


作者:辛凌 主编





  《大学英语进阶听力教程》适应大学英语教学改革形势发展的需要,特别注重训练语言学习者的听力并讲授提高听力的方法,以满足广大教师和学生英语学习的新需求。 本套教程分为6册,每册重点明确,循序渐进,形成一个有机的整体,系统性强。本书为第六册。本册主要取材于近年来美国之音(VOA)及英国广播公司(BBC)的英语广播节目,涉及的主题多样,与日常生活、社会经济、科技发展等人们普遍关注的问题紧密相关。语言正式、规范,发音清晰,语速由慢及快。
Unit 1 Health
 Part A Observation Mass Media Agencies
 Part B Conversation May I Speak with Ms. Shirley Green?
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One Hand-Washing
  Passage Two SARS in China
 Part D Appreciation
  An Essay  Lake of Autumn
Unit 2 Food
 Part A Observation Idioms with Food Words
 Part B Conversation How May I Help You Today?
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One Pizza
  Passage Two How Much Water Should We Drink?
 Part D Appreciation
  A Poem  For Everything There Is a Season
Unit 3 Courses and Requirements
 Part A Observation A Course Introduction and Degree Requirements
 Part B Conversation I Just Don't Agree with You at All
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One G.E.D. Examinations
  Passage Two Online Learning
 Part D Appreciation
  An Opera Song The Phantom of the Opera
Unit 4 Agrioulture
 Part A Observation Homestays Abroad
 Part B Conversation Welcome to Rental Property Management
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One Tulip
  Passage Two A New Rural Development Strategy
 Part D Appreciation
  An Essay  Youth
Quiz 1
Unit 5 Learnins Problems
 Part A Observation Asking for and Giving Directions
 Part B Conversation Here Is the Cornell System for Taking Notes
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One Television-Watching and A. D.D.
  Passage Two Learning Disabilities
 Part D Appreciation
  A Word Story Expressions Derived from Poker
Unit 6 Technology
 Part A Observation E-Ticketing and Boarding
 Part B Conversation Thank You for Agreeing to This Interview
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One The "Motomen" Project
  Passage Two Television Dramas Help Save Lives
 Part D Appreciation
  A Cartoon Dialogue Shrek (Excerpt)
Unit 7 Economics
 Part A Observation Sales Promotions and Ad Slogans
 Part B Conversation How Did You Start Your Career?
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One Phevos and Athena
  Passage Two Wal-Mart
 Part D Appreciation
  A Song  Pass the Flame
Unit 8 Education
 Part A Observation Banking and Check Writing
 Part B Conversation Music and Art Classes May Do More for Students
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One The Teacher of the Year
  Passage Two Foreign Language Learning in the U. S.
 Part D Appreciation
  An Interview Excerpt Bill Gates' Key to Success
Quiz 2
Unit 9 InternationaiReport
 Part A Observation Documents and a Visa Interview
 Part B Conversation Can You Tell Me What the Student Union Does?
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One A G-7 Agreement
  Passage Two U.S. Steps Up Pressure on Belarus
 Part D Appreciation
  A Tip for Address Terms
  How Names Are Called in America?
Unit 10 Information and Communication
 Part A Observation Freshman Orientations
 Part B Conversation How Closely Are You Tied into the New Technology?
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One International Children's Digital Library
  Passage Two Cyber Cafe
 Part D Appreciation
  A Poem  If
Unit 11 International Assistance
 Part A Observation Job Application Letters
 Part B Conversation How Do We Explain Our Behaviors?
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
  Passage Two A Special Medical Camp
 Part D Appreciation
  A Song  Dance with My Father
Unit 12 Problem Solutions
 Part A Observation Job Interview Tips and Resume Writing
 Part B Conversation Maybe We Need to Read Both Kinds of Papers
 Part C Exploration
  Passage One Defense of Pessimism
  Passage Two A Speech by George W. Bush
 Part D Appreciation
  A Speech  Gettysburg Address
Quiz 3
 Tapescripts and Keys
