


作者:高翔 总主编





PartⅠ B Usiness Life商务生活
Unit 1 On a B Usiness Trip(出差)
Unit 2 Reserving a Room(预订房间)
Unit 3 Crossing the Border(过边境)
Unit 4 At the C Ustoms(过海关)
Unit 5 Meeting at the Airport(接机)
Unit 6 Making an Introd Uction(彼此介绍)
Unit 7 Taking a Taxi(打车)
Unit 8 Traveling by B Us and S Ubway(乘坐公共汽车和地铁)
Unit 9 B Usiness Reception(商务接待)
Unit 10 Conference Arrangement(安排会议)
Unit 11 Making Sched Ules(日程安排)
Unit 12 Changing Plans(改变计划)
Unit 13 In the Resta Urant(在餐厅)
Unit 14 Entertainment(娱乐)
Unit 15 Shopping(购物)
Unit 16 Sightseeing(观光旅游)
Unit 17 Check-o Ut(退房)
Unit 18 Parting(离别)
PartⅡ B Usiness Comm Unications商务交流
Unit 1 B Usiness Plan(商务计划)
Unit 2 B Usiness Letters(商务信函)
Unit 3 E-mail(电子邮件)
Unit 4 B Usiness Phone Call(打电话)
Unit 5 Invitation(邀请客人)
Unit 6 Visiting a Factory(参观工厂)
Unit 7 Exec Uting Meetings(开会)
Unit 8 Small Talk(聊天)
Unit 9 Talking abo Ut the Job(谈论工作)
Unit 10 Comments on the Boss(评价老板)
Unit 11 Trade Fair(商品交易会)
Unit 12 Press Release(新闻发布)
Unit 13 Company Profile(公司介绍)
Unit 14 Corporate C Ult Ure(公司文化)
Unit 15 Recommendation(产品推荐)
Unit 16 Trade Forms(贸易形式)
PartⅢ B Usiness Practice商务实务
Unit 1 Establishing B Usiness Relations(建立业务关系)
Unit 2 Inq Uiry(询盘)
Unit 3 Offer(报盘)
Unit 4 Co Unter-offer(还盘)
Unit 5 Price Negotiation(磋商价格)
Unit 6 Disco Unts and Commissions(折扣和佣金)
Unit 7 Terms of Payment(付款方式)
Unit 8 Packaging(包装)
Unit 9 Ins Urance(保险)
Unit 10 Order(订购)
Unit 11 Signing a Contract(签订合同)
Unit 12 Shipment(装运)
Unit 13 Delivery(交货)
Unit 14 Commodity Inspection(商品检验)
Unit 15 Ret Urning the Goods(退货)
Unit 16 Claims(索赔)
Unit 17 Settling Complaints(处理投诉)
PartⅣ Other B Usiness Sectors其他商务环节
Unit 1 Advertising(广告)
Unit 2 Patent and Trademark(专利和商标)
Unit 3 Job Interviews(面试)
Unit 4 Training(培训)
Unit 5 Paying Taxes(缴税)
Unit 6 B Udget(预算)
Unit 7 A Uditing(审计)
Unit 8 Q Uality Control(质量控制)
Unit 9 B Usiness Environment(商务环境)
Unit 10 Market Research(市场调查)
Unit 11 Sole Agent(独家代理)
Unit 12 E-b Usiness(电子商务)
Unit 13 After-sale Services(售后服务)
Unit 14 Banking B Usiness(银行业务)
Unit 15 Tendering and Bidding(招标与投标)
Unit 16 Technology Transfer and Cooperation(技术转让与技术合作)
Unit 17 Merger and Acq Uisition(并购)
Unit 18 Financing and F Undraising(融资和集资)
Unit 19 Joint Vent Ure(合资企业)
