unit One Internet Friendship 网上交友
 Unit Two Hunting for a Job on Intemet 网上求职
 Unit Three Online Game 网络游戏
 Unit Four Network Sales 网络销售
 Unit Five E-mail 电子邮件
 Unit Six Shopping on the Internet 网上购物
