


作者:叶正 编著





That’S cool.酷毙了!
All right,I gotta go.好的!我得走了。
It cracks me up.笑死我了。
Everything is five by five.一切都好。
Don’t show off.别炫耀了。
It’S not like that.并非如此。
Do you have any pet peeve?你有什么怪毛病吗?
It’s still up in the air.还不确定。
Here you are.给你,请吧。
I'm broke.我没有钱了。
Guess what?你猜怎么着?
Make yourself at home.请不要拘束。
Me too.我也是。
Are you guys OK?你还好吗?
How are you feeling?你觉得怎样呢?
Cut it out!得了,少来这套!
What ale you up to?你在忙什么呢?
Fair to middling.还行,凑合吧。
It doesn’t matter.没关系,不要紧。
By the way顺便提一下。
I don't care.我不在乎。
I hope So.希望如此。
Well done!干得漂亮!棒极了!
Get off my back.少跟我唠叨。
More bang for the buck.物美价廉。
Any time.不客气,有事尽管开口。
You flatter me.你过奖了!
Don’t pig out.不要狼吞虎咽。
It’S a deal.一言为定。
He stood me up again.他放我鸽子。
Dinner is on me.我做东。
You’ve made my day.你让我很开心。
Don’t get in my hair.别烦我了。
I ll freak out if you don’t show up!你要是再不出现,我就快疯了!
He’s all thumbs.他笨手笨脚。
Cheers!Bottoms up.干杯,要一口喝完。
Let’S go Dutch.AA制。
Sit tight.再等等。
Keep your shirt on.冷静点。
What do you fancy?你想吃什么?
I aln sober.我很清醒。
Holy COW!哇赛!不会吧!
Check it out!来看看吧!
My card is maxed out.我的卡刷爆了。
Kick back.放松下。
Sleep tight!睡个好觉!
Have a nice day!祝你一天愉快!
Wow[It's packed.哇!好多人啊。
Have a safe trip.一路顺风。
It’S a piece of cake.小菜一碟。
l got the short end of the stick.我吃亏了。
You just said a mouthful!你说得很对。
You are dead meat.你死定了。
Rain check.改天吧。
Don’t jinx it.话别说得太早。
What a crowd!人多得要命!
Believe it or not!信不信由你!
Time is always against US.时光飞逝。
What gives?出什么事了?
Cut otit your crap!少废话!
You’lap a card.你真逗!
You’re in the pink!你气色真好!
He is bouncy.他精力充沛。
I give you my word!我向你保证。
Over my dead body.打死我我也不干。
That’S more like it.这还差不多。
Let it be.顺其自然吧。
Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。
Don’t play games with me!别跟我耍花招!
Let’S not talk about it any more.别再说这个了。
It’s a long story.一言难尽。
I'm single.我是单身贵族。
It’s just a little white lie.这只是个善意的谎言而已。
Hold your horses!等等!
I lapped it up.我很享受。
You eat like a sparrow!你的饭量很小!
I must be losing it.我肯定是疯了。
I kill time.消磨时间。
1 would rather not say.还是别说了吧。
It seems a bit steep.似乎有点贵。
You’re really killing me!真是笑死我了!
Foot the bill.买单。
I Call’t help myself.我无法控制自己。
Do you really mean it?此话当真?
That’s sordething!太棒了!
That’S the spirit!这就对了。
Joy ride.兜兜风。
Too bad.那也没办法。
That’S too much.太过分了。
It’s the other way around.恰恰相反。
I'm speechless.我无话可说。
Good things have just begun!好戏就要上场了!
Take care of yourself.多保重。
Now you're talking!正合我意!
Search me!我不知道。
You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚!
Will it never end?你有完没完?
Leave me be.让我一个人静一静。
Who cares?谁管那么多?
Who knows.谁知道呢。
I've got nothing to lose.我豁出去了!
I'm going out of my mind!我快崩溃了。
That is a wishful thinking.想得美。
Licking good.味道好极了。
Every Tom。Dick and Harry.不管张三李四。
Let bygones be bygones.过去的事情让它过去吧。
Never say die.别说丧气话。
It takes two to tango.一个巴掌拍不响。
Don’t let the bedbugs bite.晚安。
It's a beautiful day.今天天气很好。
One man’s meat is another man’s poisson.萝卜青菜,各有所爱。
Between US.你知我知。
Don't push me.别逼我。
