


作者:盛丹丹 主编





Chapter 1 Business Communications 商务交际
  Unit 1 Answering the Telephone接听电话/002
  Unit 2 DiMing a Wrong Number打错电话/004
  Unit 3 Calling a Switchboard电话转接/006
  Unit 4 Arranging an Appointment安排约会/008
  Unit 5 Putting Off an Appointment推迟约会/010
  Unit 6 Canceling an Appointment取消约会/012
  Unit 7 Visiting Clients拜访客户/014
  Unit 8 Reception商务接待/016
  Unit 9 Introduction of the Company公司介绍/018
  Unit 10 Visiting Factories参观工厂/020
  Unit 1 1 Business Meals商务会餐/022
  Unit 12 Arranging Activities安排活动/024
  Unit 13 Seeing Off Customers送别客户/026
  Chapter 2 Price and Terms of Payment 价格与付款方式
  Unit 1 Inquiry询盘/028
  Unit 2 Offer报盘/030
  Unit 3 Counter-Offer还盘/032
  Unit 4 CIF成本、保险加运费价/034
  Unit 5 DDP完税后交货价/036
  Unit 6 EXW工厂交货价/038
  Unit 7 FOB船上交货价/040
  Unit 8 Remittance汇付/042
  Unit 9 Collection托收/044
  Unit 10 Letter of Credit信用证/046
  Unit 11 Letter of Guarantee保函/048
  Chapter 3 Packing and Logistics 包装与物流
  Unit 1 Mode of Packing包装方式/050
  Unit 2 Ways of Shipment装运方式/052
  Unit 3 Date of Shipment装运期限/054
  Unit 4 Chartering a Vessel租船订舱/056
  Unit 5 Port of Departure起运港/058
  Unit 6 Port of Destination目的港/060
  Unit 7 Transshipment Port中转港/062
  Unit 8 Clearance of Goods报关/064
  Unit 9 Customs Clearance结关/066
  Unit 10 Export Drawback出口退税/068
  Unit 11 Exemption from Duty进口免税/070
  Chapter 4 Forms of Trade 贸易方式
  Unit 1 Technology Transfer技术转让/072
  Unit 2 Bidding招标/074
  Unit 3 Tender投标/076
  Unit 4 Joint Venture合资企业/078
  Unit 5 Compensation Trade补偿贸易/080
  Unit 6 Barter Trade易货贸易/082
  Unit 7 Consignment Trade寄售贸易/084
  Unit 8 Processing Business加工业务/086
  Unit 9 Assembling Business装配业务/088
  Unit 10 Financing融资/090
  Unit 1l Agent有关代理/092
  Unit 12 Commission佣金问题/094
  Chapter 5 Import and Export商贸进出口
  Unit 1 Credit Inquiry资信调查/096
  Unit 2 Establishing Trade Relations建立贸易关系/098
  Unit 3 Quantity of the Order订货数量/100
  Unit 4 Quality of Goods货物质量/102
  Unit 5 Ordering Goods下订单/104
  Unit 6 Out of stock缺货/106
  Unit 7 Insurance Rate保险费率/108
  Unit 8 Commodity Inspection商品检验/110
  Unit 9 Signing a Contract签订合同/112
  Unit 10 Revision of a Contract修改合同/114
  Chapter 6 Business Conferences 商务会议
  Unit 1 Preparing for a Meeting会议筹备/116
  Unit 2 Agenda会议议程/118
  Unit 3 Beginning the Meeting会议开始/120
  Unit 4 Discussing During the Meeting会议讨论/122
  Unit 5 Summarization and Adjournment总结闭会/124
  Chapter 7 Company Operation 公司运作
  Unit 1 Competition竞争/126
  Unit 2 Partnership合作关系/128
  Unit 3 Product Launch新产品发布会/130
  Unit 4 Press Conference记者招待会/132
  Unit 5 Registering a Trademark商标注册/134
  Unit 6 Patent专利/136
  Unit 7 Financial Affairs公司财务/138
  Unit 8 Company Website公司网站/140
  Unit 9 Mergers公司合并/142
  Unit 10 Branch Offices分支机构/144
  Chapter 8 Marketing &Sales 市场营销
  Unit 1 Market Research市场调研/146
  Unit 2 Target Audience目标消费者/148
  Unit 3 Promotion by Salesperson登门推销/150
  Unit 4 Advertising Campaign广告运作/152
  Unit 5 Choosing Media选择媒体/154
  Unit 6 Details of all Advertisement广告细节/156
  Unit 7 Promotional Events促销活动/158
  Unit 8 Preparing for a Trade Show准备展会/160
  Unit 9 Trade Shows展会现场/1 62
  Unit 10 Product Demonstrations产品展示/164
  Unit 11 E-commerce电子商务/166
  Unit 12 After-Sale Service售后服务/168
  Chapter 9 Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理
  Unit 1 Complaints About Quality质量投诉/170
  Unit 2 Complaints About Short Quantity短重投诉/172
  Unit 3 Dealing with Complaints处理投诉/174
  Unit 4 Wrong Shipment错发货物/176
  Unit 5 Returning the Goods退货/178
  Unit 6 Claims索赔/1 80
  Unit 7 Arbitration诉诸仲裁/182
  Unit 8 Public Relations公共关系/1 84
  Unit 9 Company Gifts公司纪念品/186
  Chapter 10 Contacting with Bank 与银行业务
  Unit 1 Opening an Account开立账户/188
  Unit 2 Inquiring About Interest Rates询问利率/190
  Unit 3 Depositing and Withdrawing存款取钱/192
  Unit 4 Closing an Account注销账户/194
  Unit 5 Cashing a Check支票兑现/196
  Unit 6 The Rate of Exchange外汇汇率/198
  Unit 7 Exchanging Money货币兑换/200
  Unit 8 Credit Card信用卡/202
  Unit 9 Reporting a Lost Passbook存折挂失/204
  Unit 10 Investing in Stock Market投资股市/206
  Chapter 11 Business Trip 商务旅行
  Unit 1 Daily Schedule日程安排/208
  Unit 2 Passport and Visa护照签证210
  Unit 3 Booking a Plane Ticket订飞机票/212
  Unit 4 Security Check安全检查/214
  Unit 5 On the Plane在飞机上/216
  Unit 6 Transit转机/218
  Unit 7 Passing the Customs过海关/220
  Unit 8 By Ship乘船/222
  Unit 9 By Train乘火车/224
  Unit 10 Asking the way问路/226
  Unit 11 By Bus乘公交车/228
  Unit 12 By Subway乘地铁/230
  Unit 13 Taking a Taxi乘出租车/232
  Unit 14 Reserving a Room订房间/234
  Unit 15 Checking in入住登记/236
  Unit 16 Wake-up Call电话叫醒/238
  Unit 17 Laundry送洗衣物/240
  Unit 18 Maintenance维修服务/242
  Unit 19 Bill Mistake账单错误/244
  Unit 20 Checking out结账退房/246
  Unit 21 Booking a Table餐厅订位/248
  Unit 22 At the Restaurant在餐馆/250
  Unit 23 Sightseeing参观游览/252
